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About Illiad86

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  • Discord ID
    KnitWit #7506
  • Country
    United States
  • Currently Playing
    Orcs Must Die and Witcher 3
  • Favourite Game
    Zelda: A Link to the Past, Oblivion, FFVII

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  1. This weather is so finicky & unpredictable. It was in the 40s yesterday & today. All the snow has melted & now it's just a slushy muddy mess! My girl was a trooper cleaning house tonite & getting up all those stupid dog prints, lol! Put your head under a steam bath in the sink or shower. Take 2 tylenol or 2 ibuprofen (400 mg.) every 4-6 hours. Get well soon! Can't have my weather girl down & out!
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