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Posts posted by TMPhoenix

  1. Hi


    Some files remain in a state of "This file is currently being uploaded to our CDN servers" for a long time;

    for example:






    have both been uploading for more than a day... Neither are particularly large, and seem to be marked as safe by the virus scan.

    I've seen other files with this issue lately.


    Are there any known issues with the CDN right now?

  2. I think this is a disturbing development. While a slight plus might be that this adds an incentive to support modding on more games, I see more negatives...


    Should modders now start adding licenses to their mods to guard their creations from (illegal) exploitation of their creations? If so, which licenses are most conductive to the "old" modding environment and block any unauthorized commercial use?


    When it was a free/donation-only environment at least it all felt "fair"... Sure, you could take parts of a mod, but so could anyone else (and you generally just asked permission, and usually got it); the end result being a general trend towards (hopefully) better and more complex mods.


    What if I release a modders resource and someone decides to use this in a paid-for mod do they now owe me money? What if someone re-uses a part of another mod?


    I fear this will fragment the modding community. Looking at some of the prices on the mods currently available I find the whole thing disgusting, frankly.

  3. In response to post #16870169. #16871254, #16876874 are all replies on the same post.

    I wouldn't mind the server side scan so much, if it were "optional". Now you have to wait for a positive report before being able to download...
    If a mod would be immediately available, you could download it at your own risk or wait for the report. If an infected file has been uploaded it could always be withdrawn. That puts a gap in your protection if you choose to download before the scan finishes, but it is a whole lot less annoying.
  4. In response to post #10408849.

    In regards to your mention of bugs:
    the links in the tracked files notification do not include the game name in the url, so instead of

    it links to

    I also noticed the popup tells me I have no tracked files, while in the tracking center I still have quite a few tracked files.
  5. When I just tried uploading a file I got this message:


    "There was an error moving your file in to the proper directory on the server. Notify an admin."


    Is this perhaps related to the SAN move?


    Edit: The problem seems to have been resolved.

  6. I just uploaded a mod that requires the Hearthfire DLC, but when I wanted to add it as a prerequisite, I noticed only Dawnguard was selectable as an official DLC prerequisite. Would it be possible for Hearthfire (and maybe the upcoming Dragonborn) to be added to this list?
  7. Okay, a little update...

    I've completed the changes to the dialog. And I've done some testing on some old saves. I'm still seeing some problems with gifts not always being handled properly, daggers not being equipped, clothing not changing that sort of stuff, but I did have a game where I had 3 kids, two from Hearthfire and one from this mod: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/25654. They seemed to function as expected, though I still need to work on the bed markers, as not all markers seem to be functioning properly. So, if all goes well I think I might release an initial version soon.

  8. I have so far been able to update the necessary scripts and quests. I'm now working on updating all the child dialog to also work for the kids 3..6.

    Lakeview is the only house I've modified so far with 6 bed markers (the two beds in the bedroom wing and the two single and one double bed upstairs in the Main hall). From my testing so far these markers seem to work.


    As for custom house support. I'll look into that as soon as I have at least a fully functional Lakeview Manor. After that I'll first try and work my way through the default houses, though I have no idea how I'm going to squeeze six beds into Breezehome. I may have to limit the adoptions to the limit of the current house. Custom houses will need to have the necessary markers set up for adoption related stuff to work, beyond that the scripts would have to be changed to allow a custom movable house location to be set (maybe a spell or something to mark the new custom home - I'll have to think about that).

  9. This is actually something I'm working on. I've modified the scripts to allow adoption of up to 6 kids. I still need to add some bed markers to several houses (only Lakeview has been done so far) and I need to figure out how to keep the adoption dialog enabled beyond 2 kids, but that shouldn't be too difficult.
  10. @calfurius:


    If you open the skse 7z file, you'll find a folder named something along the lines of skse_1_06_05, yes?

    In that folder are several files and a data directory. If you select everything and extract it to your skyrim directory (and NOT into your skyrim data directory) you should be fine.

    This way skse_1_8_151.dll (or siimilarly for future versions), skse_loader.exe and skse_steam_loader.dll and up next to TESV.exe and the scripts end up in the Data\scripts directory where they belong.

  11. Did you install SKSE to the skyrim directory? skse_loader.exe and the dlls should end up in the same directory as TESV.exe and the contents of the data directory should obviously end up in your data directory (in their respective subdirectories).
  12. Crashes right at the start menu generally mean you are missing a mod in your load order.


    There are some tools that help you locate this (Wrye Bash comes to mind), but if you don't feel comfortable using such tools, you can try a divide and conquer approach:


    Deactivate half the mods:

    - if the game starts, you know the problem is not in the active part --> activate half of the inactive mods on top of whatever you have active now.

    - if it fails, the problem is in the active part, so de-activate half again.

    - Keep doing this and you should be able to narrow it down to one mod (assuming only one mod is causing the problems).


    Once you have found the mod you should be able to see what it needs in NMM.

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