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Posts posted by moxica

  1. A simple weapon of oppurtunity..


    Just a piece of ore that can be held in the hand and used to strike.

    Used with tripwires or knockout mods, one could attack NPCs on the ground with a rock and beat them.

    I know its savage but I have no interest in awesome weapons or even average weapons. I'm a minimalist.

    Gollum is a minimalist and a variation of him is what I'm playing right now.


    Just thought Id ask before giving it a try myself.

  2. Iâve noticed that the Psijiic hood for female Khajiit has a different shape. It allows room for the ears.

    Since my Dunmer female has long dreads, the hood would be perfect. Thatâs just an excuse though. I just like the way the hood looks on Khajiitas.

    If it can be done in the CS, I can do it myself but Iâll need some instructions. Iâve never modded clothing.

    If itâs been done already, even better. I just need to be directed to the mod.

    If someone would like to tackle it, Iâd be grateful.


  3. Is there a way to remove followers and companions mods from my Nexus page?

    I looked in preferences but didn't see an option.


    Nothing against them, I just don't use them. Never have never will.

    They fill up my pages and searches with clutter that I have no interest in.


    Sincere apologies if this isn't where i should be asking this question.

  4. Couple of questions-

    Do NPCs get diseases?

    Are there any mods that make diseases fatal?

    Are there any "plague" mods?

    I'm on my second play of A Plague Tale: Innocence and thought I'd like to have a play in Skyrim where there is a plague sweeping through that literally kills off NPCs, and potentially me.

    A survival story. A Plague Tale got me interested in the Plague so I did a lot of reading on it.

    It was savage and on a nightmare level of horrible!

  5. I've been away for a number of years so if this has been asked and answered, just direct me to the topic please.

    If not-

    I'm trying to create a race that is an option for play.

    Hackdirt Resident.

    I went into the CS and copied the face of Marlene Brussiner to the player model. This allows that face to be picked from all of the races at the character creation.


    Next, in the CS, I went to character and created an Imperial copy race, changed it to Hackdirt Resident, changed the description, created 2 lesser powers, adjusted the stats and saved.


    The goal was to use the Marlena esp. to generate the face and the Hackdirt Resident esp. to provide the race.


    I have the look but the stats are the common player stats and the lesser powers dont show up at all.

    Any thoughts would be appreciated.


    The main question is-

    Is it possible to make one of these ESP's part of the Hackdirt Bretheren faction from the start?

    Do I have to do it via console in game or can I make this in the CS?


    Thanks to any suggestions.

  6. Is there a mod that makes all npcs unkillable?


    I want to roll a monk. A peaceable monk.

    I will defend myself of course, but rather than kill, i prefer to teach them a lesson.

    Drop them to their knees in submission.

    They don't have to be completely essential, just hard to kill.

    It seems that with what i have now, I get their health down to a little below half and there's a strong possibility that the next hit will kill them.

    I simply want to avoid accidental kills.

    Sorry for my laziness.

  7. I making an old, wise character, kind of like Iroh from Avatar TLAB.

    I'm looking for a robe that is possibly opened in the front of just something not as neat and tight as all the robes in the game.

    I've searched but haven't really found anything that fits the bill.

    Has anyone seen one, standalone or part of a mod?

  8. I'm late getting to this, but-


    You are, hands down, the most thorough and organized tutorial creator!!

    I recommend your tutorials to everyone that asks "How do I install...?"

    You sound like a great guy and I couldn't agree with you more on paper books. There's something organic and traditional about them.

    I have an e reader but it's not the same. Not even close.

    Sorry about your experience and for the trolls.

    We can't control how people treat us, but we can control how we respond to it.

    Good job and thank you for sharing your talents with us.

    Your lisp is great. When I hear you start talking, in one of your vids, I know I'm gonna walk away with some knowledge or a great story!

    Keep it up, my man!!



  9. In response to post #46680255. #46680600 is also a reply to the same post.

    BlindJudge wrote: 7018713-1484608586.png

    Thank you to everyone who joined in last night's AMA (Ask Me Anything) with our guest Elianora. It was a resounding success and I'm very grateful for the time that she and the community put aside to make it what it was. The questions received were great and I know Eli had a lot of fun answering them all. 

    If you fancy taking a listen to the event, then please head on over to SoundCloud where we have uploaded the audio.
    jim_uk wrote: Thank you.

    Thanks to everyone involved!
    It was sooo much fun, not only to hear what Elianora had to say but to read the posts!
    I haven't laughed that hard in a long time!

    Good job Elianora! I've always read your pages and thought they were written in humor, not the way they were taken by so many. You confirmed it yesterday so, good on you!
    Keep up your good work stick to it!
  10. In response to post #46651245.

    xtcrefugee wrote:

    I missed the AMA unfortunately, is it archived anywhere?


    Also after briefly looking through these comments (and noting one or two prolific commenters) Elianora and other mod makers here have my full sympathy when it comes to certain members of this community. Entitled is putting it mildly, openly hostile would be more accurate. I had no idea they were dealing with people like this, it's honestly really sad that they have to.

    It was said that it would be available to read or listen (I don't remember which) tomorrow
  11. In response to post #46637365. #46638985 is also a reply to the same post.

    moxica wrote: Malwarebytes and Googole are blocking Discord as malicious.
    I looked it up to see if I was the only one and it seems that others have had the problem over the past couple of days.
    Is that something to worry about?
    xSHADOWMANx wrote: A dodgy link perhaps?

    Here's a direct link to the legit website.


    You should be able to access it without issues.

    Thank you!
  12. In response to post #46355360. #46355735, #46357775, #46358530, #46359735, #46362070, #46363695, #46368255, #46371045, #46381315, #46381750, #46382340, #46383075, #46385150, #46385445, #46400635, #46400955, #46423275, #46423530, #46424150, #46428470, #46428730, #46430820, #46445675, #46486685, #46506375, #46506475, #46591830, #46593475, #46607870 are all replies on the same post.

    EmikoSaka wrote: Let's hope she's nicer than her comments make her seem.
    sydney666 wrote: ...no need to be like that.
    Ombragine wrote: Sourire.

    Clear even she is really a great modder and has a real talent to create nice things, may be like some others here, i'm dislike her communication. It is a personnal feeling.

    Anyway, nice to see her to have this AMA ;-)
    OrcLivesMatter wrote: After so many years in the modding community a person can get a little harsh.
    jim_uk wrote: You try dealing with the nonsense the more popular modders have to put up with, she's more polite than I'd be.
    greekrage wrote: @ OrcLivesMatter
    its not harsh...

    Its called FED UP...
    mrmcphister wrote: I'm sorry, don't get it. Can think if quite a few ground breaking modders, who have made real contributions to the game. I mean houses are great and all, everyone needs to live somewhere, but have also found her to be overly rude and arrogant.
    Kastrenzo wrote: Or you can just, not reply to stupid questions. Rather than being a spiteful and bitter ****
    ZZZ02 wrote: *facepalm*
    OrcLivesMatter wrote: @greekrage That too.
    StupidAnswer wrote: Her mods are just interiors filled with unlorefriendly generic stuff. Cluttering until it looks good leaving you with unmemorable boring houses that you may use to sleep or store your s#*! but not beyond that.
    Brandoman wrote: Oh boy... if I could tell you all my experience with her all of your jaws would drop in shock. Out of respect for a fellow modder and content creator I won't talk about it on here.

    Excellent content she creates though, so if you enjoy it and have questions about it, be respectful and nice! ;)
    LenaMarie wrote: It might just be a cultural thing, and not necessarily her fault. In Finland, they tend to really dislike people from other nations. Finnish people are often rude and stand offish, its how they are taught, generationally.

    Im not trying to be insulting, but if you google this, you'll see its a well known fact about Finnish Culture. I love her mods though, doesnt diminish her ability!
    OrcLivesMatter wrote: Lena that's the most stupid and racist thing I ever heard in Nexus.
    Ethreon wrote: Except Lena would be correct.
    Mistle24 wrote: Yeah, I have not had many if any "Friendly or "Nice" run ins with her. I actually don't download her mods just to avoid having to ask a question because I don't want to deal with the attitude.
    wolfrevan5555 wrote: @OrcLivesMatter

    >Lena that's the most stupid and racist thing I ever heard in Nexus.

    Finland is a country. Being born in Finland does not make you a "Finnish" race person. That's called "Nationality", not race. Good try tossing out the race card because you have no valid arguement, though. You tried. Pat yourself on the back.

    And yeah, it probably is cultural, though I don't know much about Finnish culture, so I could be totally wrong. Still, the Nexus is meant to be culturally neutral, and thus that kind of attitude isn't justifiable. :/
    OrcLivesMatter wrote: Well let me simplify it to you. That is the most stupid and nationally hating thing I ever saw in Nexus. There. Happy?
    Jinxxed0 wrote: I've only uploaded a small handful of mods and have only had to deal with a few annoying users demanding stuff from me. Imagine having every single mod you upload be super popular. I'm surprised she's still modding at all.

    Before I uploaded anything for Fo4, I used to think she could be nicer. Now, I think she's way too nice.
    stuff444 wrote: @OrcLivesMatter
    Now you've devolved into the "hate" bait... Gender is up next I assume?
    gandalftw wrote: @jim_uk
    Very sensible you are Sir,another kudos for your collection. ;)

    Though my contributions to Nexus may be small i am not a stranger to comments made by those that misunderstand the true definition of criticism and free speech.Criticism requires an included explanation and fix for that which one finds problematic in a mod.If one cannot help a mod author one should just report a problem and otherwise remain quiet.Free speech should be FREE of abuse,seems to me the word free is often misunderstood as,i can treat you anyway i want and you deserve no recourse, for, your objections violates my right to FREE SPEECH.Hehe,i don't bloody think so.

    If one desires respect,my Zeus,be respectful.

    Rigmor wrote: Leave the poor girl alone you bullies, this isn't steam forums right? it's a sad day when a mod author has to disable their personal messages due to personal attacks, we all get them and you have to be hard skinned. She owes you all nothing, so stop with the abuse.
    jim_uk wrote: @gandalftw If I am going to say anything then I'll try and keep it to technical things, I think once you start criticising artistic choices then you're on dodgy ground because the author would have had their own vision.
    gandalftw wrote: @ jim_uk
    I generally keep my opinion to myself for i'm not a skilled modder so i don't feel i'm qualified to critique.How some, with no modding experience, can pop up and say some of the things they do is beyond me,don't get it.

    I remove most negative comments as soon as i see them for leaving them just emboldens others to do likewise.

    LenaMarie wrote: @OrcLivesMatter
    Maybe, I don't know. do some research instead of being ignorant of the world? There is nothing racist about what i said about Finland, its a 100% fact, and even is written on Travel websites to prepare people for the culture.

    Politically correctness makes people idiotic and ignorant.

    I dont have any issues with her, or any other Finnish people, i understand the culture and appreciate the honest straightforwardness. Her mods are really amazing, I've been using them for years.
    RestlessPilgrim wrote: Perhaps being under the moral scrutiny of opinionated morons makes her tetchy... it sure as hell does me. I'm sure you're not one of those arrogant, self absorbed @ssholes though, right?
    RestlessPilgrim wrote: 'cause Google's clearly the intelligent way to form an opinion about an entire culture isn't it!? No wonder humanity's utterly f@cked!
    Nimboss wrote: (@OrcLivesMatter
    Maybe, I don't know. do some research instead of being ignorant of the world? There is nothing racist about what i said about Finland, its a 100% fact, and even is written on Travel websites to prepare people for the culture.

    Politically correctness makes people idiotic and ignorant.

    I dont have any issues with her, or any other Finnish people, i understand the culture and appreciate the honest straightforwardness. Her mods are really amazing, I've been using them for years.)

    Sorry, American girl you have no clue of facts what so ever! It's nice to stay at your flat and Google things up, but where is your sense of RL or even more like critically examine some "truths" put in your face???!
    You Dear is all wrong! You are a true racist, and ignorant of facts because you don't care to check up if it's true or NOT! Please tell me I'm wrong, but if so tell me direct and not in some stupid verbal blabb rubbish that all stupid insecure males try to fill this thread with.

    Ethreon wrote: "Sorry, American girl you have no clue of facts what so ever!"

    Neither do you. I can tell you from first hand sources (discussing with a variety of Finnish locals) they are less interested in human interaction up to and including straight out hostile. Not all are like this, but it's a generic feel you get and they will be the first ones to admit it.
    Nimboss wrote: @Ethreon
    Neither do you pal.
    My best friend in school was a Finnish guy and his family was the nicest I ever meet. Note that they was not routsin. So if we start mark people after their country they was born in, what is your opinion of Polish, French or Russians? Or even more interesting what country was you born in? Just to know what label I need to wrap you with since it seems you like to generalize and I don't want to be lesser than you lovely.

    "they are less interested in human interaction up to and including straight out hostile."

    Sounds like I need to move there...
  13. In response to post #46507135. #46579185, #46596685 are all replies on the same post.

    bLakZmOkeareOoouYyye wrote:

    Look at all these users complaining about mod authors being rude, it's called being tired of your s#*!. This is exactly why I removed all my mods from nexus, I'm done with all these people who expect some sort of vip service on top of giving them free content. Still waiting for my account to be closed here btw, else I might spout out more dangerous words

    HermanMODSTER wrote: I don´t know what they exactly expect. Most of them must be to stupid to use NMM. If they don´t / can´t read the decriptions... well it´s always the authors fault if "The mod causes bugs". And they always demand x versions to work with x mods. If i am not right? Well modauthors create mods for themselves or friends and second for the rest of the stupid world. And duh........ no wonder they stop sharing if we users are the problem.
    twistedmetal23 wrote: It's a Community after all and all i ask for, is to be polite and to not generalise.. and this applies to both user & author or else the etiquette becomes irrelevant.
    I don't post a demand, i post a suggestion if the mod author is open to it.
    If i found a Bug with a mod, i try to add as much information as possible in the bug section, to help the author of the mod to understand, the conditions in which the bug happend. I don't demand a fix for the bug, but it's generally nice to see, when a mod author is trying to help.
    And i absolutely always read the description of every mod i install.

    But still i don't like her attitude, it's ok for her to don't help with bugs, it's ok when she's shutting down comments....
    but it's not okay to generalise her users and to say they're all rude and can't read the fu***** description. That would be the same as when i would say "all mod authors are rude.."
    But i have to say, reading the description page of any of her mods, gives me an headache, it gives an impression, of someone who has been stuck for too long in her ivory tower.
    Thats why i abandoned her mods, but still thats a personal decision i made.

    A decent human behaviour applies to all, in a community, not just users and if someone doesn't like the attitude, of another community member, he/she is free to express her thoughts about that person, in a fair comment. That is free speech, if you don't like that, better find a safe space.

    Not to further this discussion, nor is this about any mod author in particular.
    This comes from my personal experiences as someone that deals with the public on a regular basis-
    It is better to say all or you, in the general sense because
    1 It is improper and an be considered bullying if you specifically name an irritating o person or if you single out a group of irritating people. Because
    2. The use of a general statement such as you, is expected to be understood by intelligent people to only apply to those that it applies to.
    It happens all the time in the business world.
    One person gets involved in a sexual harassment issue at work, next thing you know, everyone that is employed has to go to sexual harassment training.
    Millions of examples on this.
    Bottom line, if it doesn't apply to you, it shouldn't be an issue and you know who you are.
  14. In response to post #46567880.

    rwallicekruger wrote: One of the many reasons I love Elianora is merely because of coffee. Her mods are brilliant but the coffee mods are what made me adore her work

    That was my introduction to her.
    Any friend of coffee is a friend of mine.

    I assume you partake?
  15. In response to post #46497450. #46503170, #46515270, #46524805 are all replies on the same post.

    moxica wrote: Many have said this, but I'm going to repeat- If you don't like a mod or the author of the mod, move on. It really couldn't be any simpler than that.
    To me her comments are direct and to the point. That's how i like it.
    Her descriptions show every sign of having been asked the same question a thousands times and she uses sarcasm to cut them off. I see no problem with that.
    If I did, I wouldn't look at her mods. Easy.

    I look foreword to the interview and hopefully, she doesn't do what i would do after seeing all this crying.

    Edit- She may have done it!
    Youtube channel, all videos gone.
    Nexus, only mods remain and nothing else.
    Well, you guys might not have to worry about how nice she is or isn't.
    Good job...
    ZZZ02 wrote: THIS 100 times over seriously isn't this like the first thing they make you repeat in kindergarten!? sheesh it is such a simple concept yet, yet... *not saying anything*

    If you guys chase her away i sure as hell hope you are prepared to live without her amazing mods and to live with the fact that you all denied other MANY users this privilege because of your bad attitudes.
    moxica wrote: Good! It looks like some of her videos are back up.
    Here's the thing about the videos- they are some of the best and easiest tutorials on how to mod!
    My guess is that nearly everyone that has a "problem" with her has not sat down and watched a single video, of hers.
    Not only do you learn to make what she makes, you see that what comes off (to some) as rudeness is actually humor.
    I have high respect for her and her videos.
    In context, the videos are there so you can learn how to alter her, or anyone else's mod, the way YOU want it, instead of asking her to do it for you. She even makes her assets available to use in your own mod, as long as you acknowledge that she created them or that they came from her. No different than any other mod authors. That's called generosity.
    One of the coolest mods she did, imo, was a tribute to Hugh(?)
    He passed away irl and she made a tribute mod so that he can live on in his favorite game.
    I wonder how many people that've been spewing out venom have done this for someone?
    Is that the work of an arrogant person? Read the description and come back.

    Lastly, throughout history, artists have been called "frustrated" "difficult" and "angry".
    Let me tell you a story on how I learned about the actual meaning of those words.

    I love coffee. I love drinking it, of course, but I love the process of making different types through different processes. At work, it's part of my morning ritual. I have made it for my workmates on different occasions and they like it.
    They asked me to show them how to make it and where to buy different things. We have a coffee club of sorts.
    But there's one guy.
    He asks for some of my coffee, every morning. I've made it for him as well, a couple of times. I've shown him HOW to make it. He sat through about 1 quarter of the process and became disinterested and said "I'll just have some of yours, hahahaha"
    That irritated me, but I said nothing. I didn't make him any more coffee, though.
    So everyday, he comes over to me, sniffs the air and says "Wow Bro! That sure does smell good!" then says "can I have some?" I just ignore him. This went on for months.
    One day, I had enough of him asking the same stupid, begging, entitled, lazy, thankless question.
    My answer, in front of a crowd of guys was simply "Are your hands broken?!"
    He steps back and says "Whoa whoa! Take it easy. That was kinda rude and uncalled for!"
    The guys that were in the room started saying "Well what do you expect him to do? You're sticking your face in his coffee every morning and asking him for some like a needy girl on a date. We like his coffee so we learned to make it. Are your hands broken?!"
    So now he doesn't stick his face in my coffee but he still hints on occasion.
    Bottom line, he wore out his welcome and now I see him as kind of stupid and lazy but he tried to make me out as the frustrated, difficult, angry "artist". He was projecting because I wasn't doing what he wanted me to do for him.
    I then realized that a lot, and I mean A LOT of people do this in all kinds of areas.
    A person creates something nice and others want to control or direct the person for their own personal benefit. If there's resistance, then the creator has the problem, not the thousands of nagging beggars that would would wear a hole in a diamond.
    That is exactly what I see here.
    In fact Elianora as well as other mod authors are featured in the Get to Know Your Mod Author videos on Youtube. Elianora is the very first one. There is a lengthy section in the interview where the frustration is addressed. There are a lot of F-bombs, so if you're sensitive to that, stay away from it. It's an informative and insightful as to what mod-authors deal with.
    Elianora, if you read this, keep your chin up and remember that for every complaint, there are a hundred quiet fans!
    Now go drink some coffee and keep your middle finger straight when you grip the handle!
    aragorn211 wrote: I agree. There isn't a single mod author that I don't like and a huge reason is because they do it for FREE! Its a damn shame that so many selfish people exist, but its also to be expect I guess. It doesn't mean that people like mod authors have to put up with their BS though. I personally like the sarcastic responses, they're EXACTLY what I would've posted if I was in their shoes haha

    Also, I made it a point to read and learn how to mod my games before complaining. I also always make it a point to check any bug reports or any FAQs etc. if I encounter a problem. I haven't had any of the random bug problems that I see many "report" because of that. I just hope more people who are new to modding can do the same :)

    :-) @E
  16. In response to post #46497450. #46503170 is also a reply to the same post.

    moxica wrote: Many have said this, but I'm going to repeat- If you don't like a mod or the author of the mod, move on. It really couldn't be any simpler than that.
    To me her comments are direct and to the point. That's how i like it.
    Her descriptions show every sign of having been asked the same question a thousands times and she uses sarcasm to cut them off. I see no problem with that.
    If I did, I wouldn't look at her mods. Easy.

    I look foreword to the interview and hopefully, she doesn't do what i would do after seeing all this crying.

    Edit- She may have done it!
    Youtube channel, all videos gone.
    Nexus, only mods remain and nothing else.
    Well, you guys might not have to worry about how nice she is or isn't.
    Good job...
    ZZZ02 wrote: THIS 100 times over seriously isn't this like the first thing they make you repeat in kindergarten!? sheesh it is such a simple concept yet, yet... *not saying anything*

    If you guys chase her away i sure as hell hope you are prepared to live without her amazing mods and to live with the fact that you all denied other MANY users this privilege because of your bad attitudes.

    Good! It looks like some of her videos are back up.
    Here's the thing about the videos- they are some of the best and easiest tutorials on how to mod!
    My guess is that nearly everyone that has a "problem" with her has not sat down and watched a single video, of hers.
    Not only do you learn to make what she makes, you see that what comes off (to some) as rudeness is actually humor.
    I have high respect for her and her videos.
    In context, the videos are there so you can learn how to alter her, or anyone else's mod, the way YOU want it, instead of asking her to do it for you. She even makes her assets available to use in your own mod, as long as you acknowledge that she created them or that they came from her. No different than any other mod authors. That's called generosity.
    One of the coolest mods she did, imo, was a tribute to Hugh(?)
    He passed away irl and she made a tribute mod so that he can live on in his favorite game.
    I wonder how many people that've been spewing out venom have done this for someone?
    Is that the work of an arrogant person? Read the description and come back.

    Lastly, throughout history, artists have been called "frustrated" "difficult" and "angry".
    Let me tell you a story on how I learned about the actual meaning of those words.

    I love coffee. I love drinking it, of course, but I love the process of making different types through different processes. At work, it's part of my morning ritual. I have made it for my workmates on different occasions and they like it.
    They asked me to show them how to make it and where to buy different things. We have a coffee club of sorts.
    But there's one guy.
    He asks for some of my coffee, every morning. I've made it for him as well, a couple of times. I've shown him HOW to make it. He sat through about 1 quarter of the process and became disinterested and said "I'll just have some of yours, hahahaha"
    That irritated me, but I said nothing. I didn't make him any more coffee, though.
    So everyday, he comes over to me, sniffs the air and says "Wow Bro! That sure does smell good!" then says "can I have some?" I just ignore him. This went on for months.
    One day, I had enough of him asking the same stupid, begging, entitled, lazy, thankless question.
    My answer, in front of a crowd of guys was simply "Are your hands broken?!"
    He steps back and says "Whoa whoa! Take it easy. That was kinda rude and uncalled for!"
    The guys that were in the room started saying "Well what do you expect him to do? You're sticking your face in his coffee every morning and asking him for some like a needy girl on a date. We like his coffee so we learned to make it. Are your hands broken?!"
    So now he doesn't stick his face in my coffee but he still hints on occasion.
    Bottom line, he wore out his welcome and now I see him as kind of stupid and lazy but he tried to make me out as the frustrated, difficult, angry "artist". He was projecting because I wasn't doing what he wanted me to do for him.
    I then realized that a lot, and I mean A LOT of people do this in all kinds of areas.
    A person creates something nice and others want to control or direct the person for their own personal benefit. If there's resistance, then the creator has the problem, not the thousands of nagging beggars that would would wear a hole in a diamond.
    That is exactly what I see here.
    In fact Elianora as well as other mod authors are featured in the Get to Know Your Mod Author videos on Youtube. Elianora is the very first one. There is a lengthy section in the interview where the frustration is addressed. There are a lot of F-bombs, so if you're sensitive to that, stay away from it. It's an informative and insightful as to what mod-authors deal with.
    Elianora, if you read this, keep your chin up and remember that for every complaint, there are a hundred quiet fans!
    Now go drink some coffee and keep your middle finger straight when you grip the handle!
  17. Many have said this, but I'm going to repeat- If you don't like a mod or the author of the mod, move on. It really couldn't be any simpler than that.

    To me her comments are direct and to the point. That's how i like it.

    Her descriptions show every sign of having been asked the same question a thousands times and she uses sarcasm to cut them off. I see no problem with that.

    If I did, I wouldn't look at her mods. Easy.


    I look foreword to the interview and hopefully, she doesn't do what i would do after seeing all this crying.


    Edit- She may have done it!

    Youtube channel, all videos gone.

    Nexus, only mods remain and nothing else.

    Well, you guys might not have to worry about how nice she is or isn't.

    Good job...


  18. I really had nothing to offer, since I'm a bit of a minimalist, but I read down a bit and I have to agree on one that I saw.

    I'm guessing that the subject is links to tutorials.

    If that's the case, GamerPoets gets my wholehearted support!

    They are concise, easy to follow and to the point!

    Easily the best!

    The next tutorial I'd like to see from them is a tutorial on how to make a tutorial!

    Next I like Bestinslot. He's simple and doesn't get caught up in trying to be a "personality" as well.


    Other than those things, whatever you guys do will be fine with me. I'll adapt!

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