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About zerothenumber

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  1. May I suggest this mod? https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/944
  2. Basically, I would like to play as a bard who throws his violin to great effect into people's faces if the need arises. Said violin returns to it's owner's hands afterwards. Thanks!
  3. Like brah... did you even bother searching for such a mod? https://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/3878
  4. Yea actually, pay close attention to mods that require the mod for them to work. I actually got tricked as well not long ago thinking, what the heck is going on, why so many dependancies, but it was just the list of mods that require that particular mod to function. You don't need those (obviously).
  5. And while we're at it, make it so you need to manually replace a spent fusion core (get out, insert new FC, get back in). I would really like such a mod.
  6. I was hoping for a survival mode like in STALKER Misery mod...
  7. Nexus sites are the only ones that I have adblock turned off for. Thanks for doing what you are doing, without you and the modders that share their work here I wouldve passed on a lot of games.
  8. I've been playing FO4 since day one and beside some ragdoll problems here and there in VATS I literally had no bugs, glitches, etc. I don't know what you guys are talking about but it's certainly not about this game. And you kept calling them Bugthesda. Because it's cool being edgy and salty. I'm looking at FO4 more like a Mass Effect game set in the Fallout universe. Which is great in my book. The dialogues are well made and cinematic, the combat feels solid, it runs perfect on my computer (50-55 fps most of the time). As for the RPG elements - I'm tired of assigning arbitrary numbers to arbitrary words/skills to make my character arbitrary better. This is not what RPG means. That system was good on Fallout 1 and 2 but it does nothing to improve the gameplay for a FPS type game. Clicking numbers to make my character stronger is not the best way to design things imo. That being said I'm waiting for mods that make all outfits wearable under armor pieces.
  9. Does anyone know where can I change MEC's tier 3 upgrade to look like tier 1 or 2? Sorry if it's offtopic and thx in advance.
  10. Silly question... Can the hex value be 0? As in no meld from cyberdisks and drones? I get all other hex values like 13=D, 500=1F4, etc.
  11. Um... I don't think Bullet Swarm perk works only on Heavy class and Heavy lmgs... I have all my soldiers with the bullet swarm perk in order to shoot then run away and it works fine. I wish I could give the bullet swarm perk to every enemy in the game aswell but I don't know how. Sorry if I am mistaken.
  12. When I put the Mec's minigun on one of my Heavy guys I though DAMN that looks cool and seems to work just fine! I was so thrilled... Then I went ingame and watched my Heavy guy bend his knees like a creepy Boston Dynamics robot and make that creepy sound... damn it
  13. I think those weapons that are left with a bit of ammo in but unable to fire ARE still able to enter overwatch and fire once.
  14. While I do not have a premium account as I do not have the money for it, I do have nexus sites set to exceptions on my adblockers. And to tell the truth... I can barely notice the ads on nexus and they don't bother me at all. Thanks for these awesome mods safeheavens :P
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