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Everything posted by DooDooBerry

  1. i guess this community is dead judging how some posts have 1000s of views and a few responses
  2. First parts: i5 4670k @ 3.4GHz (think i oc to 3.8ghz according to cpuz) MSI Z87-G45 8gb ddr3 (NB frequency says 3600 - 3800 MHz) GTX 760 2gb I was looking into buying skyrim se and modding it but was wondering if my aging computer could handle it. I'm going to be playing at 1080p. 60fps would be ideal. Mods I'm would like so far: better ragdoll skyrim 2017 textures or SMIM (or both?) total character makeover bijin all in one skyui apocalypse magic vivid weathers re-engaged enb skyrim flora If I do need an upgrade, would a better gpu be enough? Like a gtx 1060 or 1070?
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