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Everything posted by VonHelton

  1. Ok, I don't remember the video telling me to make a dummy node. That may explaIn why my finished product is red & wants to sink into the floor. So tell me quickly how to make a dummy node (you said I had to make it FIRST, right?) and then I can make the rest & see what happens. I have some beautiful low poly spiral stairs & bay windows that need collision. :happy:
  2. Nexus will not let me add attachments for some reason??!! :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: No, I'm not doing any scaling....... :ermm:
  3. I make the object. I copy the object & name it collision. I select both & use Havok Tools with the proxy option. I set the collision mesh to "mesh" & the obect to 60 weight. I click the hammer tab & select collision groups. I set the parameters to "concrete" & "static object" Export using Gambryo. In other words, I followed the video instruction to the letter. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
  4. I'm bringing back this thread with a problem I'm having........ I make the object & the collision in Max, but in the game, the collision is TWICE THE SIZE of the object, and sometimes is offset by a mile. What is causing this & how do I get my collision the same size as my object? Also, how do I fix the offset? :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh:
  5. And THIS, ladies & gentlemen, is why I don't want to add scripts to my mods. There is NO WAY to add a slot to the workshop WITHOUT adding a script? :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: Tell me how to add a custom slot to the workshop (not the chemlab or armor table!) WITHOUT adding scripts plz!! :huh:
  6. So my items showing up as red diamonds in the game is due to Nifskope?? Gods be praised! Which version works?? :cool: Nvr mnd.......I got 2.0 & was able to get something to show OTHER than collisions..... Back to the drawing board for me! :sad:
  7. There was a mod in my list I had to delete. If I remember, I'll post it....... :cool:
  8. Yea, already figured it out & did it. Thanks though! :cool:
  9. ROFLMAO! Good luck with that....... I have 3.......THREE!.........Gun mods waiting to be uploaded to Nexus, but the original authors won't respond to messages here so I can get their approval. You MUST have their approval to upload to Nexus! :laugh:
  10. FFR (For future reference): When you make clothing that fits the main torso, that clothing MUST include a body inside. The only exception to this would be if the clothing is given a non-body part number, such as the number 61 (misc2) Clothing or armor that DOESN'T have a body in it will produce invisible bodies.......Every time. :thumbsup:
  11. I made some beautiful floors for the various shack parts. VonHelton Integrated - Renovated Shack Walls and Floors at Fallout 4 Nexus - Mods and community (nexusmods.com) Now, no one will come inside & hang around. They all stay outside by the door. The funny part is that I didn't mess with the actual nif's, other than to add a cieling underneath. The actual floor part was untouched. But before I messed with the cielings, they wouldn't come in either. Apparently, just changing the dds file for the shack floor was enough to mess things up. If anyone has any ideas, I'm all ears. Someone mentioned nav meshing my floor parts maybe? How would I go about doing that? The auto pathing doesn't seem to be working. The NPCs & followers will teleport in long enough to use a bed or a chair & then teleport back out. No one meanders the rooms or hallways of my buildings. :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:
  12. I not only HAVE this mod, I SKINNED this mod. This mod contains no audio files. The only only problem with this mod is that I can't get the author to answer PM's so I can upload my skins. :laugh: Wasteland Melody (Chinese Assault Rifle) don't answer PM's either, and neither does the guy with the older M16 mod. :confused:
  13. YOU DON'T NEED A MOD Hit the tilde key. Click on the NPC. Type "openactorcontainer 1" Profit. :cool: .
  14. And here I thought I was the only modder that worked my mods in the quiet of the night.......LOL. (I'm making beds, ATM.....) Ok, to assign materials to build & scrap, you do this with a "constructable object file" in CK. Pretty sure new weapon attachments must be done in 3Ds Max......... :cool:
  15. Sometime back, someone was gonna do a mod on Radio Freedom & needed a voice actor. I couldn't do it at the time, but I now have some free time, so I threw a demo tape together. Check it out & see if I got close!! Feedback welcome! Radio Freedom Voice Overs (odysee.com) :laugh: :cool:
  16. All nifs have collision, otherwise they'd fall through the floor. :laugh: :cool:
  17. WOW! That's bizzare! :ohmy:
  18. Currently still an idea. The idea for the mod was just made. Bear with me, as the idea is quite massive and will require a LOT of planning first to avoid issues. Ok, let me know when you got some pics up & I'll come take a look. I have TONS of pics up for my mods!! :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:
  19. Will this overwrite the regular game? I installed something similar to this on another game & it completely overwrote my game. I had to do a MANUAL removal too, since it literally had scripts with hooks in every facet oif the game. Took me ALL DAY to fix it........Literally. :down: :down: :down: :down: :down: Let me know, one way or another..... :ninja: No, it's a continuation of the FO4 world, granted you may not go back to the vanilla portion of the world for a long while. It won't remove the vanilla game. So I can fast travel to the regular map like going from Far Harbor to the Commonwealth? :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:
  20. Will this overwrite the regular game? I installed something similar to this on another game & it completely overwrote my game. I had to do a MANUAL removal too, since it literally had scripts with hooks in every facet oif the game. Took me ALL DAY to fix it........Literally. :down: :down: :down: :down: :down: Let me know, one way or another..... :ninja:
  21. My "script-fu" isn't the best, but I'll take a look......... :cool:
  22. OMG! that sounds horrible! :ohmy: No idea how their damage becomes your problem. :verymad: Gonna need more detailed info to even guess: Did you have like a companion health meter that was uninstalled or something? Can you "get out of the effect area" or is it "stuck to you"? Does it happen in 1st & 3rd person? Any companion? Mobile Gun Platforms that use fire bullets! They hit my followers (or me) & I can't see! I NEED TO BE FREE! FROM THIS TYRANNY! (Sorry, I used to be a song writer) :cool: :laugh:
  23. On an even LESS happy note, whenever my folowers take dameage, I get this HUGE fire effect that makes it impossible to see!! Any ideas?? :sad:
  24. Nobody has an idea, eh? :huh:
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