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  1. In response to post #7634227. #7634317, #7634389 are all replies on the same post. If you have a paid Norton version, I highly recommend you use it at least until the subscription runs out. I don't care much for paid AV myself because I don't consider them significantly better then the free ones, BUT to my knowledge they generally DO perform better. And after all, as you describe it, it was actually able to catch the malware. Oh and when/if your changing to a free one, don't pick MSE. It doesn't perform well at most test. I'd say go for Avast or AVG.
  2. I'm got to agree with vaul on this one. Even though I don't really mind seeing adds here (well I do, but I could suffer that for a site such as this) I don't like the idea of allowing a bunch of random scripts access to my browser. Lately I've seen other sites who are integrating adds, in the form of pictures, into the design of the site itself instead of having the classic "link" approach. This could be an effective way of by-passing the add/scrip-blocker issue, since it wouldn't require any form of scripts to run. Giving the benefits of having add-revenues and providing us users with peace of mind. Otherwise I guess I'll have to consider the "supporter" function and just keeping my scriptblocker enabled
  3. I bloody hell hope you can join the Silver Hand (or anything else which is opposit to the Companions). Naivly I started making my way through the Companions faction untill I realised they're all werewolfes. So here I am hoping that there is a fighter oriantated alternative factions... Otherwise they ruined the major class-orientated faction for everyone NOT wanting to be turned into a mindless monster - Sadly I have a feeling that's the case.
  4. Might I suggest (I know, I just went ahead and did ^^)that you make a shop, but only have the artisan doing a few dyes? Perhaps three different standard collors and then let the player create the rest from plants gathered in the wilderness.
  5. I have seen one of our fellow forum members having a signature refering to a league of argonians or such, so I guess there is quite the intrest. ...Anyway it doesen't mather. All Argonians are part of a inferior race which deserves nothing more than beeing exterminated. Nobody invades Morrowind unpunished I tell you! :verymad:
  6. What is this strange language? Sounds half like german, but it is defenitly not. Could it perhaps be dutch?
  7. Not bad at all, my good sir! The Brotherhood will burn.
  8. I was going to post the essact same link! Anyway, I somehow doubt they'll make sailable ships. How would you sail them? Order the crew around as captain or sail them with movement keys as in e.g. Pirates of the Burning Sea? Neither would work very well if you ask me. Though I could easely see them create sailing as with the ships in Morrowind, were they take you to different locasion through a loading screen.
  9. I wish i could grow a beard... :dry: darn native american ancestry and the in-ability to grow proper facial hair!!! *shakes fists* I have to shave twice a day. If it wasn't for military facial hair standards, I grow a beard for Skyrim as well xD Turn British! Up until around the First World War they demanded that soldiers grew a mustache if they were to serve in the royal army.
  10. TES music is a must for me! It helps me keep my focus on the game and forget that there is a world beyond Tamriel. And who doesn't want that? Though as the post above; it has to be turned down so it's lower than the ingame sound
  11. The whole lawsuit is a joke exposing ridicolus copyright laws - How can you copyright a noun? It would be like Blizzard copyrighting "World" because it's in World of Warcraft
  12. Yep. Don't start reading it on uesp.net (which is an amazing side by the way!), get through it by reading it in ingame books. I recommend you get your hands on Morrowind, it'll give you an oppertunity to not only read but SEE some of the lore while experiencing parts of Tamriel.
  13. Edit: Never mind - Shouldn't write in here when I ought to sleep :)
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