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About VikingofTamriel

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    Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas

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  1. I am unable to change the e-mail in my account settings. I type in the password and the e-mail I want to change to, and press "verify email" but nothing happens...
  2. Here you go - > http://www.filedropper.com/hamskarclassic4096xtextures Re-archived with 7zip Thanks heaps!!!
  3. I need the "Ham Skar (Classic) 4096x textures" from http://mw.modhistory.com/download-55-6854?fbclid=IwAR3GIb2mcitW6cFFmeI2z8AG9Uv_LgBuXB3lIzV1Qhh5aYOhJ_TQWEwuRqY (filename HAM_Skar_Classic_4096x_textures.rar). The downloadlink on modhistory.com only gives an .xml error. Does anyone already have this downloaded and able to e-mail it or put it on dropbox or something?
  4. The original Silgrad Modding website seems to have been gone for some time, and the Nexus only points you there to download, it doesn't contain the actual mod... Is there still a legit way to get the Oblivion version of the Silgrad Towers mod v4, or am I s.o.l.? (I have a "for personal use only" mod that converts all the Imperial armours to the ones used in the Silgrad Towers mod, but after reinstalling Oblivion on a new computer it looks like I didn't save the original downloaded files for Silgrad Towers...)
  5. BOSS should be used for Oblivion, apparently LOOT can cause crashing upon launch
  6. As it says in the post title: is there any mod that fixes the really bad clipping when carrying a 2H weapon idle (i.e. on the back)? It looks kinda creepy to press 'F* and have it look like my character has impaled himself on his Claymore...
  7. I don't have Oblivion installed ATM, otherwise I might be signing up.
  8. Do you need to remove world borders so you can walk straight to Black Marsh? Or is there some other solution for accessing the landmass?
  9. Looking at the modder's profile, you see: Offline Last Active Jun 04 2012 08:21 AM I think that answers Your question.
  10. I always use BOSS to set load order. I had previously removed mods, but had saved/reloaded once before already. Did try Wrye Bash but without effect, ended up having to restart from scratch...
  11. Each time I try to load my current save, the game crashes. Naturally I deleted all the other savegames but this one.... :-/ Is there any mod/utility that can check/repair savegames, or do I have to start over? :-/
  12. It seems to me that the vanilla Leather armour is actually really supposed to be Thieves' Guild armour - it is called 'thief' in the construction set, and also, the thieves guild armour in Skyrim is extremely similar to the Oblivion Leather armour...
  13. I guess such a request was bound to happen.... :-/
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