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Everything posted by JaBaRouke

  1. I'm thinking that three keys may play a part in how the beds and routines are assigned. Any links?
  2. Riverside Lodge currently has three available beds (one shared with the player). My first companion would be the very popular Sofia. I would like to make it possible that a companion can be assigned to the lodge have an assigned bed and daily routine. There is much to do with the daily routine (which could be different for each day of the week) and each of the three could be on a different schedules and/or gather perhaps for dinner etc.. activities could include: sleeping, eating kitchen outdoor banquet area, outhouse, cooking, reading, crafting, gardening, chopping wood, hot tub, sauna, patrolling, perhaps more. I have made a few simple mods for Fallout 4. Have used the creation kit for Fallout 4. I would appreciate links to any tutorials that would be helpful in making this mod. Thank You, Ja BaRouke
  3. Maybe it already has been done. I'll try out "My Home is Your Home"
  4. I have made a transfer settlement which I have tested. However before I could publish, I rebuilt my Fo4, and don't recall which mods I used to make the settlement. What do I need to do to make the required mod list for upload to Nexus?
  5. Both methods worked for me. Thank you.
  6. I started with the Vault 88 Template - Optimised by RyReZar https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/31192 and added two large additions. I now have returned to the main section and have begun to add furniture etc.... When I get this: Well I wanted to show a jpg of the yellow size bar and the "[Nothing more can be built]" warning. Even though the size is well under the 250KB, 139 to be exact, it will not attach. Anyhow, any suggestions?
  7. Found her. http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Boxer_(Far_Harbor) she is found in the creation kit as an Actor search of DLC0#RailroadContact.
  8. I'm working on a mod and I can't seem to be able to find Boxer that you first meet in the railroad and then later in Arcadia in the creation kit. I have tried checkin both the F04 and Costal as the main files. Checking Costal I was able to find Chase, Kasumi the Mariner etc...
  9. You asked if a nif file can be converted to an xml file, not what program can create a nif file. NifTools is used for that purpose, together with other add-ons. Thank you, I have not tried NifTools, I guess it is time. Thanks again.
  10. I guess the answer is no. You can in BodySlide create both a nif and an xml as described above. But to take an existing nif (origin unknown) and create an xml from that nif has not been found.
  11. Is there an application that will convert a nif file to a body slide xml preset file?
  12. Set F4SE_loader free from anti-virus to no change. Time to bite the bullet and blow everything away and start all over, ************ And Start all over and now all is well ********************
  13. Double checked and Fallout4 and Fallout4Launcher applications in the Fallout 4 directory. also F4SE_loader and Steam are all compatible with Windows 8 F4SE was installed using the installer and is version 0.6.6 which is the correct one for Fallout 4 1.10.75. Ran both with and without administrator. I am the administrator. In the fallout 4 directory is the dll for f4se_1_10_75 as well as te previous dlls for F$SE.
  14. Any help for me? https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/6492741-f4se-066-with-fo4-1107501-help/
  15. I get a Fo4 stopped working when I try to start through F4SE. How do I get the page permissions corrected? BTW: I have done the compatibility detailed in "command launch>NMM>run FO4 as admin" post for both Fallout4 and Fallout4Launcher applications in the Fallout 4 directory. also F4SE and Steam all compatible with Windows 8 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. I have been able to run many of the user interface mods and transfer settlements in the past. However lately none of them seems to be working. I had suspected that steam has done something to disable F4SE from running. My suspension started when I noticed that the handy Better Console and HUD Plus stopped giving out the extra info. I have been able to install and use other mods with NMM successfully. I recently got Coastal Cottage ready for the Playboy Mansion and installed Transfer Settlements 1.47 which should be "Compatible with game version 1.10.75 and F4SE 0.6.6." I even reinstalled F$SE 0.6.6 after a save. However I get an error stating that F4SE is not loaded and Transfer Settlements features are disabled. Any ideas?
  17. That was the key for me. The instructions in the "Fallout 4 Mod Installation" do not mention this file. Only the one in the Stream directory.
  18. I just rebuilt Skyrim and it is working great except fot the lack of audio dialogue for NPC conversations. I have tried to disable the esp for ones I thought maybe the culbirate. Interesting that Sofia's audio dialogue works, sound effects work, music works. Any suggestions? Attached is my list of esp.
  19. The font is tiny in my Windows Edge. I have Edge supposily set at largest. Want to be able to see the ont without aids.
  20. OK, got the Stream Link to work. Not bad as a way of fact checking while watching TV. The Steam Controller is an acceptable interface to surf the web. As a gaming controller the Steam Controller is woefully inadequate. Skyrim does not CTD anymore it just is not any fun with the Steam Controller. Although it is suppose to be configurable it is limited maybe because many of the buttons are needed to traverse the big Picture interface. I've tried using it with Fallout 4 and again it needs some work. Hope fully Steam will do some updates.
  21. I got my Steam Link and controller. It is setup via the router 75 mb. Can start up Skyrim and launch the game. Even connect and begin to display my current environment in the Forgotten City with some character movement (about 3 seconds) before it crashes to desktop. I will try to figure out how to let Steam know. What I suspect is that Steam Link will not run non-steam content. Why, because I can stop streaming and play Skyrim without problems.
  22. Mine is back to working again. The only comment I have to pass is that the mods that had NMM options do not appear on reinstall. It appears to take the previously selected options as the answer.
  23. If I wanted to start all over I would not select the Civil War Overhaul. Do not like the demeanor of the mod author. Failing a solution I'll try this http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/36742/?
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