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About angkor

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  1. Though I can still enter the landscape in default Oblivion if mods are loaded I get a consistent ctd when entering the landscape in the editor. Another thing I noticed is that some textures have become transparent if "lights on", made a small vid of it @ http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/videos/544 [2:38 -] . Suggestions here are welcome :)
  2. Had the same problem too after a W10 update, made a vid of it @ http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/videos/542 where bevilex suggested OR, I've updated OR to V5 and this fixed my HDR problem but I still have strange things happening with the textures in the editor, see http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/videos/544
  3. hi L. Thank you for your swift response but I've fixed this problem another way. First I've taken out the Oblivion.ini and started the game but this led to the same crash so I put my ini back and tried to remove the EBNBoost d3d9.dll but I could not because "Oblivion was still running" so I did a reboot of my pc and now everything was "fine" again, meaning that all my saves could be loaded but went CTD after a few minutes ingame. But at least I could use a "fresh start" at the end of the tutorial sewer from where I entered the landscape, put my avatar on the bridge there and went afk to do some shopping and when I returned after about an hour everything was still running without any problem. So whatever the problem with my save games, it's probably not W10, Nvidia or OSR-OR related :)
  4. Hya Had some problems recently with my saves going ctd after a few minutes in game but now, after the - second - W10 update all my saves go ctd while loading and I can't even start a new game anymore. Made a vid of it @ http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/videos/547 Just wondering if any one else has this problem ?
  5. Good to have you onboard Sir :)
  6. Hi BlindJudge A warm welcome to the community ... Was very glad to hear the Dark0ne has a friend to help him here :)
  7. Hy Dark0ne Thank you very much for this. As a modder I wanna make my work "best of the best", not because it will ever be but because this - for me - is the only acceptable motivation for a modder to do the job. So every time I notice a bug in a published version I'm deeply hurt. Assuming the players of my work are intelligent but friendly people I hardly ever get a comment about these bugs so having a special tab might encourage them telling me what's wrong so I can make things better. And thanking you for your stance in the recent upheavels I've dedicated this little vid to you: http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/videos/158 Fly Safe :)
  8. Hya I'm both a modder AND a hard core gamer who thinks Oblivion with certain mods is best of the best and with my work I try to improve the "best of the best", which is - even for me - a real challenge :) As a human being living in poverty at the moment I would love to make some money with the work I'm doing but as a player I would never ever have the money to buy the more than 200 mods that are active in my current distribution. And though my financial situation might improve there will always be people who can't afford buying all the mods they want or need. Since I want my work to be enjoyable for everyone selling it for money just is no option. On the other hand, I'd love to earn myself a living with the hours and hours spend working with the TES editor. The idea that I came up with is that of a Kickstarter campaign where modders ask the community for the money they need so they can continue to make mods that are available as FREE downloads. Anyone suggestions on this ??
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