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Posts posted by moxica

  1. Sorry for the long topic title.

    Here is what I'm trying to do.

    I have a race that I call Sourge. I may change it to Plagued.

    They have obvious scars and facial deformities.

    What I have tried to do is have most NPC's that get within 20 feet of me, see me and run away. (Demoralize)

    They easiest way I thought to do this was to simply make demoralize into an ability with a range of 15-20. Demoralize cannot be used as an ability, though.

    The CS won't allow it.

    Will I have to script this to work? I've never scripted but I am willing and eager to learn, but if there is an easier way, I'm open to suggestions.

    I don't want it as a spell but as a permanent condition, that's why I tried to make it an ability.


    Ultimately the idea is to make the hood and face mask in Crafty Bits make the effect go away when I wear them. Basically hiding the disease by disguise.


    Feel free to offer suggestions.

  2. Are there any? I've looked for one and found one for Morrowind, but nothing for Oblivion.


    So my real question is, has anyone seen one that is part of another mod?


    Making another completely non-combat character that uses enhanced speechcraft and personality to get by.

    Unnecessary Violence 2 is going to help make this possible.


    Actually since I'm asking, are there any other mods that add the ability to talk your way out of fighting?

  3. I just need some clarification.

    I have 12 clothing mods that I want to merge into one.

    They're just clothing, no quests involved or anything like that. The only thing is that they are located in different chests and stores all over the place.

    So here's my question-

    Can I take each mod, remove the textures and meshes from them, place them in their respective folders inside a new data folder, make it into one mod by using OBMM, and expect to see the clothing in the same locations as they were when they were in their original mods? Or is that what the original ESP's do?


    Another option is to do the same thing, but instead of using OBMM, I use Gecko and merge all of the ESP's together?

    I haven't had much success with Gecko, but I'll give it a try if that is more feasible.


    Thanks in advance for any thoughts, suggestions, and/or help!!

  4. I have a home called Riverside Shack outside of Bravil.

    Is that connected to a mod or is it vanilla? I don't remember seeing it before and the big problem is, I don't know which mod it snuck in on. Any thoughts?

    I want to coblize it or remove it and make my own.

    I never specifically downloaded it.

    Any help will be appreciated.

    If nothing else, how can I find out what it's connected to?



    I think it's from Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul.



    I thank you, too!!



  5. I have a home called Riverside Shack outside of Bravil.

    Is that connected to a mod or is it vanilla? I don't remember seeing it before and the big problem is, I don't know which mod it snuck in on. Any thoughts?

    I want to coblize it or remove it and make my own.

    I never specifically downloaded it.

    Any help will be appreciated.

    If nothing else, how can I find out what it's connected to?


    Can be from a mod. If you want to identify it, you can use FormID Finder or RefScope(both require OBSE!).



    Thank you!!



  6. I have a home called Riverside Shack outside of Bravil.

    Is that connected to a mod or is it vanilla? I don't remember seeing it before and the big problem is, I don't know which mod it snuck in on. Any thoughts?

    I want to coblize it or remove it and make my own.

    I never specifically downloaded it.

    Any help will be appreciated.

    If nothing else, how can I find out what it's connected to?

  7. Thanks for trying Goranga and i completely understand.

    Modding is supposed to be fun. If it it isn't fun, then why make the mod?

    I applaud your willingness to share.

    I've made several mods and have never released any of them. Primarily becauseI don't want to hear the the blah blah from ingrates but also because I'm too lazy to figure out how to package and upload, lol.


    Anyway, I'll be looking for your next mod because i like your style!!

  8. BAM!


    This is perfect, my (wo?)man.

    Immediate download.

    Congratz on a fine mod and a long overdo one in my opinion.

    Clothing isn't an issue since she'll only be nude when diving for pearls. The rest of the time I'm in first person, for the most part.

    Kudos to you and thank you sooo much!!

  9. I want to make my own female body replacer.

    Not one that looks all fit and trim but one that is heavier and not hourglassy.

    I want some belly fat, a short waist, and a square bottom, much like a fem Dwarf should look.

    I'm learning Blender and I'm ready to start this.

    I've been waiting for years but it doesn't seem like one is ever gonna be made so it's time to step up and do it myself.


    Are there any figure tutorials out there?

    It will make it easier but if not, I'll stumble my way through it.


  10. Hi all.

    I've become interested in the Ama (Japanese pearl divers) and have decided to put a few things together so I can make it possible to incorporate it into my game.

    I have some very nice pearl mods, already.

    What I'm looking for is a mod that has underwater vegetation that can be harvested.

    They would also dive for food, too.

    I've looked all day and haven't come across anything, yet.

    So I've decided to ask here.


    I'm also looking for a head scarf or bandana, but I can use a hood from the game, if there aren't any.


    Finally, if anyone knows of a floating container of some type that would be helpful, too, but I believe that I can make my own. At worst, I'll just place it on shore and load it there. A basket would be perfect. I think it will be a pretty basic mod to do.


    Thanks to any that want to help me out, and I encourage anyone, that is so inclined, to look up Ama divers. They are quite fascinating.


    One final thought, I have no intentions of using any items that allow for underwater breathing. I want this one to be realistic.

  11. Hey Goranga!

    Welcome back. It's good to see you and I hope all is well.

    I just wanted to second the the thought that you should release a beta once the dating system is done.

    Just my opinion but you could do 3 separate releases as your mod progresses.

    Some people may just want to date while others will want the all the benefits.http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/thumbsup.gif


    Just a soft suggestion though. You do this mod any way you like! I'm just happy you're back!

  12. Easy...

    3 years ago, I starting fighting Blender.

    I'm still fighting with it...


    Seriously there's a Vampire boss in OOO (can't remember his name. Lord something)

    The fight lasted 40+ minutes. I summoned everything I have, which was promptly killed in one hit. He was immune to fatigue potions (my specialty) health effect poisons, and he could match my speed. (My guy is fast!!)

    His health wouldn't budge. We ran all over the dungeon with him matching my speed while being invisible and paralyzing me when he was close enough and then beating my health down. I used about 70 potions to stay alive.

    Finally I rememberd that I recently gained the werewolf transformation. I jumped over some tombs which put distance between us. I turned a corner and lost him.

    I transformed into a werewolf and poisoned my claw with disintergrate weapon and started hunting him. I found him and hit him in the back with my most powerful attack which landed with success. I then poisoned my claw with disintegrate armor and this knocked him into a corner and I started ripping him with my claw attacks. He finally started losing health and staggering back into the wall. I never stopped swinging and finally he went down, stunned. I finished him off a little after that.

    Man I was tired after it was over, but it was fun!

  13. I poison my arrows with fatigue poison.

    When I shoot an enemy, they chase me.

    If I time it right, I run down a steep hillside with them in pursuit. When the fatigue kicks in, for some reason, they jump off the cliff face or off the hillside and fly out of site. I can usually find them very far away, dead from impact.

    That never gets old!


    One time in particular I was running from a vampire on a low angle hill.

    I'm looking foreword when all of a sudden the vampire comes flying past me and smacks head-first into a boulder. His health dropped on impact but he was still alive.

    He bounced up in the air and cartwheeled over the boulder, where there was a steep drop off, and died once he hit the ground.

    Funny thing was that while he was in the air he made his death cry.

    It was like he knew he was going to die once he hit the ground so he kinda gave up before it happened.



  14. Draconis Mother.

    I hated to kill her, so I ran around and attracted a big brown bear, ran back to the house and she started fighting it.

    I left.

    Eventually I got credit for the kill without seeing exactly what happened.

    That strategy actually changed my whole play-style. Now whenever possible, I let others do my dirty work.

    I just pick through the left overs.

    Guards usually end up cleaning off the rest of the baddies. Heheheh.

  15. There are tons of great female figure mods out there.

    My absolute favorite is The Girl Next Door. It's the most realistic one, speaking from my point of view.

    It's a "pear" shaped body as are all the other female bodies available.


    I rarely play a female character, these days, but I was thinking of starting a new one and then it hit me; "We don't have any "apple" body mods.


    Apple body is a term used to describe a womans shape that isn't a "pear' shape. They are broader across the back and breasts, more full but shorter around the waist and a bit narrower around the hips.

    Angelina Jolie, Catherine Zeta Jones, and Rosario Dawson are well known examples of the apple body type.

    Another term used to describe the body is rectangular rather than triangular.

    Many many female athletes have the apple shape and in a lot of instances, they seem to be better suited to certain sports.

    In addition to being my favorite body type, they would fit perfectly into the game.


    All that to say if anyone has been wanting to create a new female body type, how bout that one?

    I would do it myself but Blender drives me insane and I've tried off and on for 3 years to try to learn it. I just don't get it.


    More importanly if one is already out there, PLEASE let me know about it!



  16. AH! Gimp.

    Thanks for that.


    Give DA Playable Troll Race a look. The females have some very nice tusks that go with the human head. The males use the Orc head with large tusks.

    They're the only tusks that I've found. If I was on my pc, I would show a picture of the females, but I do believe there are pics in mod page. They might be exactly what you were looking for.

  17. Ok. Thanks for the help!

    Ill try that tonight.

    I'm at work, on break, so I'll go into more detail about what I'm after.


    I'm going to use the half orc head because it has creases on the nose ridge. (I believe that there is a version of the HO race on your MHE mod)

    I'm aiming for black/greyish skin from one of the drow mods and small tusks, but with a human mouth.

    Really I just need a crease where the brow meets the nose ridge. More like a neanderthal look than orc. The crease is more important than the black skin, so I could forego the black skin and just get as dark as I can. I'll try your suggestion first.


    It's just for my own use because its for my FCOM game and it would be op for vanilla.

    Thanks for your help and its good to see you here. I'm quite a fan of yours.

  18. I have a simple question that will help me get something clear in my head...


    If I take, lets say, an Orc head and add Drow feet, (in other words, black skin) will I end up with a black Orc? Or will I end up with an Orc with a green head and a black body?


    I'm making a custom race, but the head is a different color than the one I want to end up with.

    Do I need to color the head? If so, what program do I use to do it?


    Long story short, I want to make a half Drow, half Orc. I have everything that I need but I'm not clear on the feet/head color thing.

    I'm running out of time to experiment tonight, so I thought I'd ask before I pick it up again tomorrow evening.


    Thanks in advance!

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