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Everything posted by RexenWolf

  1. Thanks guys, your suggestions worked. Another case closed! --Rexen
  2. When I attempt to change cell settings for a mod I'm making (by right-clicking on the cell's name, then picking "EDIT") all of the options are greyed out, including "ok". Apply, however is not greyed out, but after changing settings, and clicking "APPLY" nothing happens, and no changes are saved. I have tried restarting the Creation Kit and my computer to no avail. I cannot change cell settings. (See attached screenshots) and Thanks, --Rexen
  3. I ran into a similar problem, and this worked for me. (I'm not 100% sure if this will work for you, but it certainly won't hurt) First, you'll need to open your "FALLOUT.INI" located in "My Documents\My Games\Fallout3" Find the following line: bUseThreadedAI=0 Change it to: bUseThreadedAI=1 Add another line after it and insert: iNumHWThreads=2 This will limit the game to 2 cores and prevent the engine bug from causing the game to freeze. *If the game still crashes, even after you've added these, change "iNumHWThreads=2", into "iNumHWThreads=1" (both without the quotes, mind you) P.S. I DID NOT COME UP WITH THIS MYSELF, just found it HERE
  4. Try pressing (without Skyrim running) CTRL + ALT + ESC (this will open the Task Manager) look for a program that's excessively using your processor (just a slight suggestion). It may be a coincidence that this happened, I've not heard of this happening before, and yes, I can confirm that any commands (TGM, TCL, etc.) are removed when your game is closed. However, a small note of warning. Do NOT use the "disable" command excessively. This only causes the "object" you use it on to become "invisible" in-game. Its AI processes and technically the entity still exist. MarkForDelete is much safer. Also, in-game, try running the command "PCB", this will purge your cell buffer, and causes the game to reload data, this may resolve your issue, though I can't guarantee this. This is also a good suggestion. I hope one of the previous suggestions, either from myself, or others, helps you with your problem.
  5. I've Googled for about 3 hours now, and have been unable to find a solution to my problem, so I decided to turn to you guys, who haven't ever let me down before. I love Skyrim, and Fallout, and I'd like to start streaming them, herein lies the rub, I use a USB wired PS3 controller (which so far hasn't let me down) to play Skyrim, Fallout, etc, and I'd like to be able to display a "virtual controller" on-screen, showing my keypresses as they happen. I've seen this happen before, on other streams, but I've been unable to find what program, script, or even OS the person used. I'm hoping you guys will be helpful in my search. Cheers, Rexen
  6. I'm attempting to use the Creation Kit to create a spell that will allow the player to summon their follower if they get lost, or wander off (more specifically J'zargo, but I suppose it would be useful for this to work on ANY follower). I don't want this to be a cheat, or over-powered, I'd like to limit the range in which you can "summon" your follower, but I can't seem to get any of this to work. Any suggestions, or even a tutorial, since I haven't been able to find one. I've gotten so far as to create the spell and get it into the "Conjuration" school... but beyond this, I have no idea.
  7. I'm making a mod. A liveable player house (well, I say house, its more of a castle), based on the Dwemer building set. At one point in this underground castle, I have a "boiler" with various knobs and valves, at the moment, only the buttons do anything, and all they do is make noise when pressed (that was fairly simple). The boiler doesn't really -do- anything, yet, its just there for looks and ambiance, I feel it pulls the Dwemer set together, as pipes, pistons, and gears are fairly familiar around Dwemer ruins. What I'd -like- to be able to do (just as a fun little thing while I learn) is have a jet of steam coming out of the boiler that only starts... steaming... when a valve is turned. I've looked everywhere, googled, you name it, I've even checked http://creationkit.com, and have tried everything, but for the life of me, I cannot get the steam to steam when the valve is turned. Any help at all would be much appreciated. (My sincerest apologies if this is on the wrong forum). --Rexen
  8. Ah, well, it was worth an ask, thanks for your speedy response. :)
  9. So if any of you, and I'm fairly certain that some of you have, played Fallout (I'm specifically referring to Fallout 3 here), you'll be familiar with the console system (and yes, I do know its Gamebryo engine is basically the same). I liked the console in Fallout 3, when you selected a NPC, it gave you a name, confirming that you've selected that NPC, and not some bit of flim-flam in the background. What I'm requesting is this: A mod that gives you that functionality, the ability to see the NPCs name, along with their ID so I -know- that's a NPC I've got selected and not a rock. Thanks, ~Rexen
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