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Status Updates posted by jojjo

  1. Hi, Willow! Please, accept my appologies for something I wrote after your comment on an image. Meant no offence, but can't write it here - much people. Actually it wrote bullpoo. Always loved your images. Forgive and be well!
    1. 83Willow


      Hi Jojjo! ...you are lucky > I didn't see your comment and have no idea what you are talking about... so no need to forgive anything - but thanks for your apology,... maybe think a bit more before you write "such a comment" again. By the way, I just saw on your profile that your birthday is one day after mine :) ...well, see you in the image share!
  2. Нет, я благодарен для твои картины.

    Муай-Тай, поезия, арт, татус и метал... Уау!

  3. Thank you, Grace! Charlie! I was afraid that I offended you somehow so you didn't answer. Now breathing is easier. Hehe... Marry Christmas!

    P.S. That image on the beach beats four aces and Mr.Colt at once! Beauty!

  4. Guess it's too late for Happy Birthday then... Marry Cristmas and Happy New Year, Grace! Best of wishes! See ya after the Mayan Appo... whatever it is. Hugs!
  5. Hi, Grace, light!

    Preparing for the new fights is the best you can do. I'm preparing too. Much hate in me because they banned some good people, friends of mine-modders too. I hate that hate. That's not normal, Grace. Anyway, best of luck, lady!

  6. Kudosofication executed, your artist magesty (not kidding). If it matter to you. Does for me. :)
  7. What about ME3? It crashes, Meeps!
  8. Might be insolent of me. Just friend.
  9. Hi, Grace, hunny!

    Like ZZ said: where you've been? Hope everything is Ok with you and those around you. Few friends left. You are the one. Best of luck!

  10. "It will not be reopened." Why the hell?

    Best of luck, Bella!

  11. Yes, she is banned, I cannot write anything at her page. Then come back, girl.
  12. Eriko, you were banned too, girl? 6Alasiel9, sorry but Eriko is an old friend here. And will be again.
  13. Hi, Grace, hunny!

    Thanks for stopping by. Nothing unusual here, except the new work and respon..... whatever for me. But that means no mods soon, just Diablo3 in the free time. :) Thanks for sharing your images around, always gives me good feelings and maybe someday would bring me back to Skyrim. Best of luck, lady!

  14. Done here. It's like family diary. Ae...
  15. Hi, Miguel!

    All the lucks with you, mate! Be happy!

  16. Hi, girl!

    Still got the feeling you wanned to tell me something beatifull in my place. I respect that. Really. Thanks!

  17. "Anyway,

    *puts a sack over you* *closes the sack* *drags you into a ditch*

    Can't beat me, not easily :P "

    "Shame! Shame on you!" That's from me.

  18. Anyone do something before that last guy collapse with own attributes? Hahahahaa...
  19. Got it. And thanks for adding me!

    Was about to ask Why The Heck Would You Be Adding Friend like me, gorgeous? Short, strong and with beards? Gimly like?

    But I won't.

    Hugs and kisses!

  20. Hey, neighbour! Nice to see you around. What's up with you? Been a long time realy.
  21. Thank you and thank you for the good word, Shayna!


  22. Hunny, I guess you'll release'it/em when you make some of the perfected "ex-skin-issued" armors?

    Kiss and best of luck!

  23. And if you don't mind my compliments to lady Slof!
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