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Everything posted by Schlumpsha

  1. Anthro Tardigrades! Anthro Mites! Anthro Ticks! Anthro Cladocera! Anthro Anostraca! Anthro Triopsidae! Anything insectoid is welcome in my game-
  2. Bearded dragons are probably the most popular lizard pets due to their docile nature. I also owned a pair of these agamids when I was young. These days, I shifted my focus more on Chinese crocodile lizards and Philippine sailfin lizards due to their primordial appearance.
  3. If worse comes to worst, you could always use a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial licence for the mod. Also to further minimize the theft risk, putting the free mod on Steam Workshop yourself would probably be best in the long run.
  4. Bahamut...? To each their own, I guess. Personally, I'm more fond of Sardior and especially Null for that matter. Then again, I never liked Paladins to begin with. Damn fanatic little goody two shoes, the lot of them. :tongue: Anyway, looking forward to the upcoming screenshots in broad daylight. Sadly I can barely see a single scale or horn of your Argonian here.
  5. That fan art depicts the Kroot race from Warhammer 40K. Describing them as a mix between Predators and Argonians without tails is actually pretty accurate. ;) If you're more inclined for something heavier than leather, how about headwear made with ancient amber? This material should be rather durable and protective to boot. A bark helmet hardened with the resin of the Hist could thematically also work.
  6. That sketch looks promising indeed! Judging from the armour design, I believe headwear without metal, bone or chitin parts would fit the best. For example something akin to these "caps" mixed with vines or such might be interesting: http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/354/b/8/kangak_kroot_by_ameeeeba-d5olf71.jpg
  7. I personally don't mind either walking sound. But I can understand as to why the barefooted sound may feel "unfitting" for clawed, reptilian feet. Then again, it may just be the right sound for people that consider Argonians closer related to salamanders than lizards. Of course, best of all would be to include both options and let the players decide what to choose from via an installer. Interesting! I love the idea of having tribal armoury (and weaponry) for Argonians! Have you already decided whenever it will be a light, meduim-ish, or heavy armour set? Just curious. :smile: A bit food for thoughts for Argonian heavy armor: http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/192/a/c/argonian_by_lyntonlevengood-d6cz4du.jpg
  8. I, for one, would love to see artistically carved drinking horns in the place of those boring, rusty metal mugs which Bethesda threw at us. With that I mean that all mugs in the game world would be replaced, including those in drinking animations. Personally I believe that by introducing drinking horns to Skyrim, it would add to the viking ambiente of the Nord culture quite a bit. That, and the thought of Nords using goat horns solely for helmets and candles always striked me as odd. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_T69Nm1Iz_sw/TP4CZfV126I/AAAAAAAABo4/Ior-yhIvtWk/s1600/hvergelmir.jpg This mod idea can of course also be further expanded with the Hearthfires add-on in mind. For examble, players could perhaps craft their own special kinds of drinking horn placeables with cow horns, goat horns, dragon horns, or even horker and mammoth tusks. Some of those drinking horns could maybe have distinctive carvings on them to add to the variety. Just a thought.
  9. T3nd0s Skyrim Redone and its Wayfarer perk tree allows tracking of animals, amongst other creatures.
  10. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/29979/?tab=3&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fmodimages%2F%3Fuser%3D0%26id%3D29979
  11. Seconded! There's been really a lack of fur caps/hats in Skyrim. Not to mention that such fox caps seem like an interesting yet immersive alternative for Frostfall's fur hoods. :)
  12. There's actually a bird companion mod on the nexus: The Chicken. While its not exactly majestic like birds of prey, its sheer randomness makes the chicken quite fun to have around. :)
  13. Derok, the current version indeed crashes the game as it depends on RaceCompatibility for Skyrim and Dawnguard, which is currently not included in the main file. I've reported this issue to you back on the 2nd December. Other than that and the cannibal debug messages, it works as intended. blackird003, I can assure you that the Ulfhednar race works and they'll probably fit your needs perfectly. Just make sure you also download RaceCompatibility for Skyrim and Dawnguard and have SKSE installed as well for some extra features.
  14. I imagine it would be a lot easier if the furnitures in question use existing ice textures, such as the glacier or ice wall ones for instance. Though the ice furnitures would need new normal maps to look, well, normal. :tongue:
  15. Since the Forgotten Vale is pretty much the most secluded part of Skyrim, I don't think it would make much sense lore-wise to find standard Nordic furniture there. Same thing for already placed wood furniture. However, I'm very fond of the possibility to let the player construct certain wood furnitures themselves to make the ice cave system somewhat more homely. And giving that the only trees found within the Forgotten Vale are pines, the furniture from Raven Rock in Solstheim would probably be the most fitting bet. Failing that, falmer furniture would certainly be immersive within the Forgotten Vale as well.
  16. Furnitures would be scarce at best, as this adobe idea is based around Karstaag's ice castle in Solstheim... minus the riecklings of course. The most immersive furniture choice would be to rotate/resize/merge ice blocks within the CreationKit into various shapes (such as a bed, tables or even natural looking bookshelves of sorts). Or perhaps furnitures from nordic or dwemer ruins with a glacial retexture could be fitting as well, giving their thickness. The ice cave system itself would not be equiped with a kitchen, or cooking places for that matter. However, since this idea is based around the Frostfall mod, the player already possess the ability to build campfires and cooking pots.
  17. For the longest time I had this idea for a mid-sized ice cave abode system made purely out of ice, snow, icecicles and perhaps a small percentage of stalhrim as well. It would be no doubtly be a unique and freezing home fit for lonely cryomancers and extreme Frostfall survivalist soloers alike that possess a high skill rank in Wayfarer. But since my CreationKit know-how is more than limited, I require the help of the community to do this for me. Location: Somewhere within the coldest and iciest parts of the Forgotten Vale. Features: Uses the IceCastle statics from the Dragonborn DLC (ice doors, ice torches, glacier ice walls, ice throne, ect.) No fireplaces, fire torches, kitchen fire, oven, smelter, or forge. Spouse, companion and children unfriendly. ( They would freeze to death there anyway, realistically speaking.) No placeables, chests, weapon plagues, dagger racks, mannequins, or furnitures made from stone, wood or metal. Although, a small number of ice variants of such things would be more than welcome. Snowberry fields or gardens in order to survive the harsh cold. Perhaps an icy underground river with a well hidden, lightless and dangerous Forgotten Vale-style cavern at its end.
  18. We already know how the male orcs will look like thanks to your screenshots, but what about the females? Also, will the "Orc update" also feature gray orc heads, or are they exclusive for the half-orcs? In any case, Gruumsh will be no doubtly be pleased with the upcoming update! :thumbsup:
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