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Everything posted by manicmoose99

  1. Hey Pickysauraus - I probably didn't explain what my problem is very clearly. Here is my situation: I have a BepInEx plugin mod where I have the regular BepInEx plugin. In the same mod I have files that need to be copied into <game_install>/valheim_Data in order for the mod to be initialized correctly. By default the way Valheim is configured with Vortex is that if it detects a BepInEx plugin, then it will copy all the contents to BepInEx, so I end up with this directory structure afterwards: <game_install>/BepInEx/plugins/<my dll> <- this is good <game_install>/BepInEx/valheim_Data <- I dont' want this, I need the contents of my valheim_Data folder to go into the actual game's valheim_Data folder Probably some of the files I have in valheim_Data I could make work if I moved them into BepInEx with some reconfiguration of my mod, but there are a few that I don't think there is much I can do as they need to exist at the time the game starts before BepInEx loads any plugins to get things initialized correctly.
  2. After doing some research it seems like there actually isn't a good solution to this - I've seen some posts talk about just using a zip with the correct directory structure and changing the mod type to "ENB" in Vortex GUI will force it to install relative to game root - that almost worked except then the actual BepInEx plugin wasn't being installed to the BepInEx directory anymore for some reason - it's like it removed references to the BepInEx name and just put the plugins folder in the root - very strange... :sad:
  3. Hello, I'm trying to figure out how to support Vortex installation for my Valheim mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/valheim/mods/847 Valheim mods are generally through a framework called BepInEx, which exists under a folder of the same name in the game directory. Vortex automatically installs all the files from a mod into that folder it seems. However, I need to only install one file there, and the rest need to go in the base game directory <game_install>/valheim_Data/<subdirectories> I'm trying to create a FOMOD to do so, but I haven't been able to get it to work. Here is a subset of what my config is looking like for what I've tried last to illustrate what I want to do: <requiredInstallFiles> <folder source="BepInEx\plugins" destination="plugins" /> <file source="valheim_Data\Managed\amplify_occlusion.dll" destination="..\valheim_Data\Managed\amplify_occlusion.dll" /> <file source="valheim_Data\Managed\netstandard.dll" destination="..\valheim_Data\Managed\netstandard.dll" /> <file source="valheim_Data\Managed\SteamVR.dll" destination="..\valheim_Data\Managed\SteamVR.dll" /> <file source="valheim_Data\Managed\SteamVR_Actions.dll" destination="..\valheim_Data\Managed\SteamVR_Actions.dll" /> <file source="valheim_Data\Managed\Unity.Subsystem.Registration.dll" destination="..\valheim_Data\Managed\Unity.Subsystem.Registration.dll" /> <file source="valheim_Data\Managed\Unity.XR.Management.dll" destination="..\valheim_Data\Managed\Unity.XR.Management.dll" /> <file source="valheim_Data\Managed\Unity.XR.OpenVR.dll" destination="..\valheim_Data\Managed\Unity.XR.OpenVR.dll" /> <file source="valheim_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.SpatialTracking.dll" destination="..\valheim_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.SpatialTracking.dll" /> <file source="valheim_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.XR.LegacyInputHelpers.dll" destination="..\valheim_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.XR.LegacyInputHelpers.dll" /> </requiredInstallFiles> From this configuration, only the plugins folder gets copied, but it seems like alll of the other files are ignored. Any ideas on how I can achieve what I need here?
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