Hello Wastelander! We here at the Liberty Wastes Beautification Committee are looking for people with at least moderate experience in 3D modeling software like 3DMax and/or Blender to create meshes for a Fallout 4 mod called Fallout: Liberty Hell http://www.moddb.com/mods/falloutlibertyhell Must have experience in importing their own meshes into any Bethesda Gamebryo/Creation Kit game and making sure that those meshes (along with attached textures) are correctly displayed in-game. Meshes will be mostly static, low to moderate polygon count unless specified. Knowledge on creating textures is a plus. Three different mesh creation positions are available, each with its own tasks. If we decide to choose you to join our team, you will be given one of the duties (referenced in the next section) based off your preference. First, there are the meshes found throughout the Liberty Wastes landscape. These include exterior structures, flora, clutter and consumables. The environments should be dense and organic looking—almost as if they are truly being lived in—to provide a more immersive experience.. Furthermore, the task of creating armor, clothing and weapon meshes is available. While newly developed meshes will be made, numerous garments, armor, weapons and accessories used by characters from previous Fallout games will be added to Liberty Hell (e.g. the slavers from The Pitt DLC) but will be given a complete makeover to ensure there are no conflicts with asset legality. A moderate poly/tri count will be suffice for this job. Attention to detail and game/mod lore is desired. Finally, there is the task of creature creation (NPC’s). Creatures will come in a variety of sizes and classifications from small critters, like squirrels, to the very large, such as a behemoth rock golem. Applicant for this task should know basic understanding of armatures and animation. The NPCs created need to be at least on par with Bethesda's quality in detail, lore and movement and we'll work together with you to accomplish this. This will be a non-paying gig. If we can legally have a tip jar style donation option on a hosting site like Nexus without any legal repercussions, you the 3D modeler will receive a fair cut of the donations starting at the time when the mod is completed. Our motivation for completing this mod is not driven by any monetary value, but driven by the desire to create something massive and fun within the realm of the Fallout Universe. Other perks for working on this mod will include: 1) Experience in game development with a team and a finished product released to the public 2) Enormous credit and gratitude 3) References and material for resume portfolio 4) Bragging rights 5) Links of your previous and current works so that followers can find your work easier 5) Closed access to prerelease builds 6) To be part of gaming history as someone who worked on the biggest mod for Fallout 4, Liberty Hell! To apply, drop us an email with your credentials and contact info at
[email protected] and we’ll take it from there. Thanks!