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Status Updates posted by trustinall

  1. aaaaaaaaaaaaall the best mister, have fun!!!!!!! :D
  2. geezes i have fourty messages... i'll look into them all the second i have more time! sorry all!
    1. ibanez85


      what 40 messages? LOL that's pretty much enough :p
  3. *hugshugs* *joyjoy* *dancedance* :D
  4. we weren't friends yet? that's unforgivable! but i shall take half the blame for it :P
  5. ithink i like you woman a lot zk XD
  6. i have a team currently workin on decipherin ur post, what we came up with so far is *jelly still on vacation and likin it*

    accordingly, i change my previous comment to *hope u have the best vacation ever and come back soon, miss u!*

  7. welcome back sir, u have been missed! :D hope u had like the best vacation ever!
  8. damn you stupid link... wait i'll pm ya again
  9. awwww why u no work stupid link

  10. i heard shmoopy likes to dance!

  11. the hell even if it's true... miss you already
  12. most welcome u two! didn't realize till yesterday i had friend approvals waiting :O
  13. wow ur avatar looks awsum!!!!
  14. look who's got a new avatar! sooooo cute!!
  15. hi sreamin, thx for dropin by and same to you! :D
  16. xactly! :D thx and same for you!
  17. oh look, a fellow wanderess of both worlds! why not like both beatles and stones raight? :P
  18. hey jlgc, just saw ur many nice comments now, stupid tracking center... thx a lot! i hope i'll find time soon to go thru all ur pics! :D
  19. most welcome! same here! :D
  20. ur doing an amazing job! thx so much again!
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