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Everything posted by noxpallida

  1. In response to post #55626551. #55630901, #55633596, #55633931, #55641576 are all replies on the same post. I was wondering about where the Mods of the Month section was too. If I want to check on the Mods of the Month, I now have to access the page through the Mods dropdown menu. Doesn't make sense to me at all. :/ (EDIT: Sorry, this was supposed to be a direct reply to your MotM comment, but I guess comments don't nest that far anymore?)
  2. The Druid pack looks promising. :3 Also, I kinda agree with Hallabalooga, shaman might be an intriguing name change for the pack.
  3. The vanilla game (with Dragonborn) has a perk respec option. Ordinator will have a perk respec option (with or without Dragonborn). Does SkyRe have a respec option for its perks? I think I already know the answer to that question, and it's called Vendor Lock-In. I'm pretty sure SkyRe has a Respec Potion. :blink: (I've used it a few times.) I guess I'm more concerned about crashes from information left behind in the save data by SkyRe. At this point, I've restarted so many times that it's not much of a concern; I'm just curious. In any case, those rough draft perks look droolworthy! :biggrin:
  4. This sounds really promising! :D As a current user of SkyRe though, I'm a bit concerned about save file compatibility. I'm guessing that if I wanted to switch over I'd have to start a new game?
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