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  1. Okay, I found out it's a 2 part problem, that I'm not sure how to fix, but if someone does, please let me know! Those weapons inherently darken your screen slightly, and with one of the mods (I believe SkyRe), it speeds up your weapon attack speed, so the weapon's attack so fast the screen gets noticeably darker. I also had a "realistic lighting" mod installed, and by disabling that, it keeps the screen from going completely black, but it still gets very dark. Anybody know how to change it so the spells or attacks don't darken the screen? Thanks!
  2. That isn't my load order, just a list of the mods being used that I downloaded with NMM. My load order list is a bit longer, and is sorted by BOSS, other than one which it doesn't recognize, which is skyre_dawnguard_backup.esp, which I put right underneath skyre_main.esp. And I thought that the magic stuff may have been a problem, so I had attempted to fix it by unloading the magic mods, and the immersive armor/weapon mods. Doing that did nothing, the weapons still faded out the screen whenever I struck something. I was thinking it might be something from SkyRe, but that's the biggest mod I like, and unloading that would make the game almost vanilla, and I didn't want to do that. But I might try that, just to see if that fixes it. Thank you for your reply.
  3. I'm not positive on this, as I haven't done it myself, but I believe Wyre Bash lets you export some of those things from one mod and import them into another. I would google it and go to it's webpage to double check. I've tried using Wyre Bash a bit myself to try and solve an unrelated issue I'm having, but haven't had any luck yet.
  4. Anybody? Even some suggestions of things to try that I haven't would be welcome!
  5. Hello everyone, I hope I am posting this in the correct section. I have a number of mods installed, and have tried uninstalling and reinstalling several of them in order to fix this issue, but it has not worked. I have also tried running the game without any of the mods I could think of that would cause this problem, such as the weapon/armor mods and the spell mods. I have run ReProccer as well. I will include a screen shot of my installed mods. I have also run BOSS to make sure load orders are good. And tweaked if necessary according to the mod designer's page. The problem is as the title says: whenever I attack with certain weapons, but not all, the screen will fade out to go completely black until I stop attacking, And by attack, I mean striking a person. I can swing it around all I want as long as I'm not hitting a person/monster/animal/whatever. Hitting objects does nothing as well. then it will fade back in. This only happens with certain weapons, such as the Nightengale Blade or Malog Bal's mace. Obviously, I haven't tested it with every single weapon in the game, but I do have other weapons I have no problem attacking with. They function normally, and my screen does not fade out while attacking. Has anybody else had this problem? I would definitely appreciate some help, as I love both of those weapons I listed. Hopefully, I'm not a dumba** and missed something really stupid. Thank you all for your time.
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