Hello all. I've been looking around on the Nexus for a good enb preset, but I understand that enb effects can be stressful on graphics cards, temperature-wise. In terms of actual performance, I'm not overly concerned about it, as the game runs flawlessly at 60 FPS on maximum settings (shadows high) with the Bethesda HD textures, the FXAA injector, and other enhancing mods installed. I do however become slightly paranoid about heat issues, and my laptop runs pretty hot as it is while running Skyrim with the aforementioned things. The specs are as follows: Lenovo Ideapad y510p Intel i7 4700MQ, 8 GB DDR3 RAM, 2x GT 750m's in SLI (driver 335.23), 1 TB WD Cavair HD. The second GPU is in a modular configuration called 'Ultrabay'. According to HWMonitor, it runs around 5-15C hotter than GPU 1. I've seen its temperatures reach as high as 99C (not in Skyrim). For Skyrim, the hottest I've seen it get was 94C (Forest outside Riften on a clear day). In summary, I'm looking at whether or not an enb would be a good idea for my system, and if it is, which one would be recommended.