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  1. Here is a problem. Let's take a simple .nif file like slgcwinwal01.nif from vanilla Skyrim Meshes - solitude - interiors. It contains wall with windows, wall has NiTriShape with NiTriShapeData. I want to expand this wall (and other elements, let's think i want to make this whole mesh square), so i take NiTriShapeData and click Export to .obj. In 3d MAX i take my wall mesh, click clone, place a copy with original. Then i click attach and save it like new a mesh. Back into Nifskope i select NiTriShapeData delete it and import my new mesh. I set number of BV number smthIdon'tremeber to 4097, click Mesh - Face normals. And now there's a problem - my new mesh doesn't want to use textures. Original BSLightningShaderProperty contains BSShaderTextureSet with original mesh textures I tried to make a new one, but my new wall don't want to use it (it just changing color of mesh, but don't use a textures). I tried to delete the whole BSLightningShaderProperty and make a new one, but when I create BSShaderTextureSet and set a path to textures it again just chage it's color but don't using a texture. Sorry, if my question sounds like WTFDOYOUWANT?? i will come home from work and post a screenshot of every step, but maybe someone has some ideas from what i've just asked. Thank U.
  2. Ok, to make it simple I'll explain right here... The idea - player in Skyrim pick some object (scroll, book, etc), activates it and start playing as another person in another time and place with it's own quest line. This new character has it's own perks, race abilities, stats and new inventory! (thats very important!). Well the main question here - is it possible, but bigger question is how to get back to play for main character in Skyrim if player wants it. I though about some item, which could return player to Skyrim, but it is only in theory. I have a lot of questions, but these are critical just for decision - should I start this mod or not. Thank you for you're responses. :rolleyes:
  3. Ok, so I have had this idea for remodeling spells, I've found a spell (let it be Fire Rune), extracted it .nif file, .dds textures. Draw a new textures, set them in Nifscope and now it is a part to put them to the game actually. But in Creation Kit i've not found any reference for using a new meshes for spell. The're is a hell lot of options like - both hand, left hand, hand animations and other but no exact reference for a mesh. :( Could U please help me or is it even possible? Many thanks, U're another moding noob.
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