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Everything posted by Chillwill

  1. I've had this problem for a long time myself, always thought maybe downloads were given priority over pictures or something like that. Anyway i have a 50Mbit connection located in norway and when using the links provided in your post i had 25ish seconds load time on static 1 and 4 and instant load on 2 and 3. This is pretty much what i see in image section of mods as well. Some pictures go pretty much instantly and others take more then 20 sec and every now and then they just don't seem to want to load at all unless i click on them again.
  2. Well i wont swear that the fxdust alone causes crashes but the dunbluepalacearena does. I had both when i encountered them though and those fixes fixed it.
  3. [ (02009B00)].fxDustDropRandomSCRIPT.OnLoad() - is most likely the cause of your crash. You need http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/732051-fxdustdroprandomscript-errors-fixed/. Also you should get the dunbluepalacearena fix http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/737061-dunbluepalacearenascript-errors-fixed/. They are both vanilla scripts that will haunt you forever once they trigger unless you use those fixes. Read both threads carefully and follow instructions. Also just know that bad scripts will stay in your savegame even if you uninstall the mods that introduce them, so only way to fix a game thats broken by a mod script is reverting to an old save.
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