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Everything posted by Medusa30
Hello, I wanted to make my own intro for my mod and I wonder how I can first remove the vanila one to start my own? Does anyone have any idea?
Not exactly, I needed to repair my game with BOSS and TES5Edit, the save was ok. :P Me too, thats why Im doing it (I love that from GW2, SR3 and the recent Batman games :P). I was looking for mods that adds nagas (you know, those lamia nagas), but didnt find any. So I decided to do the hard work and make a naga race on my own with petrifying eyes, special abilities like flash steps (short range teleports or spirit jumps as I call them) and a couple of other gameplay twists. I wanted to manage that for the cryengine3 first, but I realized that I suck at programming, so I wanted to make a smaller project for Skyrim which is more modding friendly. ;)
Yeah, that TapKey thing was my mistake, I wanted to create a quickspell script for fast teleporting. Anyway, thank you really much Ghaunadaur & unuroboros! You helped me alot. I tweaked it a bit for my purpose: Scriptname AsenSpiritJump extends ObjectReference {Spirit Jump Ability} import utility import game import input Spell Property YourSpell Auto int ForwardKey int property counter = 0 auto bool KeyPressed Event OnInit() ForwardKey = Input.GetMappedKey("Forward") RegisterForKey(ForwardKey) EndEvent Event OnKeyUp(Int KeyCode, Float HoldTime) if KeyCode == ForwardKey && HoldTime <= 1 counter += 1 RegisterForSingleUpdate(0.01) else counter = 0 endif EndEvent Event OnUpdate() if counter == 2 YourSpell.cast(Game.GetPlayer()) counter = 0 endif if counter <= 3 RegisterForSingleUpdate(0.01) else counter = 0 endif EndEvent It works really nice: by fast tipping the forward key twice the spell (I tested with VoiceIceForm3) was fired, but walking around didnt trigger it, just as intended. BTW: when I tried to load my mod and the flash step mod into the CK for using its teleport spell for further testing, after saving my mod the game started crashing on load screen even if I remove all mods. But thats off-topic. *EDIT* Fixed my Crash issue.
Thanks, but the script is still not working.
I tried to make a script to detect if someone is double tapping a key to trigger a spell, but it doesnt seem to work: Scriptname AsenSpiritJump extends ObjectReference {Spirit Jump Ability} import utility import game Spell Property YourSpell Auto Event OnUpdate() if TapKey(GetMappedKey("Forward")) utility.wait(0.4) if TapKey(GetMappedKey("Forward")) YourSpell.cast(Game.GetPlayer()) endif endif EndEvent Also I get this error message for building the script: Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files... Compiling "AsenSpiritJump"... g:\valve\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\AsenSpiritJump.psc(10,11): GetMappedKey is not a function or does not exist g:\valve\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\AsenSpiritJump.psc(10,4): TapKey is not a function or does not exist g:\valve\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\AsenSpiritJump.psc(12,12): GetMappedKey is not a function or does not exist g:\valve\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\AsenSpiritJump.psc(12,5): TapKey is not a function or does not exist No output generated for AsenSpiritJump, compilation failed. Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed. Failed on AsenSpiritJump Im using this SKSE http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=31737 (at least I hope so, cause I didnt found the installer for it and just activated it through NMM). Can you please help me?
Sorry, I meant an initial value. The Asen race I created should be the initial value for this property so I can compare it like this: if (Game.GetPlayer().GetRace() == PlayerRace) ... Its important for some bonus and restrictions I wanted to make depending on race. For example my new race cant wear shoes and boots because it has no feet to put them onto.
Hello, I have some issues defining a fix race through properties. I tried... "Race Property PlayerRace Asen Auto" ..., but it gave me an Error. Now I am confused. "Asen" is the editor ID of my custom race.
I found a good solution by myself. I gave the player actor the following script: Scriptname AsenRaceScript extends ObjectReference {Asen race specific properties and functions.} Spell Property YourParalysisSpell Auto Float Property UpdateRate = 0.2 Auto Actor CasterRef Actor TargetRef EVENT onInit() YourParalysisSpell.cast(Game.GetPlayer(),TargetRef) RegisterForSingleUpdate(UpdateRate) ENDEVENT Event OnUpdate() YourParalysisSpell.cast(Game.GetPlayer(),TargetRef) RegisterForSingleUpdate(UpdateRate) EndEvent Works quite well and brought me a huge laugh when I tested the VoiceIceStorm3 spell with this. I could implement a race specific condition, but since I wanted to start with a new intro an only the Asen race, I made only them playable so its not needed for me anyway. But those who want to make a permanent running spell might find it useful. :biggrin: PS: Im not a good scripter so this code might be a bit messi.
Hello, how do I add/teach/unlock shouts through a spell's or ability's magic effect? Im not very good at scripting, so a small example would help much.
I am using a Fire and Forget casting type now, and it seems to work, at least for the initiation. Only issue I have now is to recast the spell. Self recast scripts of the Magic Effect within the same ability dont seem to work. Do you know any solution for this?
Sadly it doesnt seem to work... But do Perks work in any useful way? Maybe through scripts?
Thank you very much, I try it. :biggrin:
Hello guys, I am working on a new race mod, called "The Asen" in which you have an alternative start in a dark forsaken dungeon, leashed in heavy chains for thousands of years until the dragons arose again. So far so good, I hope. The new races permanent passive "ability" (I dont know if its the right word for it) is a Medusa like petrification look. Litteraly any creature who jumps into your sight shall be petrified, unless you have blindfolds equiped - dont care about balancing yet, just trying to get it working. Now my problem is, it currently doesnt seem to work at all. I was wondering if anyone of you could help me out? Whats wrong with my settings (Screenshot attached)? Checklist: * Getting perma-paralyse-sight working * Applying stone texture for affected NPCs * Disabling it by equiping blindfolds (instead of helmets, activates a alternative sight)
Hello, I was wondering if there are any plugins I can use for importing and exporting models and animations form skyrim? I looked through Google, but I didnt found much useful stuff for Max 9. Im new to the Skyrim modding community. However, I am an experienced modeller and animator. My plan is to implement naga and centaur races to the game. Thank you in advanced for your help.