This was a little confusing at first, but I think I figured it out , but after everything was said and done, Fallout 4 is no longer asking to update, and I was able to successfully play my modded game all last night without any problems and seemingly subverting the update.
So, I thought I would share my method for anyone else who might have also been confused. I wasn't sure if you were supposed to change the manifest ID for all of the Depots, or just the last one until I went to the SteamDB page and clicked around a bit.
Here's what I did:
1) Yesterday I set the appmanifest_377160.acf file to Read Only (and changed Updates frequency to Only when launching) as directed in the OP.
Today, Fallout 4 showed [ Update Required ].
2) Since I don't want the update (at least, not now) - using the Depot ID and Manifest ID for -each- row from my .acf file, I changed the Manifest ID to the new one.
(If you click on the Manifest ID link on the right of your matching Depot ID, you will see:
Example for Depot ID 377161 from the SteamDB page: (as directed)
Manifest ID
Windows Shared InstallDepot from 228980 VC 2012 Redist
No size
Windows Shared InstallDepot from 228980 DirectX Jun 2010 Redist
No size
Fallout 4 content_a
5.67 GiB
5.21 GiB
3) So for the first Depot 377161: the link on the left will take you to a page that has the following on the bottom:
Manifest ID changed – 7497069378349273908 › 7332110922360867314
Aha, now I could see that my (original) file matched the OLD ID: 7497069378349273908
"manifest" "7497069378349273908"
"size" "6092666130"
4) So I changed the "manifest" in the file (with Notepad) to the NEW ID from the website: 7332110922360867314
It now reads:
"manifest" "7332110922360867314"
"size" "6092666130"
5) I then did the same steps for each of the remaining Depots and Manifest IDs. I only have VANILLA (NO DLC), so there were only 4 matching Depot Manifest IDs to change.
6) I exited Steam, Unset the Read Only for the appmanifest_377160.acf file, and then SAVED the changes in Notepad.
7) After saving -- I RESET the Read Only on appmanifest_377160.acf --- otherwise, Steam might try and get the 'real' update.
Upon launching Steam, Fallout 4 now shows [ Play ] -- so I believe Steam thinks FO4 is current, and I'm set.
Hope this helps someone!