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Everything posted by sangimpur
Integrated support and separation for other languages
sangimpur replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
First, I support the feature. A good idea that will speed identifying mods I can use (though it would be cool if I learned Turkish). The only easily handled issue would be to add an "All" language category for mods that are language independent. -
In the year and a half I've been using NMM I've seen VAST improvements, particularly after the switch to the new setup in the last few months. Things we couldn't think of doing prior are now possible. Sure there have been a few pebbles in the road, but overall speed, responsiveness and features are a giant leap from previous (ex: forced to reimage my machine right after your conversion I downloaded over a 100 mods... all ON A SATURDAY MORNING! Before, downloading more a than handful was near impossible.) Lots of other great stuff since but that stands out. I prefer to measure progress vs. perfection. On this you are moving faster than Indiana Jones outrunning the boulder. The trolls will always be out there spinning indictments from a manageable flaw. As a friend of mine used to say, "This is a game people! If things don't go your way, you need to GO OUTSIDE!!" NMM took an app (in my case Skyrim) that would have made the trash bin in three months, expanded it into years of entertainment and then said I could even have it for FREE! Instead I chose Premium, not for the extras but as a small way to show appreciation for all the hard work this team has put into it for us. Thanks Dark0ne and the entire NMM team. Your work is awesome and more than most of us agree.
[Updated] New NMM version out, help us out and update to it (also, X R
sangimpur replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
Patience is a virtue. Being unable to log in a few days ago and did some of the usual blind user scrambling around found you were working on it. Because I could still play games, I parked my expectations knowing you guys would work day and nite on the solution. An lo and behold, downloaded the update patch and all is back to normal (login, download and install mods). The fix works quite well. I know we keep calling it a beta, but given the wide ranging functionality that has worked for so long it's hard to consider it so anymore. Still that may be the source of the vapid emails railing on the loss of a small portion of what NMM does for us. Kick those clowns to the curb Dark0ne. They are too lazy to realize they have an alternative for doing what needs to be done and in no way actually affected their ability to play the games that NMM supports. But I am curious... When are you going to add support for that new game you've been playing for the last week, "Technology Whack-A-Mole". You know, that puzzle game with thousands of stupid surprises and which you can only win by achieving maximum frustration? :) -
NMM bug fix release and download hacking problems fixed
sangimpur replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
In response to post #7757811. #7758068 is also a reply to the same post. Thanks Thorne67. Only seeing the usual download issues (weekends = crunch time) but no real trouble there. Some downloading issues may be sourced elsewhere (DNS attacks slowing down the entire Net have grown recently) Glad you were able to DL a bunch without bugs... progress appears to have been made or you ducked the bullet. Am hoping for a status from Nexus if they have that period behind them. Haven't detected a virus since 4-2 so am hoping its behind them now. Also expunging a software gremlin (source unverified) so plan to reinstall Skyrim from the ground up including Nexus and am hoping the cleansing is now completed (such as that can be done) I'm using 44.1 now and spent a lot of time getting back to zero. Took Dark0ne's advice and decided to hold on upgrades until there is a good reason so hope we can get a list of the changes similar to that which was given on the open of this article. -
NMM bug fix release and download hacking problems fixed
sangimpur replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
Any updates on the virus front? Also, can you let us know what has been changed with the recent updates from 0.44.3 to 0.44.7? Thanks. -
NMM version 0.44 released, new file servers and site updates
sangimpur replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
In response to post #7539367. #7539565, #7543354 are all replies on the same post. Try deleting from the uncategorised view, that works under 44.1 (I can't delete only from the categorized view, it still freezes, but can from uncategorized). I had the same duplicates mess with .44, the dups were "uninstalled" and the originals showed as being installed ONLY if they didn't have a readme. Installed the 44.1 hotfix which then showed both duplicates AND the originally installed mods as being uninstalled. Odd thing, this was visual only, not actual, as my game played as normal even though the NMM screens showed no mods installed (the plugins list wasn't touched). Solution was to delete the duplicates (AFTER exporting the load order which was not affected), reinstall each mod individually (in order, which had to be done with help from modders descriptions/readme's as my memory is fallible) then reimport the load order. Tedious yes, but the only damage done was to lose the original install date of the mods, the rest appears to be just that NMM presented erroneous screens from what was actually going on. At least for my setup. I run about 100 mods. -
NMM version 0.44 released, new file servers and site updates
sangimpur replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
In response to post #7529174. Probably best to monitor the bug report forum to help you decide -
NMM version 0.44 released, new file servers and site updates
sangimpur replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
In response to post #7509634. Cool beanos. Given the dedication you guys have to quality and the community I had no doubt someone(s) is out there slaving over a hot keyboard until it gets handled. Thanks DuskDweller!! Hope your fingertips still have prints on them when you're done. -
NMM version 0.44 released, new file servers and site updates
sangimpur replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
Sorry bben46. That doesn't resolve the issue. My duplicates are still there. That said, near as I can tell it doesn't appear to affect the mechanics of NMM, just the way the screens are present my mods. Notably, there are two of every mod that has a readme (mods that do not have a readme were NOT duplicated). All my esp's, esm's are still showing up on the plugin list and I see the bsa's as well so nothing appears to have been deleted or moved. Haven't played and don't really need to in case the problem is more extensive that I can see so I'll wait until this is patched but switching views has no affect. -
Blog piece: Ads, Supporters, Endorsements and Bandwidth Throttling
sangimpur replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
You had me at Hello? Actually you had me at "We get by for two reasons; ads, and Premium Members. They’re both ridiculously important " Now I didn't sign up for Premium to be ridiculously important to you (though that is a life goal in RL :). I signed up after realizing Nexus adds more value to Skyrim than Bethesda and the financial side of that was out of balance (sorry the mind wanders during V E R Y long articles). Not a modder by any means and am resisting becoming so - no offense. I'm here to enhance Skyrim with the boundless creativity of truly talented fans not earn my software engineering degree Was a good little freeloader though.... not blocking adds, reading the f*#@ing manual (description), offering constructive criticism, endorsing/voting only when merited and effusive praise when warranted. Still, the guilt preyed that such a great site with the right philosophy should struggle without a little helping hand...... So Premium Lifetime it is.... Thanks for all the hard work on this killer site.... keep it going! -
Thanks for the confirm Dart. Had a feeling it would work this way but good to hear from someone who has actually been there. The thing that gave me pause was one of the NMM mods popped a plugin as well. Will leave those be but will delete the Steam one's altogether that the author posted on Nexus. Not just for the neat and tidy aspect but also to prevent conflicts between the same mods (some authors have posted the same version on widely different dates). Wish all my mods were on NMM but c'est la vie.
UPDATED ADD TO MY ORIGINAL POST BELOW (moved step 2 to step 7) NOOB question Alert! I am swapping out all my Steam subscribed mods for NMM versions where they are duplicated. I am looking for confirmation that the process I plan to use in NMM is correct. Just want to prevent having two versions of the same mod loading via NMM. Current config: Using SKSE to launch TESV. NMM version of the mods have been downloaded to NMM but are not activated. Am still subscribed to same mod in Steam. Their plugins still show in NMM. Step 1) Deactivate the Steam plugin in NMM Step 2) Activate the NMM version of the mod Step 3) Unsubsribe from the mod in Steam Step 4) Open vanilla TESV (no SKSE launch) Step 5) Delete mod from datafiles (do not start game) Step 6) Verify mod plugin is not listed in NMM Step 7) Activate the NMM version of the mod Step 8) Validate the mod is working in game Anything wrong with this process? Thanks
Thanks for getting back so quick. This helps. A short followup question. If I manually update a non-Nexus mod (Steam in this case) and find I need to roll it back, I assume I have to roll it back manually as well as NMM is unable to do so. Correct?
I would like to manage all my mods using NMM. Specifically the ability to prevent, or rollback, damaging mod edits is one the the biggest reasons I use NMM. However some Steam mods are not on Nexus (though I do encourage the authors to put them up here). Is there a way for NMM to check for updates to Steam only mod updates? I have all the mod .esp's I want to manage (Nexus and non-Nexus) in the plug-in list (and manage the load order that way) but only Nexus based mods are found under the Mods tab. Is it possible to have all plug in .esp's also on the Mods tab? If so, how? If not I'd like to suggest the feature be added and added to the user manual (I am an ardent RTFM'er but after a week haven't found anything on the topic). Thanks so much.