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Everything posted by thazer

  1. Warning, do not install Scrapper Range Extension if you have Far Harbor DLC, you will not be able to learn Scrapper from the perk window or even with the console.
  2. Thats because you need to do what the other guy said. I just spent hours trying to figure out how to get the wrapper to work with the 4gb loader. >>>>>>>>> Here is the deal. The new fnv4gb alternate loader comes with a folder called exes, it puts its own FalloutNV.exe there and loads it alone, for your ENB to work, you simply have to put the ENB stufff inside that EXES folder, then you load the 4gb.exe and you'll see it working, at least for me it did! I use the Wrapped version by the way, don't know about the Injector one. Give it a try! <<<<<<<<< So basically put your favorite enb files in that exes folder along with the d3d9.dll file from the enbseries site otherwise to use the injector you need to add -laaexe .\FalloutNV4GB.exe to your fnv4gb.exe shortcut . Dont listen to anything else anyone said in this thread its all old outdated crap. Use this loader its updated for 2014 and later. http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/55061/?
  3. you can already respec.. near the blacksmith there is a thing that looks like a banner you can click it like a shop and it sells an amulet that makes you respec when you equip it
  4. Hey there, I'm not sure its possible to modify spells yet but something to consider. When blizzard is active, mana stops regenerating completely. I dont think bioware is ever going to fix this. Would be nice if someone found out how to modify these values. Its a really cool spell and its the last spell in the ice tree... such a huge waste.
  5. @chanchan05 that is fantastic mate, both mods are fully compatible with BV and RB. Dark Maneuvers adds enhanced vampire gameplay and True Vampire Lord adds compatibility to play on legendary :) Really appreciate the plugs. Thanks a lot. I looked around for some mods but after going through a few of them i was like, "meh", something was always a little too off for my liking, but these two are great. Cheers :devil: :devil: :devil:
  6. Well I agree with what you said about Skyre not supposed to be played in legendary, I'm suffering the consequences of doing so because of the overpowered crossbows, except that I dont see why the fact that I'm playing Skyre and playing legendary makes my tweak suggestions any less desirable. I did post in the mod request section, and I doubt I'm the only one who is unhappy about the VL melee. I wish I had years of modding knowledge, I would be more than happy to do it myself and share it with this great community. In theory there is no problem with giving VL melee mode faster attacks, as it should be in the first place. Its attacks are so slow that between the time I press the left mouse button and the time the NPC gets hit, he was able to shield bash me. And thats just a regular attack, not a power attack. If you think it would be overpowered, then melee would just need to to have its damage rebalanced in exchange for the attack speed. And the stagger is just, well, annoying and uncharacteristic for a VL. Some puny bandit with an iron dagger shouldnt be able to stunlock me for 5+ seconds while I'm getting my ass nuked by fireball spamming mages.
  7. Hey modders, so I've decided to have a new playthrough as a Vampire Lord. Naturally I went with some of my favorite mods, Better Vampires in conjunction with Royal Bloodlines. I like to play a tough game, so I play Legendary difficulty along with Skyrim Redone. I dont mind getting my ass kicked and reloading 15 times, but the major problem I'm facing is the fact that Vampire Lord is not only slower than a frost troll in melee, but I'm also getting chain staggered nonstop. All the VL mods out there tweak how much damage the claws do, adding special effects to the power attacks (Better Vampires adds a Power Attack Bite/finishing move) So here is my suggestion and perhaps a few questions too: 1) Would it be possible to change how quickly the VL recovers from stagger, or maybe completely remove it? Perhaps as an option within the mod. I know stagger can be modified since Skyrim Redone has a perk specifically for this in the Heavy Armor tree, perk is called Titan and only works while wearing heavy armor. 2) Why hasnt anyone made the Vampire Lord attacks faster instead of just giving the claws more damage? Seems like it would be much more suitable for the vampire lore these respective mods are trying to embody. Vampires arent as strong as they are insanely quick and agile. Perhaps the answer is because it cant be done? I'd really love to see this in the form of a perk :smile: like, 4 point perk. 10/20/30/40% or whatever. 3) VL (pc to npc) power attacks dont do anything special... why? Thats rather dull. Would be nice to see the VL cause some stagger. 4) Seriously, to survive in legendary mode, (with Skyrim Redone anyway.. dont know about Vanilla, guessing the damage is pretty brutal there too) VL's would need 1000+ armor rating. Royal Bloodlines mod adds a puny +50 armor rating.. might as well be wearing cloth. I get two-shotted by regular arrows and I have 790 hp. I get one-shotted by crossbows. If anyone could do anything about this, I believe the entire vampire community would be endebted to you :smile: Of course though, these would have to be compatible with Better Vampires mod to be worth it (for me anyway) Thanks for reading! Cheers :devil:
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