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About ElderEklund

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  1. I think you will find what you are looking for if you just search for tattoo and not for bodytype+ tattoo.
  2. I don't know how to make a mod but I do know how you can be able to play as a shapeshifter with a little bit of work. There are many custommade spells and spell collections out there that make you able to turn into various animals. With a little experimenting in the workshop you can edit those spells and remove the magic cost on them, and make them toggle on and off. It's quite easy, the only part that might be a little bothersome is to find the actual spell in the various mods that you want to use. I know this isn't exactly what you asked for, but in wait of a shapeshifter mod you like, this way you will be able to play as a shapeshifter. However if you do this, remember that you are editing other peoples works, so make sure that you don't spread it without crediting the original author of the spell/mod unless the author is ok with this. I doubt he/she cares if you only use it for yourself.
  3. Well the Fort is more of an abandoned player home than a dungeon, but thanks for the reply. I have a dwemer dungeon mod I've been working on intermittently, and you've just reminded me of another thing I could add to it. :happy: Hehe happy I could help. Allright. Playerhome you say? Well beeing the old pig that I am, how about some sexy ghost hoovering around a bath? That should give you some downloads from the other pigs out there too.
  4. There is a weaponmod that gives you 4 weapons, to reach each of them you need to go through 4 different dungeons that are filled with creative traps. Some sections were so difficult that I struggled even after I turned on Good moode, ( I really wanted those weapons.) Anyway I am rambling now. To the point. How about making the two extra rooms filled with traps and have 1 treasure? For example a decent sum of gold, some black soul gems etc. etc. I don't know what the theme for your dungoen is, but the treasure should be in style of the theme you got.
  5. I like the way you think. a lot of good suggestions there. I remember there was a piercing mod for Oblivion, that worked out quite nice, especially if you combined it with custom armours. If I am not totally wrong the modder put the piercings in the neclace slot. There is one thing that I do disagree somewhat on. Allthough in a perfect work this should be avalible for all bodytypes. However this mod is allready a lot of work, and would take a lot of time to a seriusly dedicated modder. Personally if someone does pick up this idea, I cross my fingers that the modders favourite body is cbb3.
  6. hehe, when I read the topic title I thought to myself, there are allready tons of mods out there that does this, but when I opened I read it saw you ment litterary disarm them. I like your idea, if someone could make this it would be sweet.
  7. Before I sat down and wrote this post I first searched at nexus for hidden inventory, and then for inventory, so I apologize if I am asking for something that allready exist. Ok What I am asking for is to a mod that let me see the full inventory of my follower or any other person that I am checking out for that matter. For random encounters and stuff this is not a problem, as they usually don't carry that much stuff. One of the few console commands I have learned is to check out the inventory of people, hehe. But the problem is when you got a follower that you are using as a packmule. There are 2 things I am asking for. 1: A dialog system that let you access your followers full inventory 2: A way to seperate what the character is carrying and what the character can use. In the Dialog tree something like : " Don't use this" and then the follower would not use this. and "Use this: ' ... The reason I request this is because I further customize what my followers wear, what they fight with etc etc. For example If I want my follower to fight with 2 swords, the follower will equip a 2 handed weapon I only want them to carry if it got better stats. It allmost goes wihout saying that this can be used for their clothing as well.
  8. Thank you guys for answering. I did guess that this was hard to do, I mean since noone has done this yet, hehe. There are allready tattoo mods out there, so I guess that someone would have done it allready if it was easy. I use the cbbe body, and got the mod that replaces the vanilla armour with cbbe more sexy armours, would it be possible to add laired clothes perhaps that, or does it have to take up one of the given slots? At the end of the day this was just an idea, formed on what I thought would be neat. If this inspires some mod makers to take the idea and work on it further, brilliant. If it is as it appear to hard to do, don't worry about it. It was just a suggestion :) Quite frankly I didn't even think that anyone would reply to this, so thank you for your interest and your replies.
  9. Basicly what I want is a tatoo parlor. I wish to be able to go to a tatto artist and get the tattoo I want, I want to be able to remove it or replace it with another like you do in the Saints Row games. I want it to be on the skin, meaning I don't want it as clothes. If anyone could make this, it would be awesome. Oh, one last thing It would be nice if this would be compatible with the most used body types out there, for example I who only use cbbe bodies, would be a little pouty if someone made the mod and I could not use it. At least, as I suggested it please make the mod compatible with the cbbe body.
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