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About Aireal2

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    United States
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  1. Not my kinda game... but it's a very nice thing to do, getting a game out there so that people can see it!
  2. Awesome...very nice to know a little bit about someone who's mod's I get a great deal of enjoyment out of....
  3. In response to post #45634790. #45635625, #45643415, #45644335, #45645145 are all replies on the same post. As one of those people that pay's for my band width ( my cell phone IS my internet connection) Personally I don't mind paying to keep the AD's off...I go out of my way to not go to sites with a lot of AD's... but those that I do go to that have them.. I either pay to not have to view them.. or it's a site I don't visit often.. As a retail manager I understand running costs.. I'm not rolling in money.. but I prefer to spend it where I want...and that's not more on my phone bill. Any Service is going to come with a "fee".. it's all in how it's paid for..
  4. In response to post #44666725. #44666760, #44666870, #44672885, #44673980 are all replies on the same post. That would be rather unfair, as I am sure some very nice mod's have entered the "hot files" 4 to 5 years ago and new players might not know a thing about them.
  5. I love this! And that their is a guest submission, that's even better, it's a very nice feature and Ill be sure to keep up with it and try out new mods.
  6. In response to post #44658195. #44658755, #44660435, #44662065, #44662420, #44663050, #44663515, #44663785, #44664805, #44668805, #44673940 are all replies on the same post. 2 thing's, 1.. Arthmoor's mod is a guest pick and they are saying any one can submit their favorite mod 2.. Soon as I have the Data ( tonight after midnight) I will be downloading your mod. It look's to be a perfect fit for my DiD competition play through's. Seriously one of the rules is that we "must play through the cart scene" with every character. ( subsequent starts in the 1st tower) I do generally use LaL, with a Vanilla start...the whole cart ride, in our competitions. Two people use the same character ( both console players) but the majority of us go through the whole kit and kaboodle. SE version as that's the only reason I got it, competition..better looking more "vanilla" game. So I will also be adding a link on our web-site back to it ( both versions) as a...Hey.. ya might wanna try this. Keep up the good works!
  7. Thank you for that wonderful article!! I really enjoyed reading it. I picked up my 1st copy of Skyrim 11/11 for the 360...and played well over 6K hrs, then in May of last year I finally got a PC that would run Skyrim.. and I've never looked back. I had a list of mod's I wanted, before I actually had my PC... A completely different approach, as I knew what I did not like and I had "tracked" the mods that would fix those things.
  8. I play as both sexes depending on the backstory of the character. I play mostly in 1st person, so it really doesn't matter, but running down the road I do use 3rd person to see more of what is going on. Even being female I find watching the females running/walking down the road distracting errrr but it's becuase I think they walk funny and I laugh my butt off. I think their are a lot of different reasons that ppl play as the same or opposite sex that they are and a lot of those have been expressed, I see nothing wrong with anyone elses reasons for playing what they play in a game. As long as the reasons don't get obsessive or irrational and harmful to that person what's the big deal? It's like why do you prefer a red acura over a black f-150, it's a preference... as long as you aren't out slashing tires on every vehicle that isn't your choosen one what's the big deal... eye candy or practical purposes... or just RP for games.
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