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About andbressan

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  1. Hello guys. Exists a way to merge 2, 3, 4 etc mods in one file? Thanks.
  2. @scorrp10 Yeah, I think I'll have to make a new game just to be able to test my mod. I tried the "reloadscript" console command but apparently it's not working.
  3. @IsharaMeradin You're right, I hadn't thought of that. The script is already running... :confused: Is there any way via console to reset the script?
  4. @scorrp10 Thank you for the tips. I will do the tests.
  5. Hey guys. I'm working on a simple mod, but it's giving me a headache. In summary, I'm trying to add a perk via script but I don't know why the hell it's not working. I'm adding lines of code into the original Bethesda script. Scriptname DA02CuirassScript extends ObjectReference {Script on the DA02Cuirass base object.} Quest Property DA02 Auto Spell Property DA02ArmorAbility Auto Perk Property BoethiahGrace Auto {Default = DA02BoethiahGracePerk.} ;This script assumes that the only way to get the armor is to kill the champion. If this assumption becomes incorrect, we will likely need handling and extra objectives for seperating out the killing and getting of Armor ;Event OnContainerChanged(ObjectReference akNewContainer, ObjectReference akOldContainer) ; ; ; Debug.Trace(self + "OnContainerChanged()") ; ; if DA02.GetStageDone(20) ;Boethiah told the player to do this because he slayed his friend and killed all the cultists at the shrine - if not, stage 20 will poll to see if the player has the armor ; if DA02.GetStageDone(30) == false && akNewContainer == Game.GetPlayer() ; ; Debug.Trace(self + "OnContainerChanged() now in player's inventory.") ; DA02.SetStage(30) ; EndIf ; EndIf ;EndEvent Event OnEquipped(Actor akActor) IF akActor == Game.GetPlayer() IF !akActor.HasPerk(BoethiahGrace) IF akActor.AddPerk(BoethiahGrace) Debug.Notification("Boethiah's Grace added!") ELSE Debug.Notification("Unable to add Boethiah's Grace perk.") ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ; Debug.Trace(self + "OnEquipped()") if DA02.GetStageDone(30) ;player's killed everyone at the bandit lair if DA02.GetStageDone(40) == false && akActor == Game.GetPlayer() ; Debug.Trace(self + "OnEquipped() by player.") DA02.setstage(40) endIf EndIf ;akActor.AddSpell(DA02ArmorAbility) -- handled directly by enchantment on the armor EndEvent Event OnUnequipped(Actor akActor) IF akActor == Game.GetPlayer() IF akActor.HasPerk(BoethiahGrace) IF akActor.RemovePerk(BoethiahGrace) Debug.Notification("Boethiah's Grace removed!") ELSE Debug.Notification("Unable to remove Boethiah's Grace perk.") ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ; Debug.Trace(self + "OnUnequipped()") ;akActor.RemoveSpell(DA02ArmorAbility) -- handled directly by enchantment on the armor EndEvent The script itself works, the problem is that the variable (property) "BoethiahGrace" is always empty (null) even if I set a value (content), so, the "IF akActor.AddPerk(BoethiahGrace)" function always returns FALSE. I have tried several ways to solve the problem but without success. Help will be welcome.
  6. Hi. I'm trying to run the game with FOSE installed but I get an error message. I'm running the game through Epic. Anyone have an idea what it could be?
  7. Hello guys! I finished the DLC Automatron missions, rebuilds the body for Jezebel, but she doesn't use the Mesmetron attack. I am using this mod https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/17127 Has anyone had this problem?
  8. Has anyone seen this? It happened yesterday in my gameplay.
  9. Hello everyone. Well, I'm unsure how I add perks to an NPC in CK. I must follow the same way as if it was the player? For example: I want add the "Light Foot" perk to a NPC, I must add first "Stealth00" (rank 1), after "Muffled Movement" and finally "Light Foot" or can I put directly "Light Foot"? Thanks!
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