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Everything posted by trustinall

  1. :laugh: this thread is ridiculous. it took me roughly 100 hours to set up and tweak my first enb, every minor change in "those textfiles* takes hours to doublecheck and test. op, please don't rant about stuff u have no frickin idea about.
  2. aaaaaaaaaaaaall the best mister, have fun!!!!!!! :D
  3. geezes i have fourty messages... i'll look into them all the second i have more time! sorry all!
    1. ibanez85


      what 40 messages? LOL that's pretty much enough :p
  4. *hugshugs* *joyjoy* *dancedance* :D
  5. we weren't friends yet? that's unforgivable! but i shall take half the blame for it :P
  6. ithink i like you woman a lot zk XD
  7. i have a team currently workin on decipherin ur post, what we came up with so far is *jelly still on vacation and likin it*

    accordingly, i change my previous comment to *hope u have the best vacation ever and come back soon, miss u!*

  8. welcome back sir, u have been missed! :D hope u had like the best vacation ever!
  9. it seems i missed that bit of information... if that's the case i take back my understanding of the moderator's point and better stop typing right now.
  10. well i guess that's what it boils down to: if your job is to remove images that if only so slightly cross the lines as defined by the linked topics and whatever internal guidelines, without takin circumstance into account, then there's nothing you can be blamed for personally. the matter remains then that maybe dark one would consider giving mods a certain flexibility there, it must be possible to find sumthin in between instant delete and approval stamp for exceptional cases, which this clearly is.
  11. @yagho please stick around. don't let this bring you down. @mod team i understand ur reasons as we all do, i agree with the need to censor so this site doesn't get into problems for distributing pornographic material to minors. but i agree with the fact that removing the pic now, after it has reached it's peak of views without causing any trouble for nexus, is not fully understandable. and yes, not a repository, but one's picture collection with endorsements and most of all comments is sumthin a lot of us hold dear.
  12. damn you stupid link... wait i'll pm ya again
  13. awwww why u no work stupid link

  14. i heard shmoopy likes to dance!

  15. the hell even if it's true... miss you already
  16. most welcome u two! didn't realize till yesterday i had friend approvals waiting :O
  17. wow ur avatar looks awsum!!!!
  18. well, i do have some script lag thing happenin, so i tried uninstallin sos just the other day... problem is once i do, my saves seriously start to bloat. so seems i'm kinda screwed XD oh yeah still thx for the thread sergeant :thumbsup:
  19. look who's got a new avatar! sooooo cute!!
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