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About fredstek

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  1. Just wondering what everyones opinions on the best texture and lighting mods ares and what ones are compatible :)
  2. I can not for the life of me get realistic needs mod to work. I have gotten everything to work accept realistic needs!!!! I had to reinstall skyrim and a s#*! ton of mods just to get back to where i was its been two days ugh so much effort i just wanna play. So can any one please recomend a decent mod like realistic needs? I cant find any others.
  3. Hey guys just got skyrim on my new system its specs are i5 2500k overclocked 4.2ghz amd 7850 3g gddr 8gb ddr 1800mhz ram I am looking to mod this for everything including graphics, immersion and gameplay. I am looking to play it so that i can play and do all the quests but still not be fully leveld up to the point where there is no real enjoyment from doing everything any more. I want to change everything possible from weather to textures to extra npc to harder battles to slower leveling to sleeping eating those kinds of things and anything else u can think of! I am just not sure what to use as i am worried some mods will conflict with each other that is why i am asking for some advice :) Much love!
  4. Have followed every instruction to the T and it still says Fose doesent work when i load up a saved game. installed modd manager with MMM and FWE together with a FOIP mod for them to work together. I then copy pasted the two files for Fose into FO3 directory and created a merged patch. I then changed the modd load order in modd manager to the rocomended load order for the mods you might have. The merg patch was at the bottom of the load order and i leave fose and modd manager open then load fallout 3. What are some possible steps i am missing? Fallout 3 mods are not user friendly! :(
  5. I Just got my new pc and am keen to play fallout 3 again this time not on lowest graphics :) i52500k 4gig ram HD 5770 on windows 7 64bit I have downloaded these mods and pretty sure they are up to date FWE Marts mutant modd FOOK2 FOIP Fellout A graphics enhancing mod would be nice to since my system should be able to handle it So i installed fallout 3 then installed all the expansion packs "assuming that i dont need patches for mods to work if i have all expansions". I then installed mod manager and added the mods to it in no particular order. I then set the load order to what was recomended and ran FOIP. FOIP keeps saying that esp files and such are missing not sure wtf it means. If some one can please help me with really clear step by step instructions i would be forever gratefull. Thanks :)
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