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Posts posted by Madae

  1. well, as far as i know, the NV GECK would read the file just as it should, so i think you could just change the original file, though you might have to create it from scratch, i'm not sure about that

    now, changing the stats of the armors is a piece of cake

    you just load the file and find the armor (or create it, if you make a new file) and give the stats whatever you want (like if the armors DR was too high, you can easily change it)


    now, to automatically add it to the player's inventory would require scripting

    if you know how to script, it shouldn't be hard for you

    if you don't, i could help you out with it, just ask :)


    if you need more info, or better instructions, or have any questions, you are free to ask, and i'll do my best to answer :)


    Awesome, thanks for the reply. :) I'm at work for another 6 hours, so it'll be late when I get out. I'll try this when I get home.


    I will need help with the scripting process as well, but I'll save that for when I fix the files and get them ready to import. :)

  2. I was wondering about how the facial creation process works. I'm trying to get my character from Fallout 3, I chose hispanic facial preset 7then modified it. I wrote down the number of times it clicked from a certain side when selecting the facial attributes ). I applied this to new vegas and it came out completely different. any help would be appreciated


    Several new presets have been added. You likely won't get the same result by importing it if your particular preset in Fallout 3 is not the same in NV.

  3. Any downloaded face textures you used for Fallout 3 that are -just- textures, you can easily import into Fallout New Vegas. Just create their respective folders and drop them in like you would normally do for Fallout 3.


    I imported several faces that I used in Fallout 3 to New Vegas and they all work fine (with different results, however, considering the new preset faces can have an effect on the end result - but this is the same as Fallout 3).

  4. There are a few items from Fallout 3 that I simply cannot live without, and after the converted release of Type 3 today, I need these files.


    What I need to know is how to change these particular files to be added to the characters inventory automatically, as well as how to change certain stats - as it is, the items are very overpowered for a new character, and maybe even for a higher level. I'd like to tone them down a bit. I'm assuming that making these changes in Fallout 3 GECK would work just as well as the NV GECK, and that there shouldn't be any compatibility issues or problems with the conversion considering it's literally the same game and engine.


    I'm not at my computer at the moment, so it will later tonight when I attempt to do this. Any information anyone can provide so that I can get started on it right when I get home would be appreciated.


    For the record, these were items for a Mysterious Stranger mod. The items could be equipped to a female MS, and/or added into the game and found in Burke's house in Megaton (I can't remember the full name, and it doesn't appear to be on F3Nexus - I can't confirm).

  5. I wouldn't worry to much about this guys. I'm sure there will be a mod that will add all of these items to your character soon enough.


    Personally, I preordered the CE DVD from Gamestop, but they actually didn't give me a preorder card, so I don't have any of them either.

  6. It's been awhile since I've played Oblivion, and I know this was something a lot of people were irritated about, so I'm wondering if there was a mod that got rid of the whole "leveled creatures" thing and instead made the game more like Morrowind.


    Basically, I don't want to level to 20 and then start the main quest only to have every creature I fight against completely destroy every NPC out to help me. I prefer the game before the whole oblivion gates thing, but I eventually decide to start it after I've played the game for awhile. This problem always came up when going to rescue martin and all the daedra in the town were always significantly more dangerous than the help that was provided for me - and at the same time, I actually wanted to save everyone and it became nearly impossible to do so (not that it matters in the end, I just like knowing they all got out alive). I'm also keen on the idea that I could go into a dungeon at level 20 and run into a bunch of weak creatures to stomp on.


    Anyway, something that gets rid of the leveled system and populates the Oblivion world and dungeons with creatures based on some formula, and with a sense of the unknown, is what I'm looking for. I don't mind running into a super nasty creature at level 1 because I ventured to far from safety.


    ** As an edit - this mod: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=13879 looks really good, and I would want to use this, but I'm concerned that this may be even more problematic concerning the leveled creatures thing, since I wouldn't be able to "stunt" my growth to keep me at a low level. I usually would pick skills that I would *never* use, or rarely use, when creating my character. Unfortunately, with the current leveling system, this would mean that I would raise the skills I wanted to an ungodly level before ever leveling my character, which would ruin my chance at having a viable character at higher levels because of the loss of bonus attribute modifiers.


    If there isn't a mod similar to my request, but a current project that is in progress of changing the leveled creatures system and repopulating the world, I would be interested in helping.

  7. Disregard - I found out that, apparently, I needed to have all of the mods in the compatibility patch. Redesigned needed More_Hairstyles and Bidelle's, and Bidelle's needed the other 3 mods for it all to work. Slightly funny, in an almost irritating way.
  8. I'll try to explain this in the easiest way to understand, knowing that it would be difficult to ascertain the problem without seeing everything for yourself. Which begs the question, and would probably solve all of this right here, right now - is there a "file checker" to see what would cause a crash?


    That being said, the description has all the mods I have installed - but my game also includes the latest 1.03 patch, with most of the downloadable content and the expansion, and, of course, the Mod Manager.


    My crash happens when I go to create a new character and I cycle through the presets of different female faces. There seem to be a lot of presets, but the last one I can look at is a bald look, and then the game crashes to the desktop when I try to look at the next one.


    I was also having some issues with installation, too. I'm not sure if I did it right, but it looked like these mods wanted me to extract the folders (with all the files still in the folder) to bioware/dragonage/packages/core/override - not take everything out of the folders and just place all the individual files in one confusing lump in the override folder itself. It seems like it would make more sense with the former.


    Another thing was a compatibility patch with two of my particular files that required me to delete a "chargenmorphcfg" in my "More_Hairstyles" folder, and to replace it with another, newer one - this was the file from Bidelle's makeup (Chargenmorphcfg file v4 1). I'm not sure if I was supposed to do that either, though it said it was for compatibility issues with More_Hairstyles.


    Anyway, I hope that's not to confusing.


    ** In some quick sleuthing, I found out this had to do with that last bit with Bidelle's and the Hairstyles. Deleting the original More_Hairstyles .xml file and replacing it with Bidelle's causes the crash, but moving the original back in its place fixes this. Although, I no longer have the tons of presets I supposedly should have with Bidelle's mod.

  9. Pretty much everything that needs to be said was said already, but I'll still add my 2 cents. :)


    It was said before, but the legs need to go first. They are just way to fast and will catch up to you even if you're running away in the opposite direction.


    You can "cheat" the AI by jumping on something the Deathclaw can't get to. Might be considered lame, but if a train car or overturned truck or a big rock is easy for you to get on and not the deathclaw, you may as well use it. After all, it's not your fault the Deathclaw can't figure out how to get there. ;) Though, I've been tricked by Deathclaws just the same by thinking I was safe and then having one surprise me by getting up there. Turns the tables on the whole lame strategy thing - sometimes it just doesn't work. :P


    Bottlecap mines are a great way to knock out their legs too (you pretty much find one at every workbench). They do an insane amount of damage for something made of a few caps and a cherry bomb. Just make sure you can get one down and get out of the way before the deathclaw notices you. I've had one explode in my face thinking I could get it down before the deathclaw got to me.


    There are really only a few good weapons that are useful in taking them down. You'll probably have the best luck with hunting rifles, sniper rifles, chinese assault rifles, laser and plasma rifles, or a missle launcher. Even then, you better be pretty good with them (player skill and stat wise), especially the latter. Launchers take a long time to reload and cause some serious collateral damage for something that can close a distance quickly. Hard hitting, long range weapons are your best bet (ie, hunting/sniper rifles - go for the legs first). If you can keep out of the way of the claws, a combat shotgun can do some serious damage in close quarters. This is also assuming these weapons are decently repaired (I think repair is the single most important tag skill to have). :)

  10. I usually just make a new folder, name it !BACKUP!, make another folder with whatever it is I'm backing up (and name it properly) and just put the files I want to keep in there. That way I know what it's for - and sometimes I'll make a txt file to explain the details if I think I'll forget at some point. ;)
  11. Wow, I will definitely do that. :) I just looked at the mod list and it literally has 90% of the mods I have installed. Should I go through and uninstall each of those mods and the files they have or should I just install Lings on top of it? And what about all the outfits my character already has? Will uninstalling the mods and installing Ling's make my character still have those items? This seems like one of those things I should be wary about and might cause problems. Though I was thinking of starting a new game anyway with a slower leveling mod.


    Oh, and is the optional file here: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8832 (Lings Coiffure and Couture v3-3) the one you were talking about? Or is that a different mod altogether?


    Included in the download for LFT is a text file that tells you what can be removed from your textures and meshes folders. Here's how to make sure with 100% safety:


    1. Start FOMM and select the first Lings clothing BSA. Use FOMM's functionality to open the archive (but don't extract it!). Go to your meshes folder and begin stepping through, checking the paths listed in the BSA with the paths in your textures or meshes folders.

    2. Using WinRar (the procedure will be a bit different if you use a different archive tool), select the file(s)/folder(s) that are duplicated by right-clicking them.

    a. Select New Archive.

    b, Select Best under Compression.

    c. Check the boxes for validating the archive, deleting the files after archiving and creating a recovery record.

    d. Archive.


    3. Repeat the process for textures.

    4. Repeat the process for the second BSA.


    Viola! All your clothing/armor meshes/textures that are related to Ling's resources are temporarily archived.


    5. Start FO3Edit.

    a. Step through the clothing mods that you archived above, right-click the filename and select Add Master from the context menu.

    b. Enter LingsFinerThings.esm by selecting (checking) the file in the pop-up list.

    c. Ctrl-S to save the changes.


    There you go, a 100% safe way to validate your mods against what is in Ling's.


    If by chance some meshes/textures come up missing in game, find the archive for that instance and unextract it. After some time (in-game), if you have no mesh/texture issues, you can go into your meshes/textures folders and delete the archives.


    Oh, the MOST important step:


    6. Play Fallout3 and enjoy Ling's great work!


    Also, if you have previous mods like HairPack, launch FO3Edit. Go through the mods, click on the + in the tree view and expand the File Header section. Look for any that rely on HairPack.esm (in the left panel View tab). If you find one, change HairPack.esm by right-clicking on it and entering LingsFinerThings - Coiffure.esm. The FormIDs are identical to HairPack.esm's. Obviously, this means you installed LC&C first (tip: make sure LingsFinerThings - Coiffure.esm is loaded before HairPack.esm). Ctl-S to save. Exit FO3Edit, start FOMM, deselect and then delete Hairpack.esm. You can safely delete any texture/meshes HairPack installed as well, as they are in the LingsFinerThings - Coiffure .bsa file already (plus the eye texture/meshes that you extracted while installing it).


    As far as NPCs are concerned, see my post in LingsPrettyThings on customizing NPCs.


    Hope this helps.


    Thanks for the help. :) I just went ahead and deleted the few mods I had and installed this the normal way. I tried looking at that FO3Edit thing and it seemed really complicated, and I didn't want to risk screwing anything up (I don't have access to my game box at the moment to reinstall if I borked it all).


    Anyway, everything is working beautifully. Crashes I had been having seem to have been fixed, so there must have been something there in the older mods that caused some problems. It's nice that pretty much everything I had was in one, nice and neat updated package. :)

  12. The "fault" is probably one of the clothing/armor mods, where some default clothing/armor was replaced by ... err ... in-the-buff-ness. It wouldn't show up as a conflict, since many clothing/armor mods are "replacers" and simply overwrite default clothing/armors with new default textures/meshes.


    If you wish to bother with it, merely look in the mod archives and see what was copied to where.


    I read in another thread that .esm's should be at the top of the load order before all .esp's. I had 3 esm files loading at random spots (hairpack, Project Beauty and Enhanced Weather) and moving all the .esm's at the top and all the .esp's at the bottom seems to have actually fixed this. I'll have to do some more testing, but I loaded the game in Megaton where they were clothed (when exiting, waiting a few and then going back in would cause them to be naked) and they were still clothed.


    Hopefully the issue is working correctly now. Maybe this will also fix a crash I was having with the character creation. I would click some of the custom eyes from the hairpack and the game would CTD. Maybe this fixed that to. :)


    Maybe. :) ... but I would recommend replacing HairPack with LingsFinerThings - Coiffure.esm. Compatible with the HairPack FormIDs, but with tons more options. HairPack is getting a bit dated, there have been lots of cosmetic mod additions and improvements since its release, and Lings has them all.


    Note that before disabling and/or deleting HairPack.esm, you'll need to get FO3Edit. (and obviously LFT-C.) Start the utility and use the tree view to find any mods that list HairPack.esm as a master. You can expand the tree and select the File Header listing. In the right side view, right click on the MAST file listing and change it to LingsFinerThings - Coiffure.esm ... Voila, you are updated to the latest and greatest hair/cosmetics mod there is currently.


    Wow, I will definitely do that. :) I just looked at the mod list and it literally has 90% of the mods I have installed. Should I go through and uninstall each of those mods and the files they have or should I just install Lings on top of it? And what about all the outfits my character already has? Will uninstalling the mods and installing Ling's make my character still have those items? This seems like one of those things I should be wary about and might cause problems. Though I was thinking of starting a new game anyway with a slower leveling mod.


    Oh, and is the optional file here: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8832 (Lings Coiffure and Couture v3-3) the one you were talking about? Or is that a different mod altogether?

  13. Nothing to fancy, I just need a key to Burke's house because there are some modded items in it I want to be able to get to without waiting until I have 100 lockpick skill. If someone can tell me how to make a key and place it, that would be great. :) Otherwise, if someone wants to do it for me, you can just place the key on the table next to where he sits in Morarity's, or just put it on him so I can steal it. Either way, I'd like repercussions (owned item and what-not) so it feels real and not just a quasi-cheat to get past the door. Nothing to hard though, I want to still get it with 30 or so sneak.


    Thanks in advance :)

  14. Can someone tell me which clothing mod is this right here?




    I thought it was Tailor maid but it's not..it's something else. :wallbash: :wallbash:


    I'm not certain, but it may be type 3 businesswear. I haven't installed it yet - and the 3 clothes it shows in the pictures aren't the one in your pic - but maybe it has other outfits included that just aren't being shown. Maybe worth a shot. :)

  15. The "fault" is probably one of the clothing/armor mods, where some default clothing/armor was replaced by ... err ... in-the-buff-ness. It wouldn't show up as a conflict, since many clothing/armor mods are "replacers" and simply overwrite default clothing/armors with new default textures/meshes.


    If you wish to bother with it, merely look in the mod archives and see what was copied to where.


    I read in another thread that .esm's should be at the top of the load order before all .esp's. I had 3 esm files loading at random spots (hairpack, Project Beauty and Enhanced Weather) and moving all the .esm's at the top and all the .esp's at the bottom seems to have actually fixed this. I'll have to do some more testing, but I loaded the game in Megaton where they were clothed (when exiting, waiting a few and then going back in would cause them to be naked) and they were still clothed.


    Hopefully the issue is working correctly now. Maybe this will also fix a crash I was having with the character creation. I would click some of the custom eyes from the hairpack and the game would CTD. Maybe this fixed that to. :)

  16. 1. ESM's should always be loaded before ESP's.

    Therefore, you need to move FO3 Wanders Edition.esm and Mart's Mutant Mod.esm. I would also suggest loading all the FO3 DLC's right after the CALIBR esm.


    I didn't know this. I was having a problem with naked megaton settlers, but I also had two .esm's loaded after quite a few .esp's (enhanced weather and project beauty). Moving them all up top seems to have fixed my problem! :) I'll have to keep this in mind. Thanks :)

  17. Can you list all the mods that you have?


    Well, that's the thing. The only things I've installed recently are Project Beauty, Enhanced Weather, Body Jewelry, and Kikai Equipment. Everything else I have had installed for pretty much the entire game from the very beginning all the way to level 24 with no problems. I've explored almost everything on the world map except Broken Steel and Point Lookout, and I've done lots of quests too (main quest excluded) with something like 500 saves - really a long time of playing this character.


    Everything changed though after I visited Vault 106 today (I think that's what it was) and then went back to Megaton to drop some loot off at my house. I was greeted by someone wanting to give me stuff for being good and that's when I noticed half the town walking around naked (just some of the settlers, all the named people were fully clothed). I can load the game right before I left Megaton to go explore the nearby area and everyone will still be clothed.


    I started a new game and went directly to Megaton and everyone was clothed, so I really don't think there is a conflict with my mods - 90% of it is just clothing and hair mods for my character that I had installed well before the problem. The only big game changing things are the expansions up until PointLook (no mothership zeta), enhanced weather, and project beauty. Although, I did just recently upgrade the game from 1.4 to 1.7 and had to reinstall the unofficial patch since I just picked up Brokensteel/Pointlook a few days ago.

  18. Just walked into Megaton and found a few settlers walking around naked. I was just wondering if anyone else has run into this. This is the first time I've seen this and I don't have any mods that change the world - mostly just clothes for my character and some other misc stuff, so I'm not sure if a mod did this or if the game just up and decided that they'd be better off with no clothes.
  19. I looked around, but I didn't see anything that would fix my problem I have. I'm using the 1.07 patch and the unofficial patch.


    I'm a huuuuuge packrat and have hundreds, maybe even thousands of pieces of weapons, armor and misc junk stored away - really, anything that is worth selling. The funny part about it is that I have 13k caps, so it's pretty much pointless to keep packratting, but I still do it regardless.


    Anyway, I'm using the Female Mysterious Stranger armor, and the only thing needing repair once in awhile are the pants which can be repaired by raider armor. Well, I have dozens of every raider armor locked away, but the issue is that nearly all of them are repaired to 100% - and for some strange reason, I can't repair my pants with an item that is already repaired to 100%. For weapons, I guess it wouldn't be such a big deal - just whip it out and fire off a few shots to degrade it, but I would have to do some legwork to repair the armor (go find something to degrade it).


    So, I need to know if there is a mod that fixes this slightly annoying bug. Granted there are hundreds of respawning raiders out there that I could just pick some armor off of, but I don't run into them as much as I would like to and keeping unrepaired sets in my locker for the sole purpose of using them to repair my pants when needed is just kinda dumb.

  20. Still doesn't make any sense. My character isn't starring in movies that millions of people will see. Word can get around, but how do these people know who I am the moment I talk to them? I don't mind if they talk about my exploits to random npcs in the streets.
  21. I don't want them to call me by my name or stop talking in general, I just want them to treat me as if I had just walked out of the sewers. I want them to act "normal" instead of referring to me as a title the first time I talk to them (and every time after that): ie. "OMG, you're the Divine Crusader!", "OMG, you're the Hero of Kvatch!", "OMG, you're the Arena Champion!", etc, etc... They also call me "Sir Knight" and "Knight Commander". It just sounds really stupid and annoys me.
  22. Is there a mod out there, or something that can be made, that would stop people referring to you as a certain title and instead just say whatever they were going to say to a normal, unaffiliated character? I did the Knights of the Nine quest and I hate that everyone says "Divine Crusader" over and over again.
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