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Everything posted by Raziiell
I joined the Nexus Network in October of 2007. I have sent countless people here for modding, my love of Nexus Mod Manager is undying. srsly<3. My appreciation for what you guys do here is deep. That said, I have never been a premium member, last week I attempted to turn off ABP here (and leave NoScript off here, for obvious reasons), out of a sort of guilty conscience for being a neigh 9 year member, and you guys not making a penny (or fractions of one) off me. I lasted 2 days, before nearly every mod page's layout was borked and destroyed beyond repair. Not only that, the "animated" adds were REALLY laggy, that said, I had nearly 120 tabs open ;) Might have had a little to do with it, but even just a few slapped me down. Thus, back up ABP went. I've used ABP since it was in Beta, and love it to pieces. I have only ONE other site that I have it disabled on, out of respect for what they do as well. That said, I use SpyBot, MalwareBytes, and JRT every 2 weeks. So I'm fairly certain my system is safe ;) I am quite sure I don't have some third-party issue contributing to layout issues. PC Cleanliness is Master race Godliness. I want to say, I will absolutely disable ABP should this fix come about. So, I have three questions, and you probably cannot answer one of them. First, should I just grit my teeth for now, deal with the layout issues and report everything I can regarding these "issues"? How many ads SHOULD display per page? ::: Ex. Main page -> Files Page -> Mod List Page -> Modpages (IE Description, Files, Posts, etc) Second, The Un-ABP'd Mobile Version is truly unusable, even for just browsing. Which platform would you prefer feedback on more? I assume PC for obvious reasons, but boredom is, a thing for me. I can help to navigate daily for you guys. Third, how much does each add displaying contribute to you guys financially? I assume MAYBE a penny, likely fractions of a penny. Appreciate any response I get from your awesome team. Keep up the great work guys. :) <3 -Raziiell
Urp :O FO3Edit is limiting the amount of characters I can put in those fields, its practically cutting the geometry in half. Anyway around that? *EDIT* I am retarded. Ignore this.
I would have your children right now. Seriously. Thank you so much. :) Worked for exactly what I needed.
I've been searching and searching forums and can't seem to find the answer I want. I guess I'll pose a new question then.... is there a way to look at the save-game file and see what the actual values in numerical value of the face geometries are? I thought I remembered in the past a program that did that, but I think it may have been for Oblivion. I know the file structure of the save games for FO3 are nearly identical. :-/
Anyone? :( Is it possible through some crazy voodoo magic in-game which I transform into a computer IRL and spew it onto the screen? I dunno if I am asking the right thing, so I'll try and tell you what I am doing. The GECK Face Editing, is owning me, I can't even come close to recreating the face I did through the in-game editor. However~ I need the GECK's advanced features to make the tweaks to perfect it. I know you can make custom presets for faces, is there a way to export a face geometries at all from your actual character? Thanks in advance guys! :)
Topic is straight forward :x I think I know the answer, but I figured I would ask anyway. Been trying to find a way to possibly do it.
Hmmm, seems I have my work cut out for me, thank you Anokii and Emperos. I greatly appreciate your input! I will try and do what both of you have suggested. I'm kindof loathing restarting. I already have like 26 hours in. :( But thats not really a big deal. I'm gonna go mess with it more today. I'll probably do a fresh reinstall of everything like you suggested. Takes so long, lol. :) Will keep this updated! Much appreciated sirs!
Blegh... I updated FOOK. Still not sure if I did it right, almost positive I didn't do it right... the instructions are kindof cryptic and don't make a whole lot of sense.... seeing as how that link and their instructions say one thing, their patch page says another, and their download page says something else entirely, with - what seems to be outdated mods.... Updating screwed up everything for me unfortunately. I don't think EVE is working anymore. Something annoying has come up though... this is just something I noticed right off the bat.... I can't repair things with Scrap metal anymore. This, annoys me greatly. Lucky I can type player.srm and work around it for now, but I do hope thats not how its intended. I can post my load order again, but not much has changed. I am clearly screwing 'something' up. I've been messing with this all day and once again, I cannot figure it out. FOOK has left me quite infuriated and dumb founded. The infamous 'wanting to beat my siblings to death with my keyboard' has come to fruition. Such an amazing mod, but their instructions suck farts through a straw. And I know I am not the only who feels this way from reading other posts. >.< Once again~ Any help is greatly appreciated. Load order is as follows. Just took SS's of the ones that matter. *** Here is a step by step of what I did. I deleted 'all' of the ESM's and ESP's that had to do with FOOK. Downloaded http://www.fookunity.com/forum/showthread.php?t=4307 the patches from there, and that was it. It gave me every ESP and ESM I had before, minus the World And Neighborhood Kit. I left the FOIP MMM5 / FOOK Fixes there as you can see, not sure if I should or shouldn't... I'm betting they are outdated, they are the 'updated' user made ones for 1.1 Beta 2 at the bottom of FOIP's webpage, not sure if they work or not... I havn't played enough to see if my game crashes more or less. So no info on that yet... Also~ I formally ask a mod to move this to the Mods Troubleshooting Forum if at all possible. It would seem its more suited there. *EDIT* In this load order picture I have EVE.esp and EVE Operation Anchorage.esp Enabled, its not now. http://a.imageshack.us/img21/7586/stupidloadorder.jpg
Huh?!?! I am? http://a.imageshack.us/img97/2640/huhkf.jpg ^ from their webpage. I downloaded and installed / extracted - In order... FOOK2 v1.0 RC Installer FOOK2 v1.1 Data Files - REQUIRED FOOK2 v1.1 Beta 2 Plugins: FOOK2 v1.1 Beta 2 Cumulative Hotfix Data (7-14): FOOK2 v1.1 Beta 2 Cumulative Hotfix Plugins (7-14c): Did I do something wrong? o_O I have noticed though that some things from some of the older versions I used in the past are missing... like the Ritz Cracker box for example... figured they couldn't include that stuff in there. But if I messed up FOOK, it might explain why my game is as unstable as it is. I have gotten used to it, F5 is my friend. Its why those Load Times were so unbearable. Whenever I type ~Show FOOK it returns 1.1 as the value as it should. I see on the page you linked there are some more hot fix and plugin updates. Should I nab those? Appreciate the help in advance!
Okay, I fixed my problem, and I dunno which of these things fixed it... but one of them did. I think its probably the pacing extra levels.... I extracted the RTS NW.bsa Disabled and Deleted : FO3-Closing-Merged FO3-Tona FO3-Ayumi FO3-Fate FO3-Western FO3-Moon FO3-Nami XFO_Pacing_Extra_Levels Changed XFO_Pacing_High to XFO_Pacing_Medium As soon as I loaded my game, I gained 4 levels.... 24-28. Bam. Expected that though... :O The game loaded in 6 seconds. No joke. From 4-5 minutes to 6 seconds. I guess this topic should be moved to modding troubleshooting... I am curious if anyone else has had this problem? Or even better, know what did it and why it occurs?
I havn't had the radio on once in my whole game. Usually have Winamp running my music or enjoy the in-game background music. My character is level 24 (although in reality is about 36-38 with the pacing mod). I don't know if that could be it, applying all those changes with the perks I am taking. I have also included my current load order, I wanna know if there is anything wrong with it by chance? Or should I start merging mods to try and fix my issues? :( *EDIT* Ugh, my save game is 18megs now. Its taking like 5-6 minutes to load from the main screen. Takes about 10 to 're-load' while playing, like a quick-load for example. Have to closde the game and restart usually. :( http://a.imageshack.us/img337/7690/loadorder01.jpg http://a.imageshack.us/img820/8797/loadorder02.jpg
I have a 4GHZ Quad Core, 6 Gigs of 2ghz RAM, and a Radeon HD 5750. My load times are taking 3-4 minutes each and crashes are prevolent. The Savegame itself is at 16megs and rising. This is unfrickenbearable Is there anything at all I can do? Some utility that can clean it up or... something? I know it inevitablely gets bigger the more crap you do in the game etcetc. But for christ sake I spend more time loading and crashing than actually playing! It has about 24hrs of playtime and I'm running approx 80ish ESM's + ESP's. Most of the big-boy mods like FOOK, MMM, etcetc. I've also had the increased spawns set to 6-8 and ghouls at x7... I almost have to go back to vanilla to even be able to stay stable for 30-45 mintues at this point... :(
http://a.imageshack.us/img525/4164/loadorder.th.jpg *EDIT* I caught FOOK2 - [DIK] DLC Improvement Kit.esp requiring a few things it was underneath, and moved it up properly under FOOK2 Main [Hotfix].esp ... but the problem still persists :x This is my current load order. I have tried to follow FOIP Load Order in its description, although it seems I have clearly screwed at least 'something' up. lol. The textures from the Type3 bodies are not working. Just standard shirt/underwear etc. :-/ I've been fiddling with it for a few hours. I had it work yesterday and cannot figure out what I did differently. I am clearly getting a bunch of errors from the order report... and I really havn't done anything differently that I can tell than yesterday... Blargh!! >.< I did a fresh clean wipe/install today because I was having stability issues yesterday and now I broke this somehow... also~ the hair texture is... odd. The clipping issue will fix itself once these meshes/textures actually work properly so I'm not worried about that. It has a strange gloss/reflective property, or maybe its a lack thereof? I'm not sure. Any help is greatly appreciated, this is my first post ever on these forums, seeing as how I've always been able to troubleshoot my issues in the past. Screenshot follows about what I am talking about. :P http://a.imageshack.us/img80/755/oddhairglitch.th.jpg **Final Edit** Sigh, I read in another post a few below mine here.... we all make stupid retarded mistakes.... it happens to the best of us... ArchiveInvalidation wasn't Enabled........ SIGH. Problem Fixed, I'm tarded, I apologize :O