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Everything posted by Triforce1

  1. Yeah, they have Fallout 3: New Vegas to worry about right now. At least, sort of. They've handed that over to Obsidian, but they still have a big hand in it. Also, they're publishing several games primarily produced by other companies, which you can see here. But no news on the next big, solely-Bethesda enterprise just yet. But I have a feeling that round about a couple months from now, we'll hear about it.
  2. I don't know much about these "fully customize online computer" sites; all I see in them is a do-it-yourself computer with a cool paint job and some sort of outside warranty. But for those who have just enough technical experience to know what they want, but not enough to plug a system together, it's a great idea. Back to the "I don't know much" thing, though. You have some very top-notch parts there my man, and I personally think you are set. Do get a security system that is streamlined for gaming though; all that money to have Norton screw with you would be a waste. I've had Norton 360 for years, and I vow that the next time I need security for a new computer, I'm gonna search for an alternative. Also, pick yourself out a good ASUS nVIDIA-based board. The one listed above could do you no wrong, either. Don't go with that Intel branded board; Gishank is right. Same on the 260 front, get rid of it. I've got a BFG 295 and it's great. I like your processor fine, it being an Intel i7 and all. I love me some Intel, but it is surely a personal choice between that and AMD. The chassis is good, totally personal choice. Good idea on the hard drives, however, I have all of those games (or similar ones) and I've already used up the more than 60GB of super storage you seem to intend games for. But that's your choice. Removing the 260 should give you a cushion for more room anyway. That 2TB is likely necessary for all the other things you do, too, LHammonds is very correct. I understand you intended to choose 64bt OS, that's good for the memory usage. Don't lnow what the step up monitor is for that setup, regardless you'll be very happy with that brand / size / resolution. You'll love your speakers; I've always had Creative and I've never looked back. Speaking of which, I would recommend upgrading your sound card to get the most out of your speakers / games / video editing. You'll be wanting something with X-Fi, that Audigy doesn't seem to have it. I'm quite happy with my X-Fi Xtreme Gamer, had it for several years, and I hear it has come down in price. If it was me, I'd also go with a different brand of RAM, OCZ / Corsair are my favorites, but that is choice as well. Also, an interesting point was brought up. What kind of power supply are you going to get? I highly recommend PC Power and Cooling, but you may like another brand due to their horrible cable management. Can't beat them for quality though. I have a PC P&C Silencer 710, and I couldn't be happier. I hear BFG is up and coming that regard, though. Oh goodness, I seem to have written an essay. :D Sorry to be so long-winded / nit-picky, but I do like to see gamers get what in a system for what they want to pay. I hope this monologue has been at least as helpful as it was boring, and I hope you tell us how you get along when you do finally pick out a system. Good luck! -Triforce1
  3. The Bogeyman checks under his closet for Chuck Norris when he goes to sleep. Chuck Norris isn't afraid of the Dark, the Dark is afraid of Chuck Norris. Chuck Norris and Superman decided to race around the world, and the loser would have to wear his underwear on the outside. When you woke up this morning, it was because Chuck Norris allowed you to live.
  4. I wouldn't go that far. Have you tried installing it on a different vista computer, with better specifications? This may be difficult to achieve, but if you can it would tell you more. Also, I notice that nowhere on this page you have specified what exactly your system specifications are. Like more than one person said before, your machine may just not cut it. Sure, BF2 is more than a few years old. But it sure packs a punch. If you can't get newer equipment, try disabling Windows Aero, Windows Sidebar, and running BF2 in the crappiest settings possible. Also, while I doubt it will help, DICE released a Patch 1.50 fix that's supposed to allow you to Alt+Tab without crashing. May very well help you out. Good luck, again, again. Maybe I should just stop saying this... :P -Triforce1
  5. Ah yes, that's another thing I forgot to mention. Good one, vicICE. On Vista, it is wise to install games outside of the Program Files folder. Doesn't matter where; C:\Games\ is popular. Me, I have a drive in and of itself that I keep games and big applications on, just so problems don't arise as often. Vista can get picky. For my BF2 install, I have it as D:\Battlefield 2\. Do a fresh install in a new location, re-patch, and try again. If that doesn't help, then I don't know what will. Good luck, again. :) -Triforce1
  6. Yeah, Vista puts a little extra strain on the hardware as opposed to XP. Make sure that your components have enough left over after the Vista drain to run BF2. Also, the BF2 1.50 patch was released a couple of days ago. It seems to add official Windows Vista support, so I would suggest that. Fixes some other errors that might be messing with you to. Make sure you have updated to 1.41, and then try 1.50. It should work; I've been running BF2 on Vista for awhile now with no complaints, and 1.50 made it much smoother. Good luck. -Triforce1
  7. No problem, man.
  8. 1) Deadly Reflex is the best. Seems someone has done something with blood, too, and it actually looks good. Search on the Nexus. I've heard of a mod called Unnecessary Violence. Might want to look into that. 2) Can't really help you with animations. Never really has been my cup of tea. Just keep searching the Nexus and the net. 3) For a voiced quest you can hardly beat The Lost Spires. Large, voice acted mods are few, and this is one of the gems. 4) A tricky request. I specifically remember a mod awhile back that allowed you to place anything anywhere in a house. Can't find it, but I know it exists. On a quick search of the Nexus, this mod turns up. Sounds right up your alley, shame it's still in beta. Should work for you though. And I guess since you specify "mod," you don't want to use the Construction Set. Take five minutes to familiarize yourself with it, and you can whip up a house that is just exactly what you want. Good luck!
  9. My dream mod would be to have new guild quests all the time. Like, the Dark brotherhood should never run out of people to kill. Yeah, I know that would kind of clash with the ending of those quests, but I still want to have more things to do with them than just chat up a statue. I want to never run out of cool things to steal for the Thieves' guild too. The way things become at the end, that would just be even better. Trying to be vague, since this isn't in the spoilers section. :) But yeah, in a nutshell, endlessly reoccurring guild quests, regardless of guild standing.
  10. I agree with Retribution. Each game gets progressively better and better. Well, maybe I liked Ocarina of Time far more than Majora's Mask. And maybe I can't decide whether I liked Wind Waker or Twilight Princess more. But that is the point. As to the new game, I hope it is different. And not in the way that some new concept is introduced each time, be it the Twilight Realm or the Great Flood or whatnot. Reading about that rumor with the trains and the muskets, I thought how awesome that would be. The legend can't stay in medieval times forever, no matter how many parallel universes they hint that there are. Done correctly, some new technology in the game might be cool. EDIT: However, the day that Link trades his Master Sword for the Laser of Courage is the day I hang up my controller. :P
  11. As I read the first post, I had to smile. It sounds like you are describing wishes for Elder Scrolls V, as opposed to a mod. You see, a mod such as that would be on such a grand scale, and would take so long to complete, that it would have to balloon into either a colossal official expansion pack, or be an entirely new game. While certainly possible, it would be a mod that puts OOO, MMM, FCOM, and all the others I can't think of to shame. Of course, I guess that's why it's a "dream mod," right? As to the RPG elements, I would have to agree with BadPrenup. However, Micko makes an excellent point. If you wanted, you could set up a mod to play through that set you as a shopkeep or a travelling merchant or a pirate or anything else you wanted. And with the right scripts, with a little random "this, this or this IF this or this" thrown in, you could effectively RP just fine, and you might even surprise yourself with what the game engine throws your way.
  12. Ah, just as I though. That seemed to be the unanimous decision over on the Guru3D Forums. Like I said, that will be one of the things I do to try and fix this. RAM and a new DVD drive are relatively cheap upgrades to a computer system, so that'll be added as well. I'm getting more hard disk space just in case. Of course, I will install the new power supply first to see it that will fix the problems. If it doesn't, I'll keep changing stuff. Otherwise, I'll send back the hard disks and the DVD drive. I've wanted an excuse for more memory anyway. Thanks for all your help! -Triforce1
  13. Will do, I'd rather have a $50 problem than a $450 one. Thanks. However, can a dirty DVD drive cause assorted .dll failures and other weird problems, including BSODs?
  14. Excellent, that is just my plan. I think I'll get the new PC P&C 910W Silencer; 4GB (2x2GB) of OCX Reaper HPC DDR2 RAM @1066; some new Pioneer disk drive, they run cheap-ish; (2) 640GB 7200RPM WD Caviar HDDs. All for cheaper that my new GTX 295. That should fix my problems, don't you think?
  15. Quick update: I just restarted to let some updates install. And I have been greeted by two error messages. Both are dll loading errors: Error Loading NVCPL.DLL Invalid Access to Memory Location Error Loading C:\Windows\system32\NvCpl.dll Invalid access to Memory Location After closing these messages, I am greeted with two notices that RunDLL32 has stopped working, and that the programs has been closed to fix errors. I feel like my computer is falling apart. Someone please help!
  16. This is absurd, I'm at my wits' end. I formated my XP hard drive to start all the way over again. I installed Vista this time and started through installing my stuff. Got all the drivers down, slowly worked through over 70 updates (still wasn't done at incident time) and essential programs like Norton 360 and Google Chrome. Then, figuring that a[nother] fresh OS install would help, I tried to install Fallout 3 (first to Program Files, then to C:\Games). It died of yet another CRC Error. One about something in the data cab files not matching something else in the bsa's. When I choose to abort the install, I came right here for help. Got a BSOD as I writing this the first time. Rambles on about some assorted things, it was gone too fast for me to read. Now, I'm getting a little ticked. I then go through Assassins' Creed, SPORE, and Microsoft Office Home and Student. On the games, I get the same consistent issue. On MS Office, I got something different, but that install aborted too. This means that not a single game I intend on installing, as well as MS Office, will install. So: CRC Errors on FO3, AC, SPORE, NWN2, and TESIV Weird error (MD5 or something) on BF2 Basic corrupted disk message on MS Office Also had an issue with downloading nVIDIA nTune software; something about a corrupted disk Also having issues with Vista's Windows Update / Ultimate Extras. All download fine, but many fail to install. .NET Framework v3.5 absolutely refuses, no matter how I try So, I'm dying here. At the risk of sounding long-winded, I'll keep describing my issues / ranting. Playing BF2 awhile back, my game shuddered, froze, and then came back to life. Except, all the textures were really messed up. I had cotton candy buildings, tree helicopters, and camouflage as the sky. I would occassionally get BSOD's with a graphics error description. I so attributed it to a slowly dying graphics card (heat was no stranger to me in that area). A few days ago I picked up a new card to replace this "fried" one. See first post for the exact cards. Wanting the best possible results from this pricey hunk of circuitry, I formatted both my hard drives (WD 150GB Raptors - one for XP Pro, one for Vista Ultimate). I have since then installed XP, and when I could do no good on that front with the CRC errors, I wiped the drive and started over with Vista. Same mind-numbing issue. A few things I do know / can speculate upon: I have 2GB of system RAM. Minimum requirement for RAM for the new 295 is 2GB. Could this be an issue? I'd love to have, like, 8GB, but I have little interest in a 64bit OS due to modding / CS limitations for TESIV. I'd get 4GB (the limit, right?), but (tell me if I'm wrong) I already have nearly 2GB of memory in my graphics card and that adds up to the 4GB limit. My HDD's have been heavily worked since I built this rig 3yrs ago. Never done any RAID. I've formatted them more that just a few times. From combing the internet, these high-RPM drives are prone to issues after awhile. Right? My computer gets hot. Really hot. Would've gone completely liquid-cooled here recently if the price wasn't so danged high. Old GPU ran at around 186F on a cool day, CPU still runs at a relatively OK 140-160F on average per core. An Intel Core 2 Extreme QX9650 if it helps. Heat was giving me some serious issues with games on the old GPU, infamous nvlddmkm.sys issues abound. So, that's it. Assuming that none of my disks are actually corrupted (the TESIV disk is the only one with scratches - AC, BF2, and FO3 are practically spotless), what the heck could be causing my downfall? Is it a memory issue? A problem with my HDD's? A temperature problem? Something weird to do with my new super-GPU? Or something I have thought nothing about? Please! Anyone, help! :wallbash: :( :wacko: -Triforce1
  17. Thanks for the help. However, none of the above mentioned things worked. I tried several recovery programs, different ways of copying the files, cleaning with toothpaste (??), etc. Nothing. I still get assorted issues, but all say this: "CRC Error: <File Location> does not match the data contained in the cab file. Retry/Abort/Ignore." Upon further digging, it seems to me that specifically my data6.cab file is corrupted. Interestingly enough, I was installing Neverwinter Nights 2 Gold and got the same CRC Error. However, I took it to another computer and it installed and patched through fine. Did the same thing with Oblivion, and got the same error again. So does it mean my DVD drive has a problem? I know my Oblivion disk is corrupted, but is my drive messed up as well? Also, is there a way to get a new disk from Bethesda, or do I have to buy all over again?
  18. Recently, I bought a new graphics card (BFG nVIDIA GTX 295) to replace my older fried card (BFG nVIDIA GTX 8800). Now, I had backed up everything I wanted and did a full format on both my hard drives (I dual-boot XP and Vista). I have as yet only reinstalled XP and all of the drivers and stuff, and have made my way back up to re-installing games. I tried to install Oblivion and got a ton of error messages, mainly one about CRC errors and a corrupted cab file. Well, I ran a DVD check program and found out that (at the very least) my "data6.cab" is corrupted beyond repair. Likely due to all the scratches on my disk. Now, am I doomed to purchase a new disk? Or can another data6.cab be substituted? I don't want to discuss any warez or any of that jazz, as we all know that isn't allowed here. However, (I know I'm treading on thin ice here) can the same file work on any installation? Like, can someone send me their "data6.cab" file and it will work for me? Just wondering, thanks. -Triforce1
  19. Most excellent, thank you very much. Shame the kudos system only allows an individual point from each member. You never fail to help us all, Vagrant0. Thanks.
  20. I am in need of a line of code that I can put into an un-timed summoning script that will cause the summoned creature to return to it's holding cell when the player gets a certain distance away from it. 1000 units was recommended to me, but I think a little tweaking would be necessary. Can anyone help? Thanks. -Triforce1
  21. Sounds like your problem is coming from the natural interiors mod. The mod makes weather visible from inside the buildings, and it is only a beta. Maybe he'll have it ironed out soon.
  22. Alright, I'm slowly getting the hang of this scripting thing. I added components to the script to make it impossible to summon the mounts outside. Also, if the player walks inside, the mounts will go away and need to be re-summoned. You are correct about the last ridden horse being brought with you when you fast travel. However, I still do not know how to make the summoning spells dispel when the player gets a certain distance away. Perhaps someone could jot that down here?
  23. I understand your not wanting to get too into this, but you could create an entire new guild to run the place. Biologist's Guild, or some such. Maybe the zoo is a little run down in the beginning, but you join the guild and collect specimens for them. After awhile, and lots of animal collecting, people from the major cities start to come to the zoo on a regular basis. Maybe you could "charge admissions", and once the player becomes Head Biologist he / she can receive a cut. Dunno, just spouting ideas. I think it's a great idea.
  24. I am working on a mod that adds a number of unusual mounts to the game, plus a few familiar ones. Each creature has sort of an evil spin to it, and the vendor who sells them to you is a Conjurer hiding from his fellow mages because they disprove of his work. There are currently 11 mounts that you can purchase from him, and due to this number I feel that a "clean-up" spell is necessary. You see, none of the summons are timed. They are more "teleport" spells that anything else. Summoning them again merely moves them to the player. The creatures are all teleported from an initial holding cell, and I want the un-summon spell to send all the summoned mounts back to this cell. Also, another script could use some work. Can anyone give me a command string that will deposit a certain item in the player's inventory the first time he/she casts the summoning spells?Each one individually, something I can add to the start of each one. I figure a little mount instruction could go a long way, particularly for those that do not swim. :P Thanks! -Triforce1
  25. Pick the creature you want from the big list, and then scroll sideways in that same list. reference ID is in there somewhere. For the more singular creatures, like essential ones and ones that hold your stuff, make one creature and give it a unique reference ID. I may have mentioned this in your other post.
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