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Everything posted by americanwierdo

  1. Alright, but are those In-geck options? Like they seem to be things you'd go into the settings note for and alter. But for some reason this is a problem for other people who download my mod, not just myself. And I don't think I can go around telling other people to go into their settings and alter this kind of thing. What I'm wondering is why does this happen in a cell like two Think Tanks stuck together but not in the Nellis Hangar which is a considerably larger space.
  2. Hey, it's Americanweirdo and this is a problem I've had with mods for a long time. In certain buildings, chunks of the interior won't load all the way until you walk into them. This is most often seen in Vaults and the like. I don't know why this is. But this is especially a problem when I am working on a mod where I duplicate the Think Tank Facility and turn it around to create a fully circular think tank facility. For some reason a large chunk of one side won't load until you step on it. Do you guys know how to increase the distance of the LoD while inside a facility? How can I make it so that the entire room loads? Anything you can tell me will help.
  3. I recently uploaded a mod called "Mad Factory" to the Nexus, but I constantly got replies saying that they couldn't download it for some reason. That was strange since I could download it just fine from my computer. I thought it was just a problem with the Nexus Mod Manager, but then I uploaded it to Bethesda.net and its showing signs of having the same problems there as well. The thing is that I've uploaded files to the Nexus and Bethesda.net before and didn't have any issues. So I'm wondering; why is this a problem? Am I using an older version of the Creation Kit and don't know it? Does it have something to do with the fact that I put the files in a Winrar folder? Is there a special procedure for when you include DLC content in your file like I did? Who else had this problem and what could possibly be some causes? I'd love to hear what you guys have to say and hopefully you can help me get this thing back up soon. The file is below if you guys want to dissect it and figure it out.
  4. I'm working on a mod right now, and awhile ago I accidentally included the Project Nevada-Core Masters as a requirement. It was kind of an easy mistake to make since it's right under all the DLC on the GECK's data list. I've tried using FNVedit to get rid of it. I know that supposedly, if there are no connections to a master in a mod, you can simply hit "clean masters" and that'll get rid of it. But I think the only thing that this mod and Project Nevada have in common is that they both use the "Greetings" and "Goodbye" dialogue options. Now, I'm willing to go into my mod and delete all instances of ever using those topics if I have to, but will that solve the problem? If not, can I do it from FNVEdit without deleting the topic from every other mod that uses it? Any help you can give me is appreciated. -Dr. Rocket
  5. Hey, it's Americanweirdo and I'm having issues creating a quest marker in a new interior. The quest works just fine and I'm not having issues changing stages, it's just that I can't seem to get the quest marker to show up. The quest is based on picking up holotapes: so I have an alias for both the Tape and the container it's in. I've tried to set the marker as both the holotape and the container but it's not working and I'm not sure why. I think it's possible that the program can't find the object because it doesn't recognize the location. It's a duplicate of the unused cellar from the original game, which I don't think made it into the final game. Could that be part of the problem? Can anyone help me out? This is the only thing I'm having issues with right now and I could really use a hand. Thanks for any help you can provide.
  6. Thank you for the article. I'll check it out when I can. off the top of your head, do you know how to trigger a mininuke explosion through scripting? I'm not sure where I'd find that ingame.
  7. I'm creating a mod that contains something I've never tried before: Message boxes that give you choices where you can use your skills to advance down one path or the other. If you need an example of what I'm talking about: remember when you first encounter ED-E in Nash's house and after you click on him, a message box pops up telling you you can repair him if you have 85 repair skill? I wanna do something like that in a future mod. Here is one example: in this mod, the enemy faction sneaks a bomb into the Mojave Outpost Barracks and the Courier has to deactivate it because it's too late to call in a bomb squad. I want to be able to click on it and be given the option to either defuse the bomb (requires 50 explosive,) dismantle the bomb (requires 30 repair) or run like hell (bomb immediately detonates in a mininuke explosion and the quest is failed. I should just how to set the quest stages if I just know how to put it all together. What does the model for this kind of thing look like? Keep in mind that I'm pretty experienced with scripting quests and characters, but I haven't done much scripting outside of that. Anything you can tell me will help! -Americanweirdo
  8. I'm familiar with modding in Fallout New Vegas, but as I've made my jump to learning my way around the Fallout 4 Creation Kit, I've found several difficulties. Most notably, I'm having trouble with dialogue. Right now, the issue is that when I go to talk to the character, he just stares at me and after a moment, the button prompt will pop up (no words are seen at the bottom of the screen). But no matter what I press, he won't actually say anything, even though all of the subtitles have been written in. When I tried voicing it, I couldn't even get the button prompt: he just stared at me. I've been watching several videos and I follow them step by step but I just can't seem to get it right. So I was curious: is there anything I'm supposed to download before I start modding in F04? Like a script extender or some kind of Archive Invalid? I only ask because I did just right into modding in F04 without much research and it's been a long time since I first started modding with New Vegas. Anything you can tell me will be appreciated whether it helps or not. Have you ever had this problem before? Thank you for your time! -Americanweirdo
  9. Well what I normally do is create an Object with the holotape model so that I can add in the script that the player recieves a note and that the holotape object is removed, so that can work instead. So I just do NPC.enable in the script? Is that the Reference or the ID? I'm gonna go ahead and assume it's the Reference, but if not be sure to tell me. Either way, thanks for your help.
  10. For my next mod, I want to do a scene where the player walks into an empty room, picks up a note on the wall and suddenly 6 enemies appear right behind them. How do I do that? What kind of script would that need? Just something simple like that is all I need to know. Thank you for your time. -Americanwierdo
  11. Would it be a bad idea if I made the "killer Ref" the same as Dimple's Ref? Would that cause a crash at all?
  12. ActorRef.kill KillerActorRef BodyPart CauseOfDeath Example for an exploding slave collar, using an unused NPC ref for the killer (so no one in-game gets blamed for killing him): ExplodeyGuyREF.kill UnusedNPCREF 1 0 Alright, I'll try and see if I can make that work. So I imagine that the ExplodeyGuyREF is the character's REF. So is UnusedNPCREF the name of the character (who is Dimples, by the way)?
  13. How's that for an attention grabber? As an Easter Egg, I want to have a character who can be triggered to explode through dialogue. My question is: how can I write a script (preferably in dialogue) that will cause him to exit from dialogue and then immediately explode? Now, there are two kinds of explosions and either of them could work. There is the one where he just suddenly erupts into a rain of gore in front of you like NPCs do if you have the Bloody mess perk. Or he can explode in a way that in harms the player. Do you guys know how to do either? Anything you can tell me will be appreciated. -Americanwierdo.
  14. Okay, so it's apart of the Securitron Skeleton? I'm sure I can figure out how to do that. I've never done something like that before but it can't be too hard. Thanks! I'll see if I can get it to work.
  15. As part of an up and coming mod, I want to create unique Securitron models with a new face graphic. The question is...how do I do that? That's really all I want to know. Just a simple question: any feedback is appreciated.
  16. Naw, I'm afraid you have it backwards. I'm working with the geck to create a story. I've discovered that the Geck isn't really User friendly. It's hard to believe that mods like Enclave Commando and the Frontier can be made using this same program. Usually I start out with a story in mind and then I have to wrestle with the Geck to get it to make that story a reality. I have to cut a few corners here and there sometimes, but in the end most of the story in the quests are pre-meditated. I just wanted to learn how to make the quests have more RP since people have mentioned that before. I'm all about improving, and if that's one way to do it, than that's how I'll do it. Anyway, thanks for your help! I will!
  17. Alright, I'll be sure to consider that in the future. My next mod will be just as goofy (if not more so) than my last one, so adding in a factor of roleplaying that is based on the Player trying to figure out what the character would do in that situation will be a bit tough. After all, for the character, the world of FNV is very real. But I have a bad habit of repeatedly breaking the 4th wall which kinda kills the immersion. But I'm sure there are ways to make a mod funny but also strong with RP elements. As for the mod after that, I'm planning on doing one that has some humor elements but overall is more of a "serious" mod with a greater sense of immersion. That's probably the one where I'll work to add as much RPing as I can. Thanks for your thoughts!
  18. Thanks for your thoughts! I understand what you mean: so you're saying that there are three general categories of quests, but they can be complicated in such a way to provide a myriad of different quests. I can definitely do that. Now, I've got a follow up question if you don't mind giving me your thoughts. A few people have noted that my last mod lacked "Role playing elements." What are ways in which a quest can have more role playing in it?
  19. Hey, I'm working on adding mods that quests with a variety of different focuses. Right now, I've gotten the fetch quest down pat pretty well. And the assassin quest (which is a fetch quest I disguise as an assassin quest) too. But other than quests like "go kill this guy" or "go get me this object" what are some other general kinds of quests you guys can think of? I want to add more variety to these mods. I know that mods can't just be "shoot them up" all the way through, especially if they're long. I'm just looking for ideas is all: simple examples of stuff you've seen. Can you think of a mod that had a quest that was particularly interesting and different to you that I can draw inspiration from? Let me know your thoughts. All feedback is appreciated. -Americanwierdo
  20. You know what? That would totally do. That might even look better than what I was thinking of. Thanks, Jokerine! Though, I do have a question: how difficult would it be to transport that from Fallout 3 to New Vegas? I've never done something like that before...(I'd ask for permission to use it, of course.)
  21. I'm considering doing a future quest mod that involves a guy who wears a Hawaiian T-Shirt. But I don't know if there are any on the Nexus. If there are, can you point me to one? If not, I'd really like for one of you who are good with textures to maybe edit a pre-war outfit and turn it into maybe a red hawaiian T-shirt with little white flowers on it. Or maybe blue with green flowers: your call. Just a simple idea for a mod. I haven't even started developing the mod yet so there's no rush. That is all. Thank you for your time. -Americanwierdo
  22. Well, it won't let me save the script when I type it in. I always assume that if it doesn't let you save, then the script is trying to preform an impossible task. But I could be wrong. How do I stop it from doing that?
  23. I;' I'm still having issues. I can't seem to get it to work. Does it matter where I place the marker? Because I'm placing it in the wilderness in front of Victor's Shack. Does it matter if it's an xmarker or a xmarkerheading?
  24. I'm almost done with designing a new Dungeon mod, but I've run into a problem. There is a reward room at the end of the dungeon, and I want to create a switch that teleports the Player out of the Dungeon so that they don't have to walk all the way back. I know how to set up an activator, but how would I word the script? Anything you can tell me is appreciated. -Americanwierdo
  25. I know, and I did that. Both scripts work properly, it's just that the "rewardxp 15" part isn't working for some reason. I wonder if maybe there's another way to phrase it. Perhaps it's a parameter issue.
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