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About ReconTA

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  1. its great that you guys keep doing these
  2. In response to post #24784099. #24784289, #24785139 are all replies on the same post. @bullpcp Well the mod is already next to perfect, so the benefits of that are negligible, and compared to the damage it would cause... definitely not worth it.
  3. I'm going to post a segment of a comment left by a user on the Bethesda Blog, written in response to the 'Why we’re trying paid Skyrim mods on Steam' article. He goes by the name of JasonJones, and I think he sums up the biggest problem with the system far better then I can. It is a bit of a wall of text, but it hits the nail on the head. Comment starts here: 1. Bethesda games (TES/Fallout) are not modded like games like Countre Strike, DAYZ and GTA. This comparison must be STOPPED. Gary’s mod is NOT like a Skyrim mod that adds a SWORD… Even a Skyrim total conversion mod will either use resources from other mods or must be made in a way that it is compatible with other mods. This requires ACCESS to how those mods were made and some of the code used. This means modders must be working together, sharing and collaborating with each other. Something not required even a LITTLE by “gary’s mod”… This does not happen often in other games outside of the Sims community and also the Mount and Blade community. 2. Paid mods are not new. They have a long history…and in that long history they have torn large modding communities apart. Modders stop sharing, they stop collaborating and they start working against each other as other mods are then seen as competition. The sims 2 community was the single largest community in HISTORY. The game had more mods than Skyrim/Oblivion/and the Fallout games combined. Once several modders started selling their mods and stopped sharing their resources it split the community apart as more and more started doing it…and then the attacks started. Blacklisting leading to groups targeting other modders hosts with tons of complaints getting sites taken down…personal LAWSUITS claiming the stealing of ideas. People taking someone else’s mods and selling them on their own sites… The only reason the community survived the madness was due to the Mod the Sims site that stayed free and promoted sharing and collaborations. Spore…a game made around the very idea that players would CREATE the majority of the game. EA had a website for the mods with a pay option…and that game was trashed by modders attacking each other to limit competition…mods being reported for “looking” like another claiming ideas were being copied. Needless to say, the game never lived up to its potential. It took 1 entire day for the Skyrim community to be hit by this bad idea. The maker of SkyUI, the most popular SKyrim mod in its history announced he wouldn’t support it anymore and was going to be making a pay only version for the future. That mod…the single most important mod due to other mods being integrated with it, namely MCM…which so many other mods use to allow their mods to have settings that can be changed by users…and many of those makers then stating they will be making updates to their mods to deliberately NOT work with the future SkyUI. Instantly we had a virtual NIGHTMARE for modders and mod users. The community had already split, lines were drawn…modders no longer working WITH each other. Even more placing disclaimers on their mods stating they will NOT share their resources with anyone making a pay mod. Again, lines drawn and the entire community taking a hit because that meant even more mods WONT be made because new resources are being held onto instead of being shared. You cannot do something like this to a game like Skyrim where a person can actually COMPLAIN about 255 mods allowed to be used at one time being NOT ENOUGH…something you will never hear with the other games this move was being compared to…hell, many of those FPS games don’t even have 250 mods total and those that do use mods for those games rarely use more than a few at a time. This means there is no need for a modding community to be working together so their mods don’t conflict with each other with those games…and paid mods wont affect a thing.
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