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Status Updates posted by jojjo

  1. Strings? Loose!
  2. And everything else is just darned worthless vanity. Together is the strongest word.

    Now I'll shut my flock... trap. Be well!

  3. Thanks for the help, brother!

    All the best to you and all around you (a description with an authors note). Everything would sound stupid but fight dammit.

  4. Up the irons! Or whatever more suited for Skyrim. Yep, the irons will do! :)
  5. Hey! }{ell, Unreal, Eriko, Superbee, Shev?

    Something I don't know? It's up to you... Cheers!

  6. Because I'm ready to be banned. Long ago.
  7. And those things I read down are not my doing! I'll say it again - use my things as you like. Stop listening anyone. And if MODERATOR asks anything of you - send the link to me.
  8. Man, noone needed from you to remove your mod!
  9. Keep up the good work!
  10. Keep up the good work, mate!
  11. Hey there, mate!

    Thought never find you but I did. Thanks for the info and be well!

  12. I respect people who have respect to other's opinion. Don't stop doin it. Thanks! +
  13. GMT+2 (two hours before the meridian) is my place - Eastern Europe. It means if in Greenwich it's 00 00 here it's 02 00 (Eastern Europe Time). So I believe in your place the time is something like "GMT-6 (EasternUS) six after the meridian". My friend in New York is eight hours after me for sure. Don't get me wrong - I'm not playin teacher or "smartass". Cheers, Milo!
  14. I hope Merry Christmass not be too late, but if it is - Happy New Year and best of luck in everithing you're doin. Bless ya!
  15. Hi, Alyna!

    Nice to make new friend, girl, or lady. Especially neighbours.

    Everybody thanks for adding, but I would like to ask (doesn't matter really) what kind of music is yours? Don't answer if the question is stupid, please, just asking. See ya around, lady!

  16. Well... I'm the next. Thanks, mate! You know why. Kudos for the generocity. Best of luck!
  17. Hey, Snoop Reaper! What's up with you, mate? Been a long time. Do you mind if I open a little modder's work for you?
  18. Lee, are you a rock or pop star?

    Obviously I'm the last to know. Best of luck, anyway!

  19. "Disturbed" I feel. You play Glastonbury, I make whatever armor you wish. Deal? Done.

    Don't forget to write...

  20. Lee, that Uni info beats all!

    Best of luck, friend! The best lifetime would be yours NOW (careful with the girls thou, choose wisely if it is needed)!

    Musical and Festival you say, YEAAAAAAAAH!

  21. Sorry, not first, but next of many I meant. Hehehe...
  22. Get a kudo, and let it be first of many!

    Best of luck!

  23. Don't worry, mate. There are too much wolves around. From many countries. All alone and all scared. Fulk that feeling - leads straight to nowhere. Look at me - I'm a troll, but one full of notes! Hehehe... Best of luck for now!
  24. Been a long time since the last, mate! Best of luck, man!
  25. Exactly! No more Cola. Not to mention the other suitable beverage (I didn't name it, right?).

    Nice to see you uploaded it, thou it's not my place to endorse it (some modder's ethics and such). Best of luck!

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