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  1. I think is a pitty you can't be your own faction. Screw the imperium or the stormcloaks, I'm independent.
  2. As an orc i hope so. If i'm not wrong orcs can marry many times. *sighs* i surelly wish to get a mod that allow you control a tribe.
  3. That some good ideas too. I was going to propose to do a store, but i want to keep my request as easy as possible so i can see it done. You know, something you can use to sell your crap in a fun way is enouth for me.
  4. Well, I was thinking in two things: 1. You put items on your brahmin and any NPC could come and force a dialog with you asking to buy X item with Y price, then you could awnser with "yes", "[barter X] I'll sell it for Y caps", "[barter 2X] I'll sell it for 2Y caps" and "no" 2. The same but with randomly spawned NPCs done for that thing. Alternatly you could just put the items in your Brahmin and people come near you, pay you caps and remove that item, and depending on your barter level you get more or less caps. Also i didn't know that command existed, so it makes it easier to at least roleplay it.
  5. Just that, a mod that gives the player te option to sell items on their inventory to everyone, like any travelling merchant. Maybe it could work by putting the items you want to sell on a brahmin and then random NPCs come and ask to buy X item with Y price, but if you pass a barter check you could sell it at a higher price. Basically post apocalypse mutant killing Recettear.
  6. maybe you cound find the dead bodies of a youth male, an alien and a motorbike, all of them on the bottom of a cliff. That could be an E.T. reference.
  7. I was wondering if you can add ending movies using mods, or modify the ones you actually see. So when you do X mod quest in Y way, you see Z movie in the ending. If that's possible, any mod maker would think to add their own ending movies?
  8. Anyone remember this mod? http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3734 I do, and i was wondering if gorow333 is working on a new vegas version of this mod. i'll wait patiently hoppinf he is.
  9. I dont know how hard it is, but it would be nice if there are more casinos Arround the Mojave, even if they aren't in Las Vegas. At least some slot machines in the saloons, taberns and bars arround the mojave. Maybe an underground Casino were your hosts are ghouls that aren't allowed to run their business in the strip. Or a little casino in Jacobstown with a supermutant with a suit as a manager. Maybe some molerat races. At least i hope that in a future DLC you are allowed to play poker. So those are my ideas, more things were you can spend your caps.
  10. There is a complete mod for this. It is called oblivion and it is in platinum edition and GOTY edition.
  11. I saw that the Enclave Commander mod is back (Here is if you are interested), so i was thinking if it would be too hard to replace enclave soldiers with supermutants, Nightkins and ghouls, so you can save the mojave with your mutated friends.
  12. Ey! i like that! But i think more in things like being in megaorgies, or give some money to charity or even have your own bussiness where you can put your things on sale and other people wear it or being in a party so crazy that you awake and you find out that all your money was stolen. Come on! you are in las vegas, the city of sins!
  13. Hello everyone. Do any mod offers some services i could use to spend my caps? Not just buying things, because im overweight. i spend a lot in casinos and is fun, but i win a lot and need to spend the cash so gambling could be fun again. I make some custom battles in the thorn too, but it start to look boring and i win more caps. Prostitutes... well, i am one, so i don't really spend money in sexworkers. So, as i ask, is there anything i could use to spend my fortune and be as poor as a rat again? Thank you!
  14. You know.. it is posible to link new vegas with the map of fallout 3? and maybe do the sidequests there.
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