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Nexus Mods Profile

About AnnikaBlue

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    Morrowind TES
  1. Could someone please make a Loki-like male companion. I don't care about the freakin armor or the horns coming out of his head. Just make one that looks a bit like the character (barring any copyright infringements) and has semi-intelligent dialog. Dialog does not have to (and probably should not) be movie based--he could be a theif in Riften for all I care or even a disgrunted court jester. He should be sarcastic, dark, slightly moody (though not obnoxiously so--we're not talking Twilight). I swear if you do this, you will make quite a few female gammers very, very happy (probably some male players too). Something like below: http://timeentertainment.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/the-avengers-loki.jpeg?w=480&h=320&crop=1 http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130423160142/marvelmovies/images/d/d3/TDW_Loki_cropped.jpg
  2. Well, I'm one of his team mates (or at least used to be) and he has made some content for the mod but he has been dead silent for the last couple of months. Hopefully he's alright. I hope that too.
  3. Janus and his team created an incredible mod for us to use, though that being said I think he or one of his teammates could drop us a line to let his fans know this is not a dead mod. I know he owes us nothing, but it's apparent that he has some diehard fans who truly care about his work--and his existance, so I don't think it's asking to much for Janus to pop on and say, "Hey all, I'm ok, this mod's a real b&@*$. Give us some time the bugs and we'll get back to you as soon as we can. Thank you for your support." Is that so hard?
  4. Oh, I hope that's not true.... :wallbash: It seems like he's invested so much time into something just to give it up. Though I've never really worked with any other modding team outside Emma's group and they were absolutely amazing--the support they provided for their mods. Janus seemed to devote a great deal of time on here too with technical support--I hope he's ok. Personal lives can get in the way of our greatest expectations...and intentions. Besides, he can't quit...I'm having problems with my damned horse. Not only does that rake Dres steal mine, but he won't get off the damned thing. :)
  5. Oh, I hope that's not true.... :wallbash: It seems like he's invested so much time into something just to give it up. Though I've never really worked with any other modding team outside Emma's group and they were absolutely amazing--the support they provided for their mods. Janus seemed to devote a great deal of time on here too with technical support--I hope he's ok. Personal lives can get in the way of our greatest expectations...and intentions.
  6. No, there's no big hurry, as I had mentioned before. Currently I am content to work on the piece slowly while waiting on Janus. What I am excited about are upcoming developments/updates with the project as a whole. :biggrin:
  7. Others have posted videos featuring Atvir, Janus seemed receptive to the idea and the vids now appear on the mod page. Generally screenshots are good advertising as well. I would say that fanfiction would also be ok but since Atvir's plot isn't finalized yet and you'd want to avoid spoilers (so everyone can enjoy him too) it might be a bit difficult to write. Come back and post links to your efforts here, or send them to Janus, and I'm sure he'll let you know of his final thoughts on the matter when he sees them :thumbsup: I thought the screenshots were good advertisement too (as long as they're full credited). I've started writing my latest fic, but it's no where near done or ready to be released. I'm not even sure what Atvir's role is going to be besides the companion/lover/rival. I've got some ideas but fruition of those ideas are months out plus I'd like to know a bit more about the lore surrounding Atvir and Tear in general. Also generally I like to get the ok from the modder themselves as I think it's disrespectful not to. Atvir is Janus's creation just as Annka is mine. Here's a linky to the screenshot I've posted on DA
  8. I wrote him on the 17th asking what his thoughts are fan fic and screenshots--specifically me creating some. I haven't heard back... Would you (or anyone else on here) know Janus's position is on such things? Has it been mentioned previously in this thread? I've looked, though not had any sucess.
  9. I do not want to be called "Newbie"! I liked being a stranger. Change that back now....Gah!
  10. He's probably out celebrating Christmas or Hanukkah or Kwannza....or maybe some obscure Dunmer religious holiday :)
  11. It's decidedly an insult. Someone who is low enough to fetch, at least that's my take.... Here are some other opinions http://www.gamespot.com/the-elder-scrolls-iii-morrowind-game-of-the-yea/forum/whats-a-fetcher-41966097/ . I'm not sure if there is an official definition out there.
  12. You mean initially? If it's the first time encounter at the Corner Club then you have to buy some flin from the barkeep. I usually drink some too, I'm not sure that a requirement (probably not), but that's how I got the dialog started. So buy some flin and try drinking some yourself and see how that works out.
  13. I worked all day yesterday trying to figure out NPC editor. It's easy enough to use in changing the face, I just can't get it to incorporate the changes made to the Atvir mod--I'm not sure why. It wouldn't even let me save my work. I do agree that looks are highly subjective and for that reason I wish there was a mod similar to the "Ren's Beauty Shop" for Morrowind. You could just buy some kind of face and put it on them. If I was any kind of modder, I'd have it nailed. After my experience yesterday, I can say with conviction that I am not (sadly). Regardless of how he looks, I'm still going to incorporate the mod, it's brilliant. :smile:
  14. Feel ya on this. Skyrim NPC Editor is not the end all be all solution to this problem--or at least it's not for me. You could use the NPC editor to make any npc in the vanilla game more attractive, but the dialog is still dull. Or you could find a wonderful male follower mod and the follower not be supermodel hot, and not be able to change the way that character looks in NPC editor ( at least I couldn't change the looks--I just spent all day trying). This sounds strikingly like real life, and who wants real life when playing a fantasy game? I really wish I had some talent at modding or at least understanding the construction set. If I did, I would create something like Ren's Beauty Mod (Morrowind) that would make it so you could just buy a beautiful male faces (or any face) and affix it to any character you wanted to change. That would be awesome.
  15. Janus...Congratulations on making such an excellent mod. I sincerely think this is the best mod since Ashlander Julan. I have a few suggestions for your consideration. One of the best parts of this mod is the dialog, though I was wondering as Atvir is kind of a pig of a man (and I mean that lovingly) and I'm wondering why he doesn't try more things with my character (or other NPCs) while he is in the pub (ass grabbing, more belligerence, louder singing, trying to hug people, inappropriate propositions, etc....). I think the last one would be awesome as the player could either slap him, say something equally repugnant back to him or even take him up on the offer. That would be fanatic (as would the ability to get him really drunk). While I love Atvir, I really don't like his appearance, and yes, I am aware of how shallow that sounds. Will you be making any changes his appearance in the December update? I would change it myself, but I am a total end user and unsure of how to go about doing it. I've tried using the Skyrim NPC editor, but have had issues (my idiocy being the main obstacle). Last thing, Atvir seems like a mercenary kind of guy (which is great cause my character is a mercenary kind of girl). I'm wondering if there would be a way to incorporate Atvir demanding a cut of the profit a character takes from a quest? He does an equal amount fighting and should probably demand some kind of pay. Again, thank you for creating this mod--it's made Skyrim playable for me.
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