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About samus1225

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  1. Just putting this out there: I think it would be great if some one made a mod where under the inventory you were able to save different combinations of clothes/armor/jewlry etc. Right beneath apparel in the inventory should be "outfits." say im a mage and i wear robes. if i have robes enchanted for alchemy or robes enchanted for battle or stealth, i'd also have jewelry that goes along with it as well as boots. it's often a pain to change all the clothes. wouldnt it be great if under outfits i could just save "outfit of alchemy fortification" i dont know anything about modding, but i'd assume this would be easy to make.
  2. I feel like if I was forced to keep my own journal instead of having the computer keep a journal for me (quests etc) the immersion of the game would increase tremendously. Also, im too tempted to fast travel. having it disabled would force me to not do it. finally, there needs to be some sort of "fire fight" mode where you go into an arena and over time the number of enemies and their difficulty gets harder. like in halo or call of duty zombies. Just for kicks. I know i can add it via console, but to have it as a mod would be even greater. Just some ideas im throwing around
  3. OK.ive had skyrim installed since launch. i can play the game for about 15 minutes straight without problems. at about 15 minutes, the game begins flickering. it's as if the gpu is not sending out a signal. in fact, on my monitor, when it flickers it states "no signal." same thing on my tv. the flickerings are about 15 seconds, and I can play for another minute after the 15 seconds. then it flickers again. after about five times, the game crashes and windows states "display driver has stopped driving and has recovered." I have the latest driver. the driver i have was released 11-10-11. It even did it on the old driver. so both the old and new drivers crash skyrim. the game runs smoothly at both low settings and high settinggs. the game crashes at both low settings and high settings. i have disabled v-sync. my audio settings are fine (a common problem with pc skyrim). i have tried windowed mode. skyrim still crashes. ive even completely turned off anti-aliasing and antialitrope The problem only happens in skyrim. not even crysis does this. Computer specs: AMD quad core 3ghz 4gigs ram nvidia 9800gtx+ (latest drivers) windows 7 64 home premium 64bit direct x 11 **one important note** while in window mode, the monitor doesnt flicker, but skyrim blacks out. since in window mode i can see the task bar the error comes up "display driver has recovered." it says this even if the game hasnt crashed yet
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