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About serkethetyt

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    Skyrim and Morrowind

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Enthusiast (6/14)



  1. It fixed, thank you so much you all for the hard work!
  2. I'm glad those features are returning! Not only missing the About Me page, but the important tools as direct message and especially report button. Thank you for work on it so fast! (The design for me is ok, just need to get used to it, but is looking nice and the support author button is cute) Ps: Any predictions on when we will be able to edit profiles?
  3. Thank you so much for the complete answer!
  4. First of all, thank you guys for the update of the forums! It was needed and is looking great! I have a question, tho, about the "About me" profile on Nexus site. Previously we edited it through our Forum profile, now we change it in the forums but changes are not applied in the site (as it is different things now). Can I ask if there will be a way for us to edit the infos in our site profiles?
  5. Thanks for the effort on making things work again! Hope the image upload service return soon :thumbsup:
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