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  1. Ok, I just tried it and I think it works. Theres some landscape textures not in the textureset, so I'll make some new ones see if that works.
  2. Hmm didn't think to try using the CK to do it. I was using the Material Editor program. I guess I'll give it a shot when I get off of work later. I'll let you know how it goes.
  3. Yea I see those options. But even if I copy the material from the road and rename it and redirect the textures inside, nothing changes.
  4. Im trying to use Material Editor to change the material of all the landscape but its not working. I have no idea what Im doing so any help would be great. Here's the short story. I'm creating my own custom winter landscape mod with textures hand picked from other mods. I have my d.dds, n.dds, s.dds files. They will be the same for every landscape texture. Now I have some old textures used on the roads, but when it rains or it gets "wet". The road and snow texture sorta turns gray. Looks like wet snow. I took one of the materials from that road and applied it to the landscape but it doesnt work the same way. This is only 1 landscape edited, to make it easier. It turns gray in spots. So is this the s.dds file or material file or something inside the mesh? But I dont think there is a mesh for the ground. Im using DriedGrass01_D for my test. It has 3 different material files. Making them all the same, or vanilla, or whatever changes nothing in game.
  5. I didn't want to read too much through this cause there are spoilers and I haven't finished yet. I just been free roaming during CH. 2 and alot of the things you mentioned I like the sound of. If you don't mind I'd like to add some more ideas to your post so I don't make a whole new topic. More fire spread: Something like Farcry 2. Setting a field on fire for it to only burn that little section is kinda weird. More options for corpses: Skin humans, bury them, chop em up, cannibalism. Something other then loot, pickup. Skin options for: Horses, cats, dogs. Dont care about anyones feelings on this. They are a animal in game, let me skin them too. Also catch bugs for something. I see moths, butterflies and stuff flying around. Maybe put them in jars? Also option to search both saddlebags on dead horses. There needs to be more interactive items in this game. Houses full of stuff but can only interact with like 4 items. Boring... Basket full of apples? Can only pick up 1. Wtf? Some kind of building mechanic? Something little, not Fallout 4 type but if you find a building, it would be cool to put wood over windows and stuff or flip tables to hide behind. I have alot more but don't want to hogtie your thread.
  6. I shall raise this thread once more, cause God damn this the only pain free way to listen to XWM files without that choppy/skipping. Foobar works for this perfectly, install the addon to make it play those files.
  7. Like the title says, I need someone with some skills to help me fix up my road texture. I'm doing a snow playthrough and the texture overlaps and stands out from the rest. The road still has the lines and potholes in it too. I have the textures, so if someone can fix it up for me that would be great.
  8. I'm running PRC X and NAC X with ENB Lights Overhaul. 1. Randomly the whole screen goes black. Or more so not the screen but everything on screen. Looks like someone just turned off the lights in my whole game. Lasts like 2 seconds and happenes like 1 - 2 times. Don't know which mod it is or how to fix it. 2. When I move up close to any object the object gets lit up brighter. Kinda looks like the pip boy light is on but on a dimmer setting. And no the light is not on. It's like a very low powered flashlight is on. Don't know how to fix. This might also be connected to #3. 3. Everything looks fine in front of me, when I turn, the right side of my screen gets lit up brighter like the problem above. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Some ini tweaking* 1. I would like the game to not render any grass. I want to remove it completely. I used the blank textures for the grass but how do I remove it? I know the one setting is backwards? Like lower number means more grass or something like that. 2. This might be related to shadows but want to make sure. I have a winter setup and when I walk there's like a thin line that sweeps in front of me making shadows more defined. Would this be the shadow distance?
  9. Aren't the dust clouds meshes? There was a mod for FONV that darkened the dust clouds if I remember right.
  10. Edit: Removed original post. Made my decision. Need help with locating these textures "IN GAME". Not the folders where the texture is located. Where in game is it, what location, what's it used for, etc. Dirtcliffsoil_d Medrocks_d Riversilt_d I been checking cliffs and rivers all over the game and can't find these textures. I use crazy neon plain colors to replace and go searching in game but can not for the life of me find these.
  11. I'm actually running a winter playthrough but I grabbed dam near every landscape mod to mix and match for certain textures to give me some color. BNS - For trees. Other tree mods break precombines and/or lag. BNS is smooth for me and places trees everywhere. And it comes with landscape textures. Fallout seasons - Has every type of season so that's pretty good. Nature's Awakening - Has the best looking plants and grass, imo. I'm trying to get the author back to it to finish up the missing textures. Looks way better in game then the screenshots. Every other grass/landscape mod is pretty much the same just different shades of green for things. And every mod I went through I was never happy, I had to mix and match alot of them.
  12. I was trying to edit the Aquatic Bestiary - Sea life to the Commonwealth, to have more spawns and change the chance of finding a creature. What am I looking for with FO4Edit? I changed count number higher - didn't make a difference?
  13. Well looks like I'll be checking Zorkaz's mod page again in the coming days lol
  14. There are a bunch of mods that replace certain creatures with raiders or ghouls. Can't remember names but I always seen them.
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