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Nexus Mods Profile

About AgentGman

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    Team Fortress 2
  1. Started with skinning in skyrim, just like I did in other games :3
  2. I have a question, are models that aren't ports from other games, but are still models based from the other game allowed? (Example: a gun from another game is custom modeled from scratch for a mod) Or is that also forbidden? (Meaning that any content from non-Bethesda games aren't allowed)
  3. That model is actually really good, and its almost hard to believe its your first! Maybe I should get back to full-model creation instead of just editing existing ones from games...
  4. It depends, how is the pet? Does it need a lot of care, does it cost too much? I usually prefer cats. Easier, more gentle, and more into cuddling. Most importantly - I don't have to take cats on walks. Its not easy to get a dog here in Sweden anyway... Note that I am unsure how all breeds are
  5. Enjoy your stay on the forums, if you are staying of course. I'm already liking this forum and its the first time I use it, I hope you like it too
  6. AgentGman

    New guy

    Everybody has already welcomed you, I'm too late D:
  7. If I understand right, if we email you a sound we want/need we get it? Sound resources, to be exact?
  8. Hai! I see you have steam, I too have steam :D I use the same name there as the one I have here right now, right now I'm the only one so searching the community will be easy. (Note that I also use the same picture :3)
  9. BlackRampage is right, its the same on another forum site I've been on. But they edited their replies they wanted removed and replaced them with a special word. It functioned like a sort of a removal, since the original reply isn't there anymore, and everyone on that forum knew what the word meant. Thats why I think we should have something similar, like replacing the reply with "<reply removed>" or something.
  10. For me, it must be Earthbound/Mother 2. I am still unsure if I like it more then skyrim or not... Edit...this doesn't belong in this section does it? If so I'm just gonna go rage for a minute.
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