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  1. Swapping to cryo works, and I've fixed all the interface files. Now just need to swap all instances of standard damage into cryo damage.
  2. In Fallout 4, Energy Damage interacts with Energy Resist differently than Standard Damage interacts with Standard Damage Resist in a way that causes Energy weapons to become much weaker than Standard weapons. Examples Standard Weapon Example: Weapon says it does 25 damage in the pip-boy. A regular shot against an enemy with 50 Damage Resist will result in 9.7 damage being done. If you get a sneak attack with 2x damage, that same weapon now does 25 damage. The standard weapon did more than double damage for some reason. Energy Weapon Example: Weapon says it does 25 damage in the pip-boy. A regular shot against an enemy with 50 Energy Resist will result in 9.7 damage being done. If you get a sneak attack with 2x damage, that same weapon now does 19.4 damage. The energy weapon did exactly double damage with a sneak attack, as expected. The Formula Fallout 4's armor system reduces the final damage dealt by comparing the difference between the incoming damage and armor values. In other words, the closer the incoming damage is to the armor value, the more final damage it will deal. If the damage and armor values are the exact same, it happens to be a 50% reduction in final damage. If the damage value is twice that of the armor value, the final damage is only reduced by 30%. If the damage value is half of the armor value, the final damage is reduced by 61%. It's a little confusing, but it makes sense, right? Armor has diminishing returns, it's not linear. In-game, this means that very strong weapons are only reduced by very strong armor. Very weak weapons are only reduced up to a certain point, so they can remain usable. So Why Doesn't Standard Damage Follow The Formula? The difference between Standard Damage and Energy Damage is that Standard Damage applies the sneak attack multiplier to the formula before and during the check against the armor rating. Energy Damage applies the sneak multiplier before it is checked against the armor rating. This is why standard weapons do more than expected from sneak attacks - the sneak attack is being factored into the armor damage reduction formula in addition to the damage output formula, changing what should be a 50% damage reduction in our example to only 36%! So 25 base damage gets doubled to 50 for both weapons in the example, but only Standard Damage takes this bonus into account when determining how effective the armor should be. This simply does not make sense with the way armor works in Fallout 4. Remember, as damage gets closer to the resistance value, the % of damage reduction gets reduced. It is effectively applying the x2 sneak increase as some bugged out form of armor penetration in addition to the increase shown in the HUD. Note: I am only using the sneak multiplier as an example. It's important to remember that all multipliers suffer from the same problem, and they even stack. Other than sneak, this also includes crits, perks, magazines, bobbleheads, chems, and more. Literally everything. This is why this problem becomes bigger and bigger as you progress through the game. This is why enemies that are specifically supposed to be weak against Energy Damage still take more damage from non-energy weapon depending on your characters build. This is up for debate, but my conclusion is that standard weapons are bugged, and energy weapons are actually how it should be handled. Standard damage is the only damage that acts this way - even radiation and poison use the same formula as energy resist! This why my solution it to change the Standard Damage Resist formula, rather than everything else. With my proposed solution to this issue, the game actually becomes more difficult - but only very late in the game. It also perfectly balances Energy and Standard damage types, and makes things react exactly how they are supposed to. If something says you will do 5x damage, you will now do exactly 5x damage. No random surprises and confusion. Standard weapons will not seemingly ignore all armor during critical hits and sneak attacks. My Hacky Solution The solution I am brainstorming is to change all standard damage types and resistances to cryo damage (an unused damage type), then change the HUD icon of cryo to appear to be the regular damage icon. In-game this would make everything seem exactly the same, except now the new "standard damage" type does not factor in anything extra into the resist formula. If something does 2x damage, it will do exactly 2x damage. If I can make an entirely new damage type, that will be preferred. But if not, cryo can be used and edited to appear as standard damage. The pip-boy and awareness interface files will likely have to be edited. An alternative would be to simply hide the new cryo resistance value and set the players standard damage resist (which actually does nothing, now) to match whatever their hidden cryo resist value. Either way, the only problem is to find a way to make the HUD accurate which I'm pretty confident that I could get help with. The only flaw in this method that I can see right now is that armor penetrating effects will have to be changed, because they only work with standard non-hack damage type. This is an entirely different, more well known bug that also causes armor penetration effects to not work at all with energy weapons. Currently, I have changed these effects to armor shred instead of ignore % of armor. This feels pretty good in-game, and I'm happy with it. So this "fix" would indeed change the game slightly, rather than just the resist formula. This also naturally makes lower damage, higher fire rate weapons shred more armor - which is exactly what was intended. See: Armor piercing effects that you can only get by changing the receiver to automatic on many weapon, because those lower damaging weapons have a hard time matching up to resist values. This would allow Rifleman and the "Penetrating" legendary effect to work on energy weapons like they are supposed to! Thoughts? Opinions? Anything I missed? Any flaws in this potential solution other than massive compatibility issues due to having to edit every single non-energy weapon and anything that references the standard damage type? I'm absolutely going to spend the time making this if I can't find any major flaws in the logic.
  3. Alright, any tips on how to start finding a fix for this would be fantastic. I have no idea where to start, because there is only one thing this perk edits: "Mod VATS Penetration Min Visibility" The first rank sets this number to 0.50 The second rank sets it to 1.00 I can't find anything on this value in the creation kit. Perk description: "There's no place to hide! In V.A.T.S. you can target an enemy's body parts that are blocked by cover, with a decrease in accuracy." Perk does what it says, but it also cuts your damage in VATS in half. I can't figure out why. It doesn't happen all the time, but most of the time it does, especially when aiming at the torso. Feel free to test it yourself, can't believe this perk has been broken this entire time. Any advice on things to try to fix this, or mods that already fix it is what I'm looking for. Thanks for reading.
  4. Thank you for the answer. I have not learned enough about scripting yet, but I guess now is a good time. Is there any way to alter a game setting without using F4SE?
  5. If this setting doesn't exist, then I need to make a new perk entry point I believe. Is that even possible? I feel like it's not.
  6. I would like to make a mod where the distance you can activate VATS is dynamic. I think it would be really cool to restrict low perception characters from pressing vats and finding targets that are too far away. It would also allow me to solve the major balance problem that is spamming the VATS button to detect enemies and mines from very far away. Would also like to make it so if a weapon is equipped with a scope the distance is much longer, but that would be added later. The game setting I need to change is fVATSMaxEngageDistance I would just handle this through a perk, but I cannot find a way to modify that game setting. First thing I want to do is do if perception 1, then engage distance is x. If perception is 2 then engage distance is x. If weather is raining or foggy then engage distance is x. And so on. Is there a setting for this that I am not seeing? If not, how would I go about making this?
  7. This isn't exactly what I want to do but this is an example of my problem: A member of the Atom Cats is wearing the following items as per their default outfit: jacket and jeans leather left leg armor leather right leg armor I open up the creation kit and change their default outfit to the following: jacket and jeans combat right leg armor combat left leg armor I save the plugin, but when I test it in game, it doesn't work! The member of the Atom Cats is still wearing leather leg pieces instead of armor. When I create a NEW save game that has never seen the Atom Cats and travel to that member, he is wearing combat armor leg pieces like I wanted him to. Is there a way to "update" the NPC's default outfit so it changes mid-playthrough? I'm sure I could attach a script, but is there an easier and safer way?
  8. I am not sure what that error is, but you do not need to edit your inis at all to get any mod to work unless those mods specifically ask you to do so on heir mod pages. Loose files work out of the box, as do mods that have archived files. For awhile you had to use ini tweaks to get loose files to work, and I think the mod manager just has outdated information. If the mod manager allows you to continue on as normal after that warning, I think it's safe to ignore it.
  9. I would like to play around with effects that only work while the player is in VATS. Is there a condition built into the creation kit that checks to see if the player is currently in VATS? Basically I'm looking for something along the lines of "IsPlayerInVATS". Does that exist? If not, any advice on how I would get this effect? I have tried "checkVATSvalue" and "getVATSmode" but neither seem to work. In case anybody is wonder, I'm trying to add a perk that only works in VATS. For example, increased damage resistance in VATS for an endurance perk. Or if the player is in VATS and they kill somebody, they get health. Or even a slow AP drain in VATS so the player has to act quickly. I know this would be possible through code but I'm trying to stay away from that if it's already built into the creation kit. It seems like it would be a pretty basic condition to have, but then again I can't think of anything that would use it in the base game.
  10. Oh my lord nevermind. Literally every time I post a question to this forum, even if I have spent literally 5 hours straight trying to find a solution... I figure it out immediately after posting. To anybody wondering. The order is sorted by the cap value of the MISC mod. Why? Who knows! If two Misc mods have the same value, it then goes by alphabetical...
  11. You know how in the base game the armor mods go in order from worst to best, and that makes sense? Say I make my own crafting items, doesn't matter what. I want those to go in a certain order, much like the vanilla game. HOW?? Does anybody know? It is seemingly random. It's not alphabetical, it doesn't go by value, perk requirements, or any stat. It seems it is ONLY affect by creating new entries in the creation kit. Changing the name of the ID does not change the order of it in-game. It also seems to randomly change if you mess with the object you are crafting. This is the most frustrating thing ever, and I can't make my mod as polished as I want it to be. I don't understand how the game sorts thing, or how in the world they managed to make it the way it is currently It there a specific list somewhere I'm missing that lets you choose the order?
  12. Immersive Teleportation: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/26118 The best, bug free fast travel option for survival players is at less than 100 endorsements. Naturally discover the tech to teleport within the main quest and then build devices that can do it at your settlements. Using at low power causes rads, which makes for an awesome early to mid game progression system, because at the beginning you simply don't have the resources to create 50 power at two settlements. Best part? Teleport to a settlement from far harbor to nuka world, and create an expensive one time use portable "recall" device to go back to your designated home base. If I could only have one mod it would be this. Build DLC Ammo: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/21595 Build far harbor and nuka world ammo with the contraptions DLC. Useful Pulse and Cryo Explosives: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/24848 Default cryo mines freeze enemies, when they respawn they remain frozen (aka broken forever, no matter what). In the process of making niche grenades actually have a specific purpose, it fixes that slow but game killing bug. Heavy users of explosives you need this one...
  13. Oh my god not 3 seconds after I post this I just figured it out, it was right there the whole time. Look at attachments 3 and 4. On the left side there is a thing that says "instance naming"... I didn't add dn_clothes which is where all the ballistic weave names are located. I'm going to totally add a new category and see how much stuff I can get. How cool would it be to have a "asbestos coated scrap padded hazmat suit". I can make use of the science perks now and make what I originally wanted to make. Solved. I'm not sure if I should just delete this or not, I don't post here much. If I can figure out how to mark it solved I will. Thanks all. That was seriously bugging me for days.
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