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Everything posted by MethosTR

  1. I read from multiple sources that Warzones: Civil Unrest can really mess with your savegame rather easily. This will cause crashes and/or infinite load screens/hangs. This is something you may want to consider.
  2. A lot of good mods you've suggested. The only ones I'd probably have an issue with are skeleton replacers (I have mods I really like that may conflict with them), and the Warburg map replacer isn't my style.
  3. I like using followers for characters that are more focused on face-to-face combat. For a mage, I may use a follower, but it gets to be fairly inconvenient since I have to be careful with my aim :P For stealthy characters I use followers when running around Skyrim. I make them wait (or dismiss, depending on my mood) when I go into a dungeon though.
  4. Thanks everyone for your input :smile: I'll definitely look at some of these mods. I'll have the full effect of Frostfall enabled for my vampire character. Juggling these effects + sun damage would either present an enormous challenge or simply make it tedious. The Immersive Creatures mod I have looked at before, and it's not my thing (dinosaurs in Skyrim? Yuck). I'm no loregeek, but even that's going a bit too far for me. However I may be confusing this with a different mod.. it's been a long time since I really checked this mod out. I tried Audio Overhaul once before and I find SoS to be more immersive, mostly because of the great dungeon sounds that it gives. The random screams makes me jump while sneaking through tombs or Dwemer ruins. Wearing surround sound headphones certainly helps :smile: Any opinions about the Immersive First person mod and Headtracking? Edit: I've created a Tumblr blog about this playthrough, for anyone who may be interested in checking it out. Link is in sig.
  5. Hello everyone. I'm considering starting a hardcore playthrough that will rely on stealth, archery, conjuration (for if I get caught), and Illusion (to prevent getting caught). The reason why I have Conjuration is that this will be on Legendary difficulty, so I won't do much of any damage. My character will be a vampire (I do have Better Vampires). I also have all the DLC (sans Hearthfire). RCRN + ELFX as well, as I rather like the improvements given by these mods over the overly demanding enhancements given by ENB's (laptop heats up like the sun with those). Other "realism enhancing" mods I have are as follows: (My definition of a "realism enhancing" mod is one that gives enough of an improvement to the specified gameplay system that going back to vanilla is not an option) I also have SkyUI 4.1 and SKSE 1.7 Alpha Mods I'm already considering: Frostfall Deadly Dragons Ultimate Combat SkyRe/Requiem (I really like SPERG though :confused:) Revenge of the Enemies Immersive First Person + Head Tracking (I don't have a problem with motion sickness, but still would like opinions on this) Any input and/or suggestions are appreciated :smile:
  6. Hello everyone. I have recently installed Realvision ENB Version A Performance, along with all required mods and patches. Also using ewi65's INI tweaks as suggested by the author. The ENB version I have installed is .254v1, the Injector version. The Wrapper version causes guaranteed CTD's even after closing any and all programs associated even remotely with any kind of in-game overlays (Fraps/MSI/etc). I am starting the Injector before launching Skyrim via SKSE, of course. Just in case, here's my laptop specs. Lenovo Ideapad y510p. Intel i7 4700MQ, 8 GB DDR3 RAM, GT 750M SLI (335.23). No overclocked hardware. Windows 8 (not 8.1) The game runs flawlessly otherwise (no ENB installed), with 60 FPS in virtually any situation except heavy combat or locations with heavy graphic loads. And only then would the framerate drop to ~40-45 until I leave those situations. Edit: Just wanted to add that I use Mod Organizer. Also used the RVinstall.vbs file as stated by the author. Update: Installed a different ENB preset and now it works just fine. Disregard this post.
  7. Hello all. I've been looking around on the Nexus for a good enb preset, but I understand that enb effects can be stressful on graphics cards, temperature-wise. In terms of actual performance, I'm not overly concerned about it, as the game runs flawlessly at 60 FPS on maximum settings (shadows high) with the Bethesda HD textures, the FXAA injector, and other enhancing mods installed. I do however become slightly paranoid about heat issues, and my laptop runs pretty hot as it is while running Skyrim with the aforementioned things. The specs are as follows: Lenovo Ideapad y510p Intel i7 4700MQ, 8 GB DDR3 RAM, 2x GT 750m's in SLI (driver 335.23), 1 TB WD Cavair HD. The second GPU is in a modular configuration called 'Ultrabay'. According to HWMonitor, it runs around 5-15C hotter than GPU 1. I've seen its temperatures reach as high as 99C (not in Skyrim). For Skyrim, the hottest I've seen it get was 94C (Forest outside Riften on a clear day). In summary, I'm looking at whether or not an enb would be a good idea for my system, and if it is, which one would be recommended.
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