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About harimau93

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  1. 13 December 2024, 1:17AM Hi, I was wondering, is it possible to get MH2 Dos crit vfx into 2ndPG/FreedomUnite? .gif above from MHFU. The crit effect look a bit dull compared to .gif below. This one from MH2 Dos playstation 2 crit vfx, I think this one look way cooler than 2ndPG/FU. I don't quite sure if it a mod or just editing the vfx .png file or something. Then again, I did tried various MHFU retexture HD mod but the crit vfx still doesn't look much like MH2 Dos style vibrant color flashy looking crit vfx.
  2. can anyone share modified .exe that has 'Disable Fog', 'Disable Luminance Variation' and 'Disable Blur'? If possible too, can anyone share your modified 'datafile.big' that has 'Disable Depth of Field' and 'Disable Screen Vignette'? thanks.
  3. can someone make pak version of other mods? I would like to request this> https://www.nexusmods.com/monsterhunterrise/mods/1371 https://www.nexusmods.com/monsterhunterrise/mods/1147 https://www.nexusmods.com/monsterhunterrise/mods/1887 https://www.nexusmods.com/monsterhunterrise/mods/207 https://www.nexusmods.com/monsterhunterrise/mods/1172 https://www.nexusmods.com/monsterhunterrise/mods/93 https://www.nexusmods.com/monsterhunterrise/mods/39
  4. Don't know how to request it on but if anyone can make it that would be awesome, so like, is it possible to have a mod that scale arena quest, challenge quest only scaled to solo player? Just arena quest specifically, not the entire base game quests. I just want it to be like in the good ole' days Freedom Unite arena quest.
  5. could be cool mechanic so V don't get too OP later on, surely it could work for both of us, In pre release interviews CDPR talked about there being a humanity threshold that you risked crossing if you went too far with V's cyberware.
  6. Anyone know what mods that actually replace Fugen with Yomogi's body? So basically there is this video, but I just CAN'T find the damn video to show it, I think it's a mod, where the cutscene played when hunter ordered the dango, yomogi doing her dancing stuff preparing the dango, but with Fugen's body doing Yomogi's usual antic so it look funny as hell but I can't find it anymore..
  7. Hi there, can someone make a mod based script that will make radiation to affect human NPCs, not ghoul NPCs, just a normal human NPCs so that they die to radiation poisoning the same as player? I guess this is just for DUST survival simulator mod where there is a weapon called dirty bomb that explode in radiation blast radius about 30 sec with 20rads, but problem with this weapon that's its pointless for player to use it since it DO NOT affect human npcs at all. If NPCs using this dirty bomb on player, it will kill the player because of the radiation.
  8. I also want this, hopefully someone go around making it..
  9. Hi, just a request for this.. maybe someone could do it by accessing the localization
  10. as the title stated, does anyone know if the mod, with the new master build ver. that removed all the controversial part has a torrent download for it? I wanted to ask this on their modpage and discord but it has been locked down tight though so yah, problem with regular download on the site is that my internet ain't good enough to download those big huge size file mod.
  11. honestly, imo it would never work that way. thing is, remember how crap New Vegas launched back then? you know with glitches, bugs, CTD etc etc. imagine how was the experience without NVSR, FNV mod limit fix, 4GB patch, etc etc? it's in a horrible state back then and we know it wasn't Obsidian fault, or might be since the agreement paper that they can do it in this deadline or I don't know who's fault was it but doesn't matter.. point is, if Bethesda want to remaster the game, they need to play test the game, understanding the game, and learn all core concept of NV. yes, it would require such an effort to remaster NV into new Creation Engine and might take a long development process but hey, this is bethesda which are bigger than Obsidian. but problem is, I doubt that bethesda developers or even todd howard even plays FNV. remember how terrible the game was back then with CTD bugs glitches etc etc? sure right now we had all the necesseary tools and mods that already make the game better now but, yeah it don't work that way. I couldn't imagine they would play FNV almost to completion, or plays more than 1 playthrough just to see how vast the choice & the consequences are in FNV, and it's proved with FO4 that betheda don't learn anything valuable from FNV, man how shameful I'm back then was hype like nobody thinking FO4 gonna be good lol man..
  12. Kudos man! can't wait for the next beta reach soon,
  13. can't wait for modding community made a conversion project mod for the Outer Worlds like Fallout: New Vegas sequel spin-off by community. imagine the possibilities like the Courier cheated death by having mr. house cryo pod plus old world blues technological advancement, courier six once again set of to a whole new world of space adventure!!
  14. agree, gamebryo can't do such thing since bethesda never even develop the morphing system into their engine. you could say why in the hell Elder Scrolls there is none fat people or something like that right, maybe very thin people that fit their role as beggar would do nicely for immersion. but hey, even Fallout 4 did have fat, muscular and thin type morphing body races.. they still can't do crap since old man/ woman NPCs doesn't look like old people. well maybe in their next game they can do this right I hope...
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