Name: Courier Gender: Female Age: 19 Race: Caucasian Combat Style: Rifleman Specialties: Sniping, assassinations. Weaknesses: Energy weapons. Likes: The Strip, the NCR, checkered suits. Dislikes: Raider armor, 9mm pistol, 10mm pistol. Wants: Reinforced metal armor, fully repaired Gobi Campaign Scout Rifle, all implants. Fears: Ghouls. Friendly Factions: The NCR, Great Khans. Enemy Factions: Caesar's Legion, Powder Gangers. Companions: Rex. Love interest?: Victor. Parents: Jonathan and Kimberly Licata. Early life: Grew up in Goodsprings. Teen years: Got a job as a Mojave Express Courier while visiting relatives in Primm. How did he/she become a courier?: Got the job while visiting her relatives in Primm.