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  1. ok, i finally got a fix "iPresentInterval" this here, needed to be 0, i did it and now the game works! your help is much appreciated!
  2. ya i trie centering on cell and no, still a straight black screen, and when i started the launcher it said unidentified GC
  3. i am running a laptop, i guess i will try the console thing however i do not see it helping as the screen is stuck black, even the startup special videos\logo screen can be heard however i can not see them same with the main menu, i can hear it and interact with it but the screen is blank black as the initial startup screen before the logo\special videos
  4. i got a new computer recently. it has a nvidia rtx 3070ti and a intel i7, i run it on the nvidia card
  5. anyone? i would much prefer to not let fo4 go to waste!
  6. i am getting a permanent black screen when i start the game, the game loads fully functional however the screen is totally black, i can hear and interact with stuff though. i have tried reinstalling the game even after completely wipeing it as much as i can form my computer, i have tried with and without mods, i have tried with and without f4se and with the vanilla launcher as well, any help would be appreciated!
  7. ya, my knowledge only goes to far, however the spells are getting close to possible use, by the way, i will make three different spells, one for each and the third will have both used at the same time.
  8. gunna stop for now, 5am and i am losing my patients for tedious to even semi-tedious activities.
  9. nm, it is heavily script based, I can make the spells but the scripts for armor is beyond me, however i can make three spells with very long use durations to make up for the lack of enchants, basically one use lasts like 5 or so days or just a permanent like time limit
  10. hmm, nm might have over looked somthing, running the spell through a magic effect, a lot like the mask Konahriik except permanent only until unequip, i will look into it
  11. by the way what was your meaning for the enchant, i am guessing you desire to have the spells applicable with armors\weapons, if that is the case the ability to "Learn" the enchantment will not be able to be done because if you wish to have a "Spell" and not a "Object Effect" you need to have it script based and those can not be learned, however if the enchantment is an "Object Effect" directly linked to the weapons\armors enchant slot then it can be learned, a good example is of azidahls cuirass piece, the enchantment if you removed the keyword prohibiting disenchantment the actual enchantment is empty, just a placeholder.
  12. ah ok then, but ya if i was still modding le, you would need dragonborn, the effects I am using in the mod are derived from the whirlwind spell. in my opinion the effects go well with my imagination and thought process to have such spells justifiable! Hurray for RPG games!
  13. yup, i do realize that fact, been modding Skyrim for a long time, usually only for my own use though, had to take a break today, the entries I am working with have multiple parts, things like that really drain my ability to pay attention and remember things. by the way forgot to ask, but your mod request is for SE right? if not I will have to stop working on it because I am no longer modding the LE version! the major in ability to keep adding mods is a real downer!
  14. I am going to get some shuteye, when I wake up I will see about doing my best to turn your request to reality. I will let you know when i am finished, till then befriend me so i can find you easily when I have finished. Tschüss!
  15. hmm there is a possibility, i could take a look into it for you, i do not have much by way of level lists or world placement my expertise is in the usage if xEdit, but i can see to it in the least giving you the possibility of being able to use stuff like that!
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