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Everything posted by mancika

  1. Hi! Short and painless: My game crashes a lot in certain areas and i simply don't understand why. Tried ini reset and disabling addons. How can I force the game to make some debug file to see what is the problem? Game is fairly modded but i keep everything simple, edited other mods keeping them as separate as i can. Thx in advance!
  2. http://i984.photobucket.com/albums/ae324/mancer55/ScreenShot85.jpg
  3. Some digging gave me that it has to do with egm, this fits headgear to the headcorrectly. http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=92378 also http://www.squidoo.com/egmcreation Edit1: tried comformulator, gives me an exeption error, great:( Edit2: Solution: Since i used a model that already had its own egm file, open GECK, go to 'Character', then 'Update Facegen Model availability'. Saved the plugin, ingame its all okay. hat follows head as it should. Important is that the names of the egm and nif must match. Hope it helps.
  4. Heyhey! I'm currently working on clothing, successfully used and re-skinned meshes from other mods. I duplicated a beret mesh into another dir along with egm files. Made new gear in geck changed model paths. In the nif the path is also changed to new textures. Everything seems okay in nifskope and in geck compared to what I based my hats. But in-game it looks a bit weird. As you see both male and female models have the same error. Any suggestions what I missed? http://i984.photobucket.com/albums/ae324/mancer55/bereterror.jpg
  5. I switched my driver and it seems a good idea. I didnt know that Nifskope uses Opengl so thanks for the tip. Still got crashes but less. Weird is i cannot select opjects in the viewport but only by selecting in the block list. Also in Ati Control Center i thinkered with the settings. Seems it has an effect. Ill look further into it since this is not solved yet. Its worth to mention how much better the game runs (and everything that uses 3d) under win7. Its like 150% and the look is completely different. Having issues in editing tho makes me angry....
  6. Hi! I switched finally from WinXpSp3 to Win7 x86 since it handles hardware way better then Xp. But some progz just dont like it. Nifskope starts up and loads models but after a short while working in it crashes so i cannot do anything at all. I tried compatibility settings (to xp sp3). Anyone knows a solution? Thx in advance.
  7. Almost complete, works like a charm. I will script it to have normal and grenade fire. http://i984.photobucket.com/albums/ae324/mancer55/Untitled-1.jpg It was the material property that caused the crash.
  8. I know now what caused the crash. I want to transfer parts using slam's mods. I got the mag working, pasted the branch into the magazine node, renamed, works. I added a laser stuff and a flashlight, renamed, work. But as i tried to add a handle and/or a grenade launcher it will crash no matter what i do. Thing is they come from the same weapon which works flawlessly in-game. So i really don't know whats going on. Renamed the nodes reordered multiple times, they just crash. Maybe its the material property. Need to test.
  9. I will try that, thank you. I just tried again exactly the same way as yesterday and it doesn't crash. Also ported out to several locations, completely restarted game and loaded the save. Works now. What i made differently, no clue. I followed this: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/239709-adding-sights-to-weapons/page__p__2132139__hl__nifskope__fromsearch__1#entry2132139 tells what to do clearly :) and: http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/Making_New_Armor_Using_NifSkope (look at Linking Method 3: Easy Adding) Seems what u do is skipping the renaming part and building the tree structure from scratch instead. But i will test your way also since its a "clear" solution. Btw is there a difference if i wanna replace the magazine? Copy new branch onto mag node and delete old one?
  10. Forgot to mention what I added are all showed as nitrishapes and all original mesh parts nitristrips. I don't know the difference or if this is the problem. Used stripify on them. Will test tomorrow since its 3am here. Night:) Edit: same crash. Double checked GECK stuff, only model can cause the crash.
  11. Hi there! I'm still learning how to tinkle with meshes in nifskope. Just run into a problem. I took a well working weapon model, added 3 parts to it taken from another well working weapon. Used the Copy Branch command and added the 3 parts on the root node. None are animated parts. The children count seems okay (+3). In game the parts are placed all show up like they should don't move around etc. After I play and quit then try to load the save that has this new weapon on the character the game crashes to desktop. I tried to rename the parts multiple times to point to other pieces of the orig model but same result. Besides what i said i only moved the parts (and a node) around to be in place and corrected the texture paths to be completely separate from the weapon i took the parts from. (textures also added ofc). What did i miss? Thx in advance.
  12. Hm guess i found it. Its the alpha layer in the normal map texture.
  13. If you take a look at the pictures you see the lighting is wrong on the main body part on the tabards on the blonde girls armor. It has to be reversed since the side of the shadow will be highlighted in game. How can I correct this? http://i984.photobucket.com/albums/ae324/mancer55/lightingproblem101.jpg http://i984.photobucket.com/albums/ae324/mancer55/lightingproblem102.jpg By the way I redo the textures and uv mapping on some of the space marine mod, the armor are from there. Thanks in advance.
  14. What i am interested in is what to disable or where to use caution before proceeding with patches and dlc.
  15. Its not about vanishing. The game must be patched for the DLCs. Patches change scripts variables world objects and god knows what. If the game is modded there will be a mess of things as with every game i had to do. Things added to the game are mostly okay. But things changed that where originally ingame for example followers with modded dialogues (karma check...) may end up in neverending crashes and mostly u wont tell what caused the crashes. Thats why i am asking what is to expect if i patch the game from people who already have experience with this.
  16. I have just finished vanilla. I got quite a lot of weapons armor added and/or modded (others' and selfmade), i modified game globals added a couple of game objects here and there. Now i have the problem. I'd like to see the dlc contents but i dont want to lose my work, at least most of it. And after years of modding games i learned to hate patches.... How could i solve this? I know it largely depends what i did and what not. What i want to have at least are custom weapons and armor, vendors that ive made so far.. Game globals can easily be modified again, vanilla items also. Any advice appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  17. Absolutely:) Thank you, im enlightened.
  18. Thank you for a fast reply. I followed what you did and it works. Thx. What i dont understand why it did not work with the small mod file where i edited the CONT that belonged to the already placed world object. @samustus: no scripts. I just dont want to add my stuff per console when i make something. Question1: if i edit the CONT again and again will the content change or do i have to place other containers in the world with the newly made items (armor weapons etc...)? Question2: how does replenishing work (respawning content in the container)?
  19. Heyhey! I know this has been discussed a 100 times but i cannot find a direct solution. I need a container to hold my stuff made in geck so i wont have to add them per console. I downloaded a mod that gives a simple first aid box to the wall to see how this works and what to do in geck. Works okay ingame. But when i edit the container in geck (edit base or directly the in comt list) to hold my items and save it, the game shows the items originally in the mod. Tried to wait for 8 days (made it respawn too to replenish(?)) but it doesnt work. I appreciate some help on this one, regards. edit: Also i tried to edit vendor containers from other mods they wont work either. Load order okay btw.
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