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About th3overseer

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  1. I'm casting for a decent-sized quest mod, hit me up over heeeeere: https://www.castingcall.club/projects/fallout-new-vegas-the-high-desert
  2. I need an "ontrigger enter" type script that will disable and remove any NPCs in a specific faction that enter the trigger area. I need the trigger to completely ignore anything that enters it that isn't a member of this specific NPC faction. So, any of y'all know what that'd look like?
  3. I still have the original version of the mod before I turned it into an ESM. That conversion went fine, but as soon as I make any edits to the quest (relevant map marker is disabled until the quest starts, relevant door is locked until quest starts, etc) and then convert it into an ESM for testing, the quest breaks.
  4. I don't know how to explain this, but I have to try. So, in the current state of the mod on the nexus right now, you speak to Quest-giver NPC and his dialogue does the "setstage questname 10" thing and the quest starts, as it should be. The current public version is an ESM. In the ESP version of the file I'm tweaking, same thing. I speak with the quesgiver, the quest starts. But, when I take that ESP and convert it to back to an ESM and speak to the questgiver, the quest does not start. I tried giving him a brand new line that would also "setstage questname 10" and that also does nothing. I don't understand what's happening, and I don't know how to fix it. If none of you can make any sense of this, I can try and clarify to the best of my tech-incompetent ability, but at this point, I'm really close to giving up on remastering this horrible mod. If it's this fragile, it'd be best to just leave it alone.
  5. If I change the extension from ESP to ESM, Eliza goes ballistic, won't function, claims it's missing the master file. With that in mind, the Initiation will always be incorrectly labeled as an ESP so as to not break everything.
  6. I plan to, I just wanted to know whether or not this was even something worth delving into, or if it'd just be a waste of time that would end up breaking everything before I even start.
  7. Howdy, I have a quick question. So, Long ago, I made a (bad) quest mod called the Initiation. It was an ESP, no problem. A bit later, I turned it into an ESM with FNVedit so I could have it as a master for another mod I did, called Eliza. Now, the issue is that, while I did make the Initiation an ESM technically, it's extension is still ESP, not ESM. If I were to release a new version of it where it's a a proper ESM, would it still work? Would the bits of Eliza that relied on it still function if the extension is changed? I have no clue. If anyone knows, thanks.
  8. I make an NPC, set his health to zero, place him in the world, set him to initially disabled, and then when the script to enable him fires off... He still doesn't appear. There's been exactly one time where this actually did work, which is frankly even more baffling. Why did it work this one time, but never in any other case, when absolutely nothing has been done differently between them? I'm aware of the "spawn them alive and then kill them with a script" workaround, but that isn't feasible in this instance. Can I make this thing actually function, or am I just going to have to spawn skeletons instead and then be grumbling about this until the day I die?
  9. I've opened casting for my latest mod: https://www.castingcall.club/projects/fallout-new-vegas-depths-of-depravity
  10. I don't know exactly what I'm doing with this, but at least I know this is something that somebody more tech-savvy than me could figure out without much trouble. I want to make a perk that increases all sneak-attack damage by 50%. That's it. If anybody knows how to do that, it'd be much appreciated.
  11. It's not load order; the bug was still occurring on a clean save with no mods except for the NVSE plugins. I'm pretty certain at this point that it's something with the JIP plugin. I'm seriously considering just using this mod and crossing my fingers that having this issue rattling around the game in the background won't cause any long-term corruption or breaking.
  12. Alright, I just tested on a clean save with no mods except for the latest versions of NVSE and the JIP plugin, so one/both of them are responsible. I don't know what to actually do with that information though, since those are both pretty much required for the game to run at all.
  13. I just checked in FNVedit, and I don't have anything that touches the Debris records. I've combed through FNVedit pretty thoroughly at this point, so it seems like it has to be something to do with NVSE. I just tried turning off any NVSE plugin that I've installed in the past year or so, and it didn't fix anything. I have no idea how to fix this.
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