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Posts posted by Madae

  1. How am I fear-mongering in the slightest?

    I have repeatedly stated that he's not about to be robbed for Skyrim, and that mugging isn't a widespread pandemic or a large issue.


    You implied it when you attempted to correct me after I said it was far more likely he would be robbed for his wallet, which you apparently didn't get the point. I never said there weren't idiots out there, I just said it's highly unlikely the only reason he will get robbed is for this game.


    You're attempting to agree with me in this last post anyway, so I don't see why you're making it such a big issue. If you didn't want to argue a point, you shouldn't have tried to act like your opinion was superior.

  2. Don't be silly, OP. The Nexus/Bethesda forum absolutely does not constitute the majority of people that have preordered this game. You are not going to get mugged for Skyrim... seriously. To think that people would be willing to risk going to jail for a video game is pretty funny... I mean, you would have to have a pretty low opinion of people in general to think that it were even remotely imaginable.



    Maybe he's not going to get mugged for Skyrim, but you have to have a pretty overly optimistic view of people to believe that there aren't people out there who'd steal/mug and risk jail for a video game.

    It's happened before, it'll happen again.


    Seriously, just take a step back and listen to yourself - it's a videogame. Quit acting like this is a pot of gold waiting to be snatched. The last instance I heard of anyone getting seriously rowdy over something like this was probably the 360 launch, and even that wasn't even comparable to the PS2 launch - and we're talkin' about something more than 4 times the cost. No one is going to fight/mug you for this game, and if someone does, it's far more likely he/she cares more about what's in your wallet and just happens to take the game, too.


    In no way am I saying it's a "pot of gold waiting to be snatched" or at all saying that there's any way he's about to get mugged for Skyrim. Even if people routinely mugged for video games they wanted, I suspect Skyrim would be very low on that list.

    But pretending that crap like this doesn't actually happen is just, well, incorrect.

    We've had it happen in my city, heck, last night at the Call Of Duty launch a couple of guys got robbed for their copies when they were a bit away from the shop. And yes, it was for Call Of Duty.


    People commit petty crime for pretty much anything, and there's not much difference between threatening someone for £20 or threatening someone for a game which actually holds more value. I'm not suggesting it's a pandemic and the streets aren't safe and you should avoid midnight launches, I'm simply saying that people are idiots, and there are definitely people out there who would be willing to mug someone for a game.


    No one is going to fight/mug you for this game, and if someone does, it's far more likely he/she cares more about what's in your wallet and just happens to take the game, too.
  3. Don't be silly, OP. The Nexus/Bethesda forum absolutely does not constitute the majority of people that have preordered this game. You are not going to get mugged for Skyrim... seriously. To think that people would be willing to risk going to jail for a video game is pretty funny... I mean, you would have to have a pretty low opinion of people in general to think that it were even remotely imaginable.



    Maybe he's not going to get mugged for Skyrim, but you have to have a pretty overly optimistic view of people to believe that there aren't people out there who'd steal/mug and risk jail for a video game.

    It's happened before, it'll happen again.


    Seriously, just take a step back and listen to yourself - it's a videogame. Quit acting like this is a pot of gold waiting to be snatched. The last instance I heard of anyone getting seriously rowdy over something like this was probably the 360 launch, and even that wasn't even comparable to the PS2 launch - and we're talkin' about something more than 4 times the cost. No one is going to fight/mug you for this game, and if someone does, it's far more likely he/she cares more about what's in your wallet and just happens to take the game, too.

  4. I worked at EB Games/Gamestop a few years back, and it was definitely cool to be able to fondle new releases well before their release date. I was there for the 360 launch, so that was pretty entertaining too.
  5. Well, I have The Old Republic in December, and then Mass Effect 3 sometime next year. Those are my next two games after Skyrim. Everything else in between is just fluff, though my opinion could change as time goes on.
  6. Don't be silly, OP. The Nexus/Bethesda forum absolutely does not constitute the majority of people that have preordered this game. You are not going to get mugged for Skyrim... seriously. To think that people would be willing to risk going to jail for a video game is pretty funny... I mean, you would have to have a pretty low opinion of people in general to think that it were even remotely imaginable.
  7. I've decided what I will start working on as soon as I've had my fill of the game; creating High Rock or Summerset Isle as additional areas to explore. I was initially leaning towards Summerset Isle because I don't like the idea of surrounding an area with mountains to keep people from going to far, and I also chose High Rock because it had relatively few mountain ranges since it only bordered Skyrim and Hammerfall by only a small bit (with the rest being ocean-front). At any rate, I think I've decided to go with High Rock purely for the fact that I would be able to create Daggerfall, and I know that holds a lot of nostalgia for older TES fans.


    The plan is just to create the cities/towns, landscape and then creating a bunch of dungeons and stuff to crawl through. I find that the main purpose of the game to begin with is to explore, not necessarily to quest (though it has yet to be seen whether or not Skyrim's story is actually engaging), so i'll be leaving out questing on a whole, but mostly because I don't want to go through the trouble of finding decent voiceovers, and I find that it breaks immersion to just have non-voiced text.

  8. ^ I think you're talking about the Tzimisce.


    Maybe there will be a total-conversion mod to make Skyrim like the Vampire universe, but I don't see any reason to add the Kuei Jin. You can argue that they aren't really like vampires, but they kinda are (I'm expecting flak from purists on this), and there are vampires in the game already. Just make some mods to change their powers and there you go.

  9. I think another reason why HGEC was popular, and what was my point earlier, is that it incorporates many different options in to one easy mod. Sure - people may make a mod for it and have specific requirements (bust size being the most obvious), but it was easy to swap out and change your options if you really wanted to use that asset. The problem is when someone makes something for Exnems body, and now you have to uninstall HGEC (which arguably wasn't that hard to do, but still) and install Exnem if you wanted it to look right.


    That's basically what I want to avoid with this whole concept; get everyone to agree to work on a singular mod and just create additional options as time goes on that can be incorporated into an easy to use install like HGEC had. The menus to pick and choose certain body parts and base body was an excellent idea that I wish could be attempted again, but on a much greater scale. Everything about the UV being bad aside, that was a great feature.

  10. are these complicated coding mods?

    i'd really like to know if these kind of changes are considered hard to pull off.


    It depends on what is already in the system, which no one can say yet. Coding is not something you can pick up and do easily enough, unlike adding assets - that is comparatively easy compared to altering the code of the game. There would be more to it, as well, like animating staggering effects on every creature. You might be able to grab a generic animation already included in the game, but who knows if that will "look right" when it's all together.


    the reason im thinking about this already is because im positive the combat system isnt going to be deep. it's going to be, probably, 80% like oblivion. minor tweaks at best.


    Definitely possible, but I've already seen a lot of different things in the videos - like "deathblow" animations, and the "dual-wield" magic thingy.


    having a conversation with a modder that is also passionate about turning the combat into something more rewarding and deep can help when the game DOES come out and u taste the combat and look for stuff to see how they work and what is missing. just me doing it isnt going to convince a modder that my ideas are good. also bouncing ideas with a modder can show what is likely to be possible and what is probably too hard.


    Most of these things come around when someone is disappointed and would like to see it changed. In effect, you're basically planning for something that may or may not be in the game already, and that's what's confusing to me. I'm actually kinda curious as to whether or not you'll be disappointed if the game is everything you wanted it to be, because then there wouldn't need to be any combat mods. ;)


    naturally we will know more in 10 days, but you can see many modders already sharing their ideas and plans for skyrim mods.


    That's a wee-bit different. A lot of the stuff I've seen is adding new quests or plans for clothes/armor/weapons - not really the same thing.


    Also its stupid not to be able to block if you dual wield,i mean you must be a expert in sword fighting to use two swords properly and it just looks stupid how you hold two swords in first person,its like you hold two torches so a mod should be made that if you dual-wield it should switch automaticaly to 3rd person cause i guess the animations are better and a mod where you can block like in the witcher 2


    I imagine the reason they show both swords in first person is the same reason why most games choose to not show your feet when you look down. People like to see what they're doing, and many times the outside look of the character is much different than what you see in first person.


    You could also block with one weapon and no shield in Oblivion, so I don't see why they wouldn't let you do it in Skyrim with two.

  11. Like I said; the first step is to get everyone that wants to be involved together so we could work on it together. It's easy to say "it will never happen", but technically no one has ever tried to do it yet, so you really have no way of knowing.
  12. Oblivion/FO3/FONV all used versions of the Gamebryo engine. Skyrim is using an in house engine called Creation. I don't know how similar creation will be to gamebryo. I'm sure that there will be similarities since Bethesda has been using Gamebryo for a long time. But Creation is supposed to be all new, in house, and I highly doubt there will be compatibility with older TES mods.


    Creation is Gamebryo, it's just modified heavily and incorporates things like havok and Speedtree into one.

  13. Isn't it a little early to start thinking about something like this? I mean, we haven't really seen how the combat plays entirely, only bits and pieces. I guess I don't understand why you would want to change something you haven't even experienced for yourself yet.


    You're also talking about game-changing mechanics, not something relatively simple like new assets. It's a little more complicated than your initial thoughts, and will require changes to the code among other things. Aside from that, what else you can you really do in a game like this that isn't already being done in the game?

  14. This is just a guess, but I think the Construction set will probably work along the same lines as the previous versions. However, even though it's using the same engine, it has been heavily modified from it's previous incarnations. From Fallout 3 to New Vegas, it was pretty much an exact copy, and moving the files from one set to the other was pretty easy. It's possible that a lot has changed from Oblivion to Skyrim, but I'm thinking the CS will probably utilize the same principles, or I would like to hope at least.
  15. I know there will be differences in taste and what people will want with their body. If we can get everyone to agree to take a "base body" and modify it accordingly, like HTEC for Oblivion with different variations, I just think it would be easier for everyone overall.


    Bust size, hip size, butt and general muscle definition are probably all it will take. The differences I've seen in body mods are really subtle and it just would have made more sense to get everyone on the same page, agree on a particular base, and then expand off of that and creating one installer for everything - but at the same time, making it streamlined and usable with every asset created with them.


    Better Bodies for Morrowind was great, because it was practically the only body mod out there and it was easy to find various items for it. Oblivion and Fallout 3 got a lot more wild and varied, but New Vegas almost succeeded in bringing it back to one-body-fits-all. I'd just like to see a return to form, and have everyone colloborate and focus on this one body set, and actually be universally happy with it. The first step would be to get everyone who is interested in it, and those who performed work on past bodies, together.

  16. Oh okay sounds good. So if I somehow learn how to port I still have to ask for permission right? Or do you only need permission if you're reuploading it?


    You need permission from everyone that created assets for the mod, unless otherwise noted in their readme's or whatever. Some people don't mind if you use something as long as you give them credit, but if you don't see anything like that, you should ask. Also, most people are probably going to want to port over their own stuff. It's likely you won't get many permissions to do it for them. You can always port over that stuff and use it yourself, though, as long as you don't distribute it.

  17. Ok, I would honestly like to see this nipped in the bud before Skyrim launches, because it will always be frustrating to find a piece of armor you really like that doesn't fit the body mod you use. We're probably going to see a dozen different bodies at some point, so I'm hoping that before Skyrim does come around, we can put our heads together and come to an agreement, through collaboration, that would make it easier on everyone and increase the enjoyment we get out of customizing our character. If there was one, easy to install, and easily identifiable body that everyone knows about, we can avoid dozens of different types of armors coming out for the dozens of different types of bodies, and that just makes our game that much more special. Blossom's body for New Vegas was close, but there were still attempts to take the focus off of it for personal preference. I would honestly like to not see that happen, and instead have one body, with many different customization options (and updated regularly) to fit everyone's needs.


    Is it to much to ask for? Can everyone agree on this? In a perfect world, every file put on the Nexus would seamlessly work with everything else. It's an impossible dream, for the most part, but it can definitely be fulfilled with this, at least.

  18. You need to figure out why you can't import nif files into blender. Nifskope is unlikely to help you here. You can try replacing branches but I don't recommend it.


    I actually exported the file from nifskope to an .obj, imported to blender, and then exported it from blender to a .3ds file since I have much more experience with that. Though I don't know how well that is going to go over.


    That helps, but I'm still at a loss here. The only thing I figured out is that there is really only 1 piece that needs to be altered. The pants control what body the game uses (I use Blossom, it uses Type 3 from F3).


    I can't import nif files into Blender. I downloaded Nifskope and opened the pants file, but I can't import more than 1 file at a time (so I can't use that walkthrough), and every time I alter something that I think would affect the area, it messes up something else.

  20. The armor meshes have to be made to fit.


    Hmm... Well, can someone point me in the right direction? What would I need to fix it?


    Or can someone do it for me? I can provide the file I ported.

  21. It's been packaged up along with the Type 3 body release for NV. Look at the files.




    Thanks, but I see what the problem is. I was using Blossoms body, and it seems that the shoulders are narrowed when she doesn't have anything on, but when I use some armor I had ported from F3 to NV, it appears that the shoulders are wider again when she has it on. Any idea how I could fix this? Or is this something that has to be done with the armor meshes themselves?

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